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All my products and services are free. All my costs are met by donations I receive from my users. If you enjoy using any of my products, please donate to support me. Thank you for your support. Tom Speirs



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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Only thing I noticed right away was the ads. I appreciate the reasoning behind them though, so I'm not super irked about it. As long as you keep them linked to safe sites. There's one forum I go to that locks up even your clicks, so you get a popup to some unknown spam site as soon as you click a link to read a topic. This seems quietly out of the way though.
  2. I got some pictures of the fire posted here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/10191-hansolo77s-fire-pictures/
  3. My birthday like 3 years ago involved a fire in my house and my losing most everything. I'd take moving over that any day.
  4. LOL! Just realized I didn't offer my happy birthday wishes either. Hope it was a good one!
  5. MAN! Everytime I see one of these pinball cabs it makes me want to build one. Nice job!
  6. Even what you did for this is more than I have even attempted. I just can't think of any ideas for a theme. I'm sure I could figure out the editor and stuff with all the help that's been available here. It's just a matter of coming up with an original idea, and not something simple like changing the background art.
  7. These look great! I might just have to switch out all Draco's Logo's (heaven forbid).
  8. I don't have any military history in my family, but I still like to pause a moment and have a silent prayer for those people who have lost loved ones keeping our country safe.
  9. Thanks guys! Draco you're a messed up freak! LOL. Everybody feel free to have drinks on me, and drink mine too. Today was good enough for a birthday. It sucks when it falls on a holiday cause you can't get the day off from work. And today was one day that would have been nice to have off... Only 2 people all day, running a Deli in the grocery store on a fricken holiday. Go figure. >.> oh well. Thanks anyway for the kind words guys!
  10. Thanks guys. I just felt bad I didn't participate in the alcohol part. I'll break down and try some eventually. I saw at work they got these mini bottles of Kahlua 10/$10, so I might just grab one of those next time I have a day off.
  11. THREAD HIJACKING I actually feel really bad about it. A good friend and coworker committed suicide Sunday morning this week, and we had a bonfire get-together to remember him. There was beer, and they all drank a shot of his favorite (Southern Comfort). I drank a sip of bottled water with the toasts. I just feel so disrespectful.
  12. Thats just all there is to it! I'm gonna be 32 on Monday (Memorial Day in the US), and I've never even had a beer, let alone something harder. Not even wine coolers. I'm gonna have to get something on my birthday. Too bad I have to work though. Who wants to come over and send me off?
  13. You can post them on a photosharing site like Photobucket, then use the links they provide for sharing on the forums. I've also used Imageshack for sharing.
  14. Thanks for the updates Tom!
  15. Yeah air flow isn't a problem. I have a huge vent (no fan) on the top of the case, one (no fan) on the left side with the tuner cards, one (no fan) on right side by the power supply, and one (no fan) between the powersupply and the front of the case. In addition, I have a fan directly underneath the hard drives to pull in cool air through them on the front left. Then I have 2 70mm fans on the back directly over the motherboard (My case is a desktop style/horizontal HTPC case). There is ample room around the processor, and I have all the cables and such scrunched up either at the front of the case, or down underneath the motherboard so there's nothing near the processor or ram at all. The processor I'm using is an Intel Core2Duo Dual Core E6600 @ 2.40gHz. The heatsink/fan combo the guy sent me came in a box for an Intel Core2Duo Dual Core E8400 @ 3gHz - 45 nanometers. I would think with the newer the processor, the more heat it would generate, but I think that was all the hype about the new 45nm chips that they don't cause as much heat. So thats what I got. Also, I'm not overclocking, never quite saw the need to do so. I went into the BIOS upon reinstall of the new heatsink and checked the temps. At starting load, it was around 40c. I haven't checked it under full load yet. But, I configured the BIOS to send out an audible alarm if the cpu temp goes above 60c (thats the default lowest temp I can set, I can go as high as 100c in 10-degree increments). So far, it hasn't gone off, so I think I'm ok.
  16. Thanks for the updates!
  17. Thanks for the quickie!
  18. Ok, so I mentioned I broke the pushpins for my heatsink on my processor. Today I got my replacement in the mail that I ordered from ebay. It was $10, new in box. Surprisingly, all the guy did was take the processor out of the box on the shelf, tape it up, slap the mailing label on it, and shipped it like that. It arrived fine, not damaged or anything. However, the box shows it was for a 45nm processor. The width of the heatsink is like half as thick as the one that I was using is. The ebay listing doesn't mention this at all, just that it's LGA775 compatible. The fan and everything is ok though. I'm concerned though about the heat transfer. Because it's half as thick, does that mean it's gonna get hotter quicker? Is this a bad thing? It has a fan on it too, and the BIOS is setup to control the fan speed as needed. Would the processor be ok with this heatsink?
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