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Everything posted by headkaze

  1. I'm having trouble locating this bug. Kenpachi can you please copy the attached CPWizard.exe over yours and then try exporting bezel again. It should show an "ERRORCODE: n" this time in the log file when it errors out. This will help me locate the exact line of error. CPWizard.zip
  2. Yeah that is definately a bug, I'll look into it when I get a chance.
  3. A drop down list of all the keywords, yeah good idea. I'll look into adding that next release.
  4. I was just saying since neogeo ROM's all have the same parent you can set up an entry for it in default.cfg and it will mean any Neo Geo game will use those mappings. Easier than doing each game manually.
  5. This sounds like a bug to me! Kenpatchi after you do an "Export Bezel" can you check your CPWizard.log file. I bet there is an error in there. If you can post the error I can fix it in the next version.
  6. Does CPWizard not display the correct labels? Is that what your saying? CPWizard should read your ctrlr (if you have one) and all cfg's for each game. Then it should use that information to display labels correctly. So it shouldn't matter which way you have your controls remapped it should take that into account. If it's not working correctly then it's either a bug or some other problem.
  7. Take a look at this controls.xml entry <player number="1" numButtons="2"> <controls> <control name="8-way Joystick"> <constant name="joy8way"/> </control> </controls> <labels> See where is says <control name="8-way Joystick"> well it checks if the keyword is contained inside the control name. Now that I'm thinking about this, maybe it would be better to use the constant name? I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve the way CPWizard works, but I need it to be explained in great detail with examples, and games to test etc. Some of Mame's control mapping system is still confusing to me. There are probably ways I can improve on these things.
  8. Which elements and locations are not saved? Things like this are easy to fix so it's best to report them as a bug.
  9. I have 7 buttons with the 4 NeoGeo buttons along the bottom. I just put an entry in cfg\default.cfg for NeoGeo and CPWizard displays the labels correctly. CPWizard should take any custom mappings into account. There could be problems if your Mame's ini file is not called mame.ini and located in Mame's root folder. CPWizard expects this file because it's only really meant to work with vanilla Mame.
  10. Check out the ffdshow codec pack on the main GameEx website under tools and utilities.
  11. Well I gave it a try but no response yet
  12. The patch should work for .123 but you have to select File > Export Batch in CPWizard, select Bezel then set the output path to your artwork folder in Mame. Then you don't need to run CPWizard again. Pressing pause in Mame should show your controls. Just make sure you have the correct layout set in Edit > Options > Mame > "Mame Layout". It should be no problem to do it this way. Let me know how you go.
  13. I totally forgot that CPWizard needs the -minimized command line option to start in the icon tray. Hope you don't mind bkenobi but I edited your post to add that in. Also great post I've never known that about login script's before! It seems pretty strange that I didn't know that as I thought I knew every method a file could be launched on startup.
  14. Yes good question, I've often wondered myself why CPWizard won't boot up with GameEx set as the shell. Anyway, I guess the thing to try is to use a batch file to launch them both Eg. Startup.bat @ECHO OFF start "C:\Program Files\CPWizard\CPWizard.exe -minimized" start "C:\Program Files\GameEx\GameEx.exe" Copy and paste the above into a text file and save it as Startup.bat then copy it into the root of your C: Drive. Then you can use the following reg file.. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "Shell"="C:\\Startup.bat" Copy and paste the above into a text file, save it as "SetStartup.reg" then double click it and say yes to adding it to the registry. Let me know how you go
  15. The Theme Editor doesn't control these internal things in GameEx, it really only allows the editing of the layout and various display options. And no there is no documentation for that either lol
  16. Did you read what he said? You have to press GO! again. I need to press it 3 times for the 64-bit compile to work
  17. To create a profile you go Edit > Options > Profiles. Click New to add a new profile. They can either be "PC Game" or "Emulator" types. For every PC game you have to add it's own profile because profiles are used to search if the program is running in memory using it's exe filename. This is why you don't have to send command line options to CPWizard for PC Games or Mame because it detects which game is running automatically. For other emulators there is no way of knowing what game is running unless you send the name using -game <name> command line option. Label files are used to fill labels up with the control data. In the PC.ini label file you will notice an example for Far Cry. You will need to add more games into that list to support more. Like I said eventually I want to have a collection of label files already for heaps of games. And also having a bunch of profiles for the most popular emulators already in there. That way you run CPWizard, run that emulator, press the show key and it shows the right controls for the running game. Of course for emulators besides Mame you have to send the name of the game through command line. But eventually I want to have CPWizard grab the game name from the command line using RegEx. I already have the code in place to get the command line of the running game/emulator I just need to create a simple method to extract the game name from it. After that there will be no need for sending the game name to CPWizard at all.
  18. The bug was introduced in 122u8 and fixed in 123 (seattle.c0122u8red)
  19. headkaze


    Yeah I noticed I get the same black borders too. I don't generally use that theme though so only noticed it when I installed GameEx on a new machine.
  20. I really doubt you will get much reply from this. CPWizard is quite a new application and it has no documentation. I doubt many people, if any, have created custom profiles for it yet. The best thing to do is for me to go through and create them myself one day and include them in the standard download. I also intend on doing a whole bunch of default label files so you can show controls for most popular games on most systems by default. I think the best time to do this is after NoLogic finishes up all the new emulator configs and downloads, then I can update the Setup Wizard so I can download all the emulators onto my cab. Then I can do proper testing with each emulator and create profiles for each one in CPWizard.
  21. Can you explain in more detail what you do and what happens? I've never used save states before, I thought they were automatically saved on exit then reloaded on start. Is Mame getting paused during this process? I need as much detail as you can so I can post a question on Mameworld.
  22. Yes that's actually how "Layout Override" works already. You will notice when you browse for a "Layout Override" it's for a folder not a file. In the folder you can place layouts that override the default. And yes it will look for [GameName].xml. So in the case of Mame, it will look for Layout\Mame\[rom].xml So no need to re-write anything (thankfully!). You know if you do come up with improvements or changes needed to make more sense in the document, I will try my best to accomodate you and update the software if need be.
  23. I'm probably going to have to ask Aaron to add different types of pause messages sent from Mame, so it knows when to show the CP or not.
  24. No, NoLogic is certainly his own person. How evil would I be having two logins like that? Wow scary thought if it was true! And I wonder how difficult it would be to fly to Seattle to be him then back to Perth to be me all within a few hours!
  25. Lol you wish!!! *ahem* let's be gentleman shall we.. Well I didn't know Jonathan read this forum, and it's a shame I've never actually spoken to him. Yes that's right it was RandyT who asked me for the Direct Input hack and it was RandyT who said Jonathan said it was okay to use his graphics. I've never actually got around to speaking to him directly. Do you think anyone will be buying a licence if XPAdder went shareware? Well I hope so, it's a good program, and to be honest I don't have the experience in Shareware to have an opinion on that.
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