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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I downloaded but never played the v1 that was released about a month ago. Nice to see though that there were bugs and they were fixed. Look forward to getting and hopefully playing this one. Oh, and that link back to this thread was funny. HEHEH
  2. I always wanted to learn how to program. Seems way to complicated to me though. WAAAAY back in the day I learned BASIC via my Atari 800. Dad had a few books that I went though and just copied lines of code word for word of premade stuff just to get a feel. Then my own day came when I got an TI-85 graphic calculator and I spent my whole high school time programming TI-BASIC games. Very rudementary stuff, you can't have more than one thing happening at a time for animations and stuff, so the games really sucked. Then something came around that you uploaded to your calc to allow you to run Assembly language games. The benefit to that was the games were in binary and took up a LOT less space, plus you could have animations and other things all happening at once. I never did anything with it though because I got the zShell mod from somebody else who got it from somebody else, etc. Nobody had the PC->Calc wire required to transfer new games to it. So we all shared the same stuff. I spent some time reading up on Assembly because I was going to just rig my own custom cable, but I graduated before anything ever happend about it. Since that time though, I did spend a little time learning a programming language similar to C# that was used to program MUD rooms. I joined a MUD that was in production and was given the oppertunity to be an admin and create my own 'area'. So I spent a lot of time building rooms that the player would experience, like InfoCom typing adventures. I had to make descriptions and details of actions, etc. It was all in a language similar to what C# looks like. You had to have .includes and what not. But aside from that, I really have no other experience. I always wanted to get back into it, and know there's lots of stuff out there. Trouble is, I don't have the patience to sit and read a book that explains it to you. I seem to learn more by disecting already made code and making my own tweaks. Thats how I learned basic HTML. Now theres PHP that I'd like to learn too, but it just looks so complicated. On the PC side of things, theres Visual Basic, C##, PASCAL, etc etc, way to much to get involved with. Anywho, keep it up Adultery! Master it.
  3. Interesting... Is there anything you CAN'T do?
  4. And here I was going to say Sega Genesis with their Sega Channel. You guys went way farther back. I was on the right track, thinking it had to have a modem/flash rom built in. I didn't know older consoles had something similar. I knew the PC's of the day (Commodore, Atari 800, Amiga, etc) all had modems, but you specified console, so I didn't even think about those.
  5. I might get the audio book. Looks like it's read by Wil Hweaton. (Note the emphasis on the H )
  6. Sounds interesting, too bad I don't have the ability to sit and focus long enough to read a book. I'll wait for the movie.
  7. Wow thanks guys! "Unexpected this is". I'm suprised Adultery remembers all the things I've done to try to help out, like the emulator setups and the fire. Nice to know somebody out there cares. And the little jab Adultery did was hilarious. Thanks again guys.
  8. Thanks again for your hard work Tom!
  9. Wow 2 updates in 1 day; I'll just say thanks here.
  10. It requires a bit of research. I only use MESS on consoles that don't have their own stand alone emulators. Using a stand alone give you better emulation most of the time because its dedicated for that system alone, and is (usually) updated by a communtiy that shares in that dedication.
  11. I'd have to agree with Draco. Like with the movie analogy, there is a little copyright blurb at the beginning of movies that say nothing can be reused in whole or in part, including the soundtrack. It also says its for personal use only and can't be retransmitted or used in public places. The thing about arcades though, I think you could only get away with it if the ROMs are available in Public Domain. Its a good idea though. If you REALLY want to pursue, I'd get legal advice.
  12. There shouldn't be multiples, unless you're referring to the different regions. There are different versions of ROMs depending on where it is sourced from, like USA, Europe, Japan, etc. Also, there are different versions based on the version of game, like 1.0, 2.0, etc. You need to go through and get rid of the ones you don't want, or keep them all like I did (too lazy).
  13. Sweet, I think I already have it though. I have some version on my shelf, let me go look.....Yep! Atomic Edition! It was the game of the 90's for me after Doom. Best part was the strippers "Shake it Baby... wanna dance?" I remember it fondly. It's sitting right next to another classic, Hexen II. I'm surprised I still have it. I have the Duke Nukem Xbox Arcade Game, but I haven't played anymore than the first 2 levels, anybody know if its the full Atomic Version?
  14. Yeah no cell phone here, remember my other thread: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/12097-cellphones/ I'll put a note on my Windows though about it.
  15. Looks like you extracted wrong. You probably held down the right mouse button, dragged to the new folder, and selected "Extract All Into Seperate Folders"... you want to select "Extract All Here". That will put all the roms in 1 folder.
  16. Cool, I only wish I still had my Netflix streaming account. I thought it sucked that they split the plans, making me pay more than I was before for the same content. Plus, Netflix's streaming library REALLY sucked... has it gotten better?
  17. Yeah I'm friends with Draco and Adultery, although we've never played together. Adultry seems obsessed with Minecraft. I think it's his kids probably. My tag is ChewVodka. I usually just play Halo games on Live. Or some Pinball FX2.
  18. Blast from the past, 2 great games in 1. Can't wait! Sombody needs to alert the forum when that day is here so we don't forget!
  19. You mean about the downloading? Its not illegal to download tv shows, unless they're on premium networks like HBO (which I don't have) and as for movies, they're only things I've ripped so I don't have to go and find the dvd's for them. Thanks for the kindly reminder though, always good to keep on your toes.
  20. I'm actually more best of both worlds. Personally, I don't have a cable box and just get basic cable (74 channels of all the primary stuff). Shows on other channels I download directly to my server using RSS feeds. My server also houses a ton of TV shows I've downloaded complete series/seasons of, plus a lot of movies and music, and pictures, etc. Dad on the other hand is paying for the full blown HD Digital package (although I don't understand why). He doesn't have an HD tv, and is infact using a small like 30-inch tv. He was under the impression that he could only get a DVR cablebox if he ordered the digital package, and they offered him HD at no cost for 3-months, then he never dropped it. We have our tv/phone/internet bundled for a discount, although I keep telling him to drop the phone and get cell phones (see my other thread). We never use the phone except when a bill collect calls or we need to order a prescription refill from the drugstore. For the internet side of things, we're paying for the absolute lowest speed they offer, and we don't even get it. Our throughput is something like 1mb down and 60k up, but we're paying for 10mb and 1mb, as thats the slowest speeds available. We've called them about it and they says it's our distance from their server. We had better speeds when we had DSL. When we had the fire a few years ago, we lived across the street and had a different cable provider, and were getting 15mb down easy. Unfortunately they're not available on this side of the street .... So until dad realizes he's paying way to much for less, we'll just have to live with it. But for me, I'm just using cable-ready with my Media Center (and it's 6 SD and 4 HD tuners ) and my server for everything else.
  21. Do they charge for having the phone active on top of minutes? Thats what took me out of the market years ago because I added $5 to my phone, didn't use it (Should have been 50mins) then on day 6 it sayd there was no time left because they charged me 99c a day to have it active regardless if I used it or not.
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