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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Yeah I was thinking about the Fire too. Being like you said, best of both worlds. I never really played around with any of them. Usually when I go to the stores like Best Buy, those devices are either surrounded by a bunch of kids, or some old person trying to figure it out while being completely lost and the sales rep trying to make a commission from the sale. I went to just LOOK at one, and got stopped by 3 people wanting to know if I needed help, etc, so I just left. I don't wanna feel pressured, put on the spot, or told what device I want. I'm that way about cell phones too. I really want one, and it's getting more and more evident that I NEED one, but when it comes to finding the one for me, I'm totally lost. Everybody has their favorite and can't say anything good about the others. As for a comic reader... I prefer to read them in hand, physically. I had a comic reader app for my iPod, and I didn't like the way it formatted. When you were zoomed out to full page view, you can't read the text. But when you zoom in to read it, you can't see the art. So I like the actual physical paper comics. Which kinda sucks because everything is going digital, and there's rumors being spread around that the comic book makers may soon be going 100% digital only.
  2. I had tried that once as well, but it all boils down to the fact that you really only play 1 table out of the set as it is. I went through and just kept all the most recent versions from each maker; ie..when there was 1 author I kept his most recent, if there were more than 1 i kept the most recent from each author. My list may be a little long because of some dupes, but you don't really need 12 copies of the same table when they're all the same except for some minor (or major) bug fixes and new features. This is the dilema a lot of people have when they're getting setup for the first time with other emulators as well. They think the GoodMerge set is the best way to go because they get EVERYTHING with it. While thats true, most of the stuff are older versions of the ROMs that are buggy, or in a different language and you can't play, or hacks and mods to the original that while may be fun aren't the original game you're looking for. That's why most of us upgraded from GoodMerge to a NoIntro set. It has all the games without all the extra crap nobody wants. I think if you did a little pruning on the weekend, you could clear up a lot of junk in the tables like older versions you don't need, and your list won't be nearly as bad as you think. As for a bug forum; there's not really anything in place. There is a place for requests and ideas, but if its an all out BUG, we generally just post it in the main forum using [bUG] in the topic and Tom can look at it and figure out what went wrong.
  3. So I may be intersted in getting an eBook reader. There's a lot to choose from. It's hard to make a decision. I don't necessarily want to be handed a definitive "GET THIS ONE" but I'd like to at least hear what people's thoughts are about them that have them. I know some of them are much more powerful than they need to be, like fricken iPad's and other tablets being capable of games etc. Then there's lowend stuff like Amazon Kindle. I'm just curious what people think would be a good one for me to get.
  4. Here I thought you were opening up a thread to discuss comicbooks. I for one would never give out my codes, for the mere fact that they may one day be collectable (in 100 years maybe) and having that little sticker covering the code removed may decrease it's value. Now if you wanna talk comics... I started reading in the early 90's. I got all caught up in the Marvel hoopla when they had the X-Men Animated series. I fell in love with it after 2 episodes. I was only like 12 at the time, but it struck a nerve with me and I had to get more. So I got Dad to buy me a couple comics at the comic shop. He of course had to read them too because he liked to read comics when he was my age. One thing led to another, and I started spending my allowance money on all kinds of X-Titles like X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Cable, Wolverine, etc. I couldn't get enough. Then Marvel decided to launch a massive cross title crossover event called "Age of Apocalypse". Being only 12-13 I couldn't get my puny head around the new comic names (they all changed titles) and the new characters (same guys, but the good ones were bad, and vice versa). It was just too much for me to cope with, so I stopped reading. Of course when the event was over, everything went back to normal. But by then, I had lost interest and went on to playing Magic the Gathering for awhile before I got bored with that too. So YEARS went by and I always remembered how much I enjoyed reading comics. I wanted to go back and start reading again. So eventually I convinced myself to just go and buy some. I went to my local shop and bought up the usuals, X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Uncanny X-Force, Wolverine, (Cable was Gone), X-23, Daken. I was impressed with how much the art and story had progressed, but a little shocked at how quickly I read through each issue. It's like they put less dialog in them now. But when I was reading them, I had a lot of questions. For instance, when I stopped reading, Wolverine had bone claws, now they're metal again? And whats the deal with Magneto, he's a good guy now? So I asked the shop guy and he said there was a LOT I had missed, and the best way to catch up would be to buy some trade paperbacks. He recommended House of M (a story which basically got rid of all the mutants in the world except for a few in a protected bubble). I loved it. He also recommended Civil War, which was a good story, but not specifically X-Men. I'm all about X-Men. Avengers are 'ok' but I like the constant drama involving all the human intolerance to mutants. I haven't bought ANY DC comics. Anyway, I've since bought up the trade paperback collections of Age of Apocalypse because I wanted to read it now that I'm older and can actually follow and understand whats going on. It's was pretty good, and it led right into another saga I JUST FINISHED reading called Onslaught (Xavier wiped Magnetos mind (I remembered reading that when I was 12) and so Magneto's anger and hate combined with Xavier's telepathic powers created an awesome villain). Now I'm reading a Hardback of X-Cutioner's Song which was the event just finishing up when I started reading in the 90's. I had bought like the last 3 issues of the crossover as part of my normal issue buying, now I can get the whole story. Up next is something called Supernova with a picture of Roge on the cover, and then "The Rise and Fall of the ShiAr Empire." After that I got "Messiah Complex", "Manifest Destiny", "Messiah War", "Second Coming", and "The Birth of Generation Hope." The Messiah and Hope stories were all recommended in the comic book issues I was currently reading, as they were about to bring out the whole Avengers vs Xmen event into play, and they were suggested back stories, so I bought them. After all that, I do have a Hardback of "Avengers/Invaders" that I got for 3 bucks (retail probably $35) when my comic book store was moving and he was discounting a lot of his old stock. All in all, I'm thrilled to be back in the groove of reading comics. I also found that there are 3 people I work with (different departments) that also read comics, so it's cool that I can talk to them about it and have discussions with them. Sooooo... if you read the X-Men/Avenger stuff, what do you think about the whole AvsX event? I liked it, but I'm not to thrilled about the whole team-up events taking place in the A+X stuff. I'm also not that thrilled about Cyclops turning bad, but I never liked him anyway (Wolverine was always my favorite). I'm really excited about what's going on with the 'All New X-Men' with Beast going back in time and bringing the original teenage X-Men to the present to show Cyke what a douche he's turned out to be. Good stuff!
  5. I think that device is coolest looking thing. I'd love to get my hands on one just to play around with it and get totally geeked out.
  6. I agree. It's always nice to help the less fortunate when you yourself weren't as directly affected. It shows real character and telling people about it lets me know more about the kind of person you are. This is why I love this community. When we had the fire a few years ago, I got a lot of support from you guys, and a couple of you donated to my paypal account to help with costs of replacing things (like my shoes that I finally replaced a few weeks ago). Its always sad to hear of things happening to people when it's outside their control, but also nice to hear when people do something positive about it. Keep up the good work pal and let us know how things go.
  7. An African or Euopean swallow? Heh classic Monty Python. I gotta go back and watch my DVD's... I got Holy Grail, Life of Brian, and Meaning of Life. But to answer your question, its a simple question of weight ratios. Somebody actually did a study and report about it: http://style.org/unladenswallow/ But thats just getting White and Nerdy http://youtu.be/N9qYF9DZPdw
  8. I think the major benefit of updating to a new operating system would come in the way the OS handles program requests. This would include things like more recent .net and directX support. It's always nice to have the latest OS anyway. I never upgraded to Windows 8 though because this is my Media Center as well, and I have no use for touch screen support on a 42-inch LCD. Another advantage (or disadvantage) is the added ability of tech support. A lot of bugs have been fixed (but then theres always new ones) and Windows XP is probably close to expiring its MS support. I know Windows 95 and 98 are already listed as no longer supported. So you may be ahead to upgrade just for the added support capabilities. However, XP is stable, and has always been the most stable of any Windows OS. I've only had Windows 7 lock up on me twice, and usually it wasn't the OS but rather a memory hogging application that just froze the computer. It really depends on your necessities. Another advantage to upgrading is the compatibility with newer hardware. But if you just plan on using this as an emulator machine for MAME and older consoles, you're fine with XP (or even 95 for that matter) and then need to upgrade for more heavy emulations like Dolphin and actual PC gaming.
  9. Why don't you just unzip the tables so they're already in the fpt format and good to go? They shouldn't be that big.
  10. I just wanted to chime in here and say congratulations as well. I meant to do it sooner but I have no exuse other than I forgot. A well deserved promotion.
  11. Thanks guys! KRC; that thong would look sick on me (not the good kinda sick). I always considered myself more or less an honorary member of the elite class. Never really spoke up about wanting it or anything. I'm glad to help out when I can and when it IS something I can. Back when I was member of the month, I noticed some links back to some threads I had started a long time ago about the proper way to setup different emulators and configure them to work in GameEx. I had never really completed that (I had a checklist going for it). Maybe now that I'm elite status I should consider going back in and re-addressing them and finishing them up proper. I dunno. Work takes a lot out of me, and I rarely have time to participate much in the gaming aspects of which GameEx was built upon. As you can see in my signature, I haven't played anything new since I setup Dolphin and was expirementing with different games on it. In fact, I haven't even ran GameEx in probably 3-4 months. I know thats probably the last thing you wanna hear from a guy who just got promoted, but I feel like I need to justify myself. There's still a lot of work to do on my own adoption of the emulator setup and I haven't forgotten about it. I really want to get back in there and play more games, Lord knows I have enough to keep me busy till I die. But I will never leave the community here, I think there's a lot of good people who can answer just about anything (even if its not GameEx related) and I'm glad to consider myself a part of it. - Aaron ps; Tauntaun's are actually about the same temperature as humans. They're mammals, which means they're warm blooded, but they don't really do well in the cold. They actually get warm by breathing in air through the 2 main nostrils of their 4 nostril noses, and the nostrils warm up the air. For more great details, check out the Star Wars Wookieepedia: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tauntaun For a simpler answer, maybe this will answer your question:
  12. Glad to hear everything is ok. Hard to believe a tornado in the middle of winter, but stranger things have happened. Thanks for checking in with us letting us know you're safe!
  13. I've never drank a sip of beer or any other alcohol in my life, and i'm 32! I've asked people which beer I should try first, but everybody has their own favorites and I always get different answers. I think I'll just say forever sober; it's definately cheeper that way.
  14. I agree; 1 day off in what, 7 years or so? It's deserved. I think what confused him most was that there was no immediate response to his inquiries from the 1 person that has the control to fix it. From what I understand, techsoft is just the business name, yet it is still owned and operated by one man. There are supporters, providers of content, and what not, but when it comes down to it, Tom is the only one in charge. And I agree with null; Tom is an amazing guy and is not going to rip you off. I seem to recall somebody getting charged twice by accident because the customer didn't think the first charge went though, but Tom was able to refund him as soon as he saw the issue. I myself had an issue when my hard drive died and I had to reinstall fresh on a new drive but had lost my key; Tom was real quick to email me a new one.
  15. I always thought XBMC stood for Xbox Media Center, and was used as a way to have a media center like interface on the original xbox. After looking at the website though, it looks like I was way wrong. Looks a lot like a media center 'wannabe' like GameEx, and Media Browser. I wish I would have looked into it sooner, since I already bought Media Browser. Oh well. If I ever get a device like a tablet, I'll definately look to putting it on there.
  16. I had a blog on my Home Server but it's kinda fallen into ruin. I was real active on it for about a month, updating it daily like a journal. Trouble was, nobody knew about it, and I included links to it in my forum signatures and everything. I think I've had like 4 hits since I started it. So I kinda gave up on it. Nobody was really interested in the crap I talked about. It also became a hassle to just go back every now and then just to make a post. Just didn't see the need to.
  17. You lost me at Action Script. I always thought Flash was a good tool for animating but I was never really good at it. I wanted to do some stuff with it but couldn't figure out things like adding audio and linking clicks to functions to open other pages or other things inside the flash. Still, that is a neat little animation.
  18. hansolo77

    Uh oh

    Its because the gameex key is a registry modification, not a file or setting in the gameex folder. Email Tom and he'll get you a new key. For future reference, you should keep the key someplace safe. I emailed mine to myself and keep it on the email server in a 'saved' folder so I never lose it.
  19. Oh yeah, I hear ya. I especially hate when games become Game of the Year and they release that, repacked with all the expansions made available. I bought Grand Theft Auto 4, then the 2 expansions, then they came out with the GOTY and it had everything included. Luckily when I picked up Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion, it was the GOTY version. But there's tons of other things too. Like, you're playing Halo 4 and just can't get ahead no matter what you try because the other guys on the other team have mods like aimbots and impenatrable armor, and 1 shot kills. I felt like I was in a game of SWAT once, but it was just regular slayer; i couldn't kill anybody but the other guys were up 20 kills on me. So after the game, I go through the process of reporting them for system hacking, cheating, and report their user rating negatively for unsporting conduct. Yet it doesn't seem to effect anybody. It's like they don't listen to user's complaints at all, and just let the automated systems make the call, whether it's legit or not. There was this one guy who had over 100,000 gamerscore once, and his icon that says how long he's been an XBL member only said 1. Thats 1 year. How is that possible? And yet, I'm the one that gets his gamerscore reset because I only connect to XBL maybe once a week and spend the rest of my time on my modded box that doesn't go online. Microsoft is realy digging their own grave. And when they came out with Windows 8, I haven't seen hardly ANYBODY buying it because it's completely useless with a mouse, which most people still use. I want to see a game console that's not based on any huge monopolizing company. Something like a Linux system would be cool, although I don't know anything about Linux (always wanted to learn though). I here there's a new console coming out called the Ouya (http://www.ouya.tv/) which is a build on the Android OS. So that might be something to look forward to. I dunno, I just feel like the more MS sucks and cheat people, the more userbase they're gonna lose. And whats up with charging people a GOLD membership just to use Netflix, when you can get Netflix for free (with a streaming membership) on your computer, TV, phone, and Playstation? LAME.
  20. I agree completely about their gouging the pockets for DLC and what not. Thats why I have 2 xbox 360's. One is legit, and the other I've modded. I buy games that I want to play online, and feel are worth the money. But some DLC is just flat out rediculous and stupid to pay for. Like when The Force Unleashed 2's Endor DLC came out, people were furious about the cost and the fact that it only added about 10 minutes more of content. Eventually they knocked the price way down and offered people refunds for it. I was one of the upset people. It was something like 1600 MS Points and all it added was one little stage, about 5 new achievments, and then it was over. Some of the other stuff they try to charge people for is crazy too, like all their Avatar gear and dashboard skins. It's funny too because their dashboard has now upgraded to what they call METRO, and if you have an old BLADE style skin, it's completely incompatable. I purchased like 4 dashboad skins back when they had the tab interface (after blade, before metro) and all they do now is change the background and you can't even see it because of the new way they skin. And the Metro interface was a mandatory update, and yet they offered no reimbursement for breaking their older content. Then there's stuff like on Batman Arkham Asylum where you can play as Joker on the PS, but you have to BUY the expansion on MS, and then it didn't work. Anyway, I had a whole lot more to say, but the autosave didn't save it and I accidentally hit the back button on my keyboard. So my rant is now over. MS sucks. Modding for the win.
  21. Just thought I'd add a little post to this. My Gamescore got reset last week for no reason. According to their help site, it would have only been reset after careful examination and 100% proof modding the achievment list took place. I don't know what they think I did, but I definately didn't do that. I've been a Live subscriber for over 4 years, and worked very hard to earn my 30,000+ gamerscore. I've seen people with over 100,000 that have only been on Xbox Live for like 1 or maybe 2 years. I don't see how they can get away with obvious modding, and they reset me for being legit. The worst part is, they block you from being able to re-earn the achievements again. That's just dumb. I'm over it now, gonna just keep playing and continue earning legit as before. What I'm pissed about now is that I've posted 3 messages to their support forum asking for details and they require moderator approval prior to posting (which hasn't happened yet) so it's like they're ignoring me.
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