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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I think it would look better if it didn't flash to red every cycle.. just keep it blue and have the one block moving left to right. Also, is there a way to maybe make it the same size as the font so it's not just 'half' the selection?
  2. My dad used to work at a small repair shop and they would sneak unopened games for the Atari's to their back room and dump the rom onto a floppy disk. You could store like 20 roms on one floppy. Then they would reseal the package and you would never know the difference because they had a factory-class sealing rig. So if my DAD could do it, whats to stop other people? So what Adultery said about being a cart dumper/scener may actually be pretty close to what he's doing. But still, Dad resealed the games and put them back on the shelf. If this guy is a dumper, with a factory resealer, why go through the trouble of keeping the originals. I dunno, it's still an iffy story, and even if I had the money I probably would bid. Got that whole montra of "You're just as guilty buying stolen stuff as the person is who stole it, whether you knew or not."
  3. Looks cool enough. I never played any Phantasy Star games though. I was suckered into Final Fantasy instead.
  4. Heh does that say "High Resolution Video Cartridge?" Lol!
  5. I also notice you have a space in your rom path.. You have it as E:\Emulators\Emulators\Snes\Roms\Snes English.. try putting quotes around it... "E:\Emulators\Emulators\Snes\Roms\Snes English" That might or might not fix it. Windows is kinda buggy like that, not liking folders/paths with spaces in them unless they're in quotes. Something else... does your emulator load, and play the selected ROM in GameEx? If my theory about the quotation marks is correct, I'm willing to bet they don't load either. Try renaming the folder to Snes_English instead of with the space and see if that makes a difference too. Other than that, there's the obvious question of "Do you even have the videos?"
  6. My Theories.. Either: 1) The guy works(ed) at a warehouse/retail store and stole these over time. 2)The guy is a hoarder and collected all these, spending tons of money, ruining his life and having his wife leave him, so he's under court order to sell all his stuff to get his life back, but his wife will still not come back. No way this guy just has these laying around in his garage, unopened, unplayed just because he wanted them. There's gotta be another side to this. Either he is directly involved with the theft, or happened upon them while cleaning out a storage unit or something. Personally, I'm happy with just playing them as I am now. I wouldn't want to OWN these. I have no where to put them. Even for bragging rights, who would care... I mean REALLY?
  7. You can run GameEx in a window then the print screen key will work.. You'll just have to go into your photoshop-ish program and crop out your desktop.
  8. I love Brainiac. I wish it was still on. I have all the episodes on my server and still watch them.
  9. Damn Adultery! Take a break man, go out an enjoy the sweltering heat and play some games or something. Wasting away coding stuff might be fun, but give yourself a break! Looks cool though and very helpful for would-be developers.
  10. Cool. I really need to get a copy of Xpadder. Also, I need to get a wired Xbox360 controller. Seems to be everybody's favorite. Since I don't have either, and don't really have any major need for it ATM, I can't really offer my help. I will, however, offer my congrats on another fine and useful app creation! Maybe one day I'll find use for it.
  11. Glad its working. Look forward to seeing how it turns out.
  12. hansolo77

    how long

    Yeah I was about to say immediate, glad you found it.
  13. Glad you got it approved and active. Will definetly help out the group.
  14. I think a few extra sub forums would be really helpful, at least for clearing up clutter. A 'side' projects forum for people to post things that would help the community but isn't a direct GameEx utility would be nice, like support for all Adultery's works-in-progress. Also, a forum dedicated to just themes would be nice too. People could post all their works, with stickys about the competition, how to use the theme maker, how to use GIMP/PhotoShop, etc. Would really help clear out all the mess and leave the general support forum for specific GameEx engine issues.
  15. Don't got anything witty to say so I'll leave it simple. Happy Birthday.
  16. Yeah I had a thread here somewhere for it, but that one there with the pictures is all I could find. It's all good now though, got brand new stuff to replace it all.
  17. Should probably belong in the Social forum, but this is just too good to pass up. Disney's latest feature animation movie... Wreck-It Ralph. Watch the trailer, you'll understand why I posted it http://disney.go.com/wreck-it-ralph/?cmp=NLC-FOB|wir|theatrical|WIR|primary|wirlogo|060612|||synMovInTheatM|
  18. You know what would make those logos look even cooler? If they were animated a bit. Just something simple like having the left side come forward then back again, a kinda rotation thing but on the z-axis if that makes sense. Then you could have the 'reflection' bit be more active. Anyway... love the theme, looks great!
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