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Everything posted by headkaze

  1. You should use the drop down list to select the IP Address for the GameExtender Server. In most cases this will be the first one in the list (Eg. This means your local machine in running as the server. Then for the GameExtender Viewer just put in this same IP address (ie. which is localhost). Just leave the default ports and make sure they match and you should be okay. Don't forget to turn on "Publish to Server" and "Enable GameExtender". To test it's working you can put in your browser when GameEx is running to test it's working.
  2. Not sure if this will work, but check out your GameEx.ini and change the following windowx=427 windowy=181 windowwidth=640 windowheight=480 Maybe it's somehow saved positions that force the window to minimize. Worth a try anyway although the matchstick violin was probably a better idea
  3. If you run the Setup Wizard you can use it's search feature to help you find the settings. Eg. Try entering "last played" and then "random" to find those two options. You can't change the order of the main menu.
  4. There is a link to this interview on the main website. And Tom codes in VB.NET not C#. It compiles to the same MSIL so it's really a matter of preference although personally I prefer C#.
  5. Isn't Vista supposed to be centered around it's search function rather than it's Start menu? I thought that would mean it's faster finding stuff?
  6. headkaze


    You don't actually need to go to the command prompt, you can open Windows Explorer and select Tools->Map Network Drive.
  7. Hehe So it was the HDD not Vista? Like blaming the dog when you fart! 8 GB holy mackerel! But I guess you will need all the RAM and CPU you can muster for running VS2008. I'm not sure if you've upgraded to it yet, I haven't. I'm glad we upgraded to .NET 2.0 and 2005 that day though, was definately worth the effort. I don't see .NET 3.0 being worthy of an upgrade for a while yet though.
  8. XP 64 all the way baby! I run Vista in a Virtual Box for testing hehe it's like keeping the naughty boy locked in a room
  9. The reason it works this way is because it needs to make a copy of a current theme and the graphics are different between V1 and V2 themes. The graphics for V1 themes were designed to be static so they had to be changed to allow for more flexibility when designing a V2 theme. You can convert V1 themes to V2 using the "Convert V1 theme to V2" pack available here
  10. I was going to suggest that, you set your paging file size to zero, reboot then set it back to default. Also do a defrag on your HDD, can't hurt. I don't have Vista so I can't say how it might differ from XP but IMHO it probably hasn't changed much in this respect.
  11. Have you tried Mr Do's cabinet set, they are much better quality than the default set.
  12. I'm not sure what to do about this post, I don't think it's breaking rules as there are no links being posted about where to get ROMs. So Jessica as long as you know it's against the rules to post links or talk about places where to download or obtain ROMs I'll let this post stay open. As far as I can tell it's a post to share lists of your favourite games. Just to be sure Jessica, perhaps you should read the Forum Guidelines and Rules
  13. Hey Tom, I've heard it's not recommended to use DirectInput for keyboard input. Instead you should use standard Windows Messages or Form events. Reasons against using DirectInput for keyboard input: * It creates a seperate thread to just read data from the keyboard using raw input (Which you can do yourself with Win32), meaning there's more overhead than just doing it yourself. * No support for keyboard repeat at the rate the user has set in the control pannel - you have to re-invent this yourself. Not too bad for game input, but a pain for GUI-style text input. * No support for capital letters and shifted characters - you have to detect caps lock / shift being held as well as your normal character. * No support for caps lock on/off; it's handled by a higher layer than DirectInput, so if someone starts your game with caps lock on, it gets confused. * More code to get the same effect as Window Messages. * It's recommended that you DON'T use it by Microsoft; Link:
  14. That's not your log file, that is "Verify Setup" in the Setup Wizard. To get the log select Start->Programs->GameEx->Log File.
  15. Holy smokes batman! Big update!
  16. Comon guys we don't mind a bit of fluff on the boards, but sometimes it's getting a bit too OT. If you want to be OT start a new thread and keep it in one place. Thanks
  17. Please stay OT Thread closed
  18. Yes, it supports up to 16 PACDrives
  19. I think in Vista you right click on an application and select to "Run as Administrator" so that should be a perminant way to have it always run that way. I always though GameEx automatically did that during it's installation procedure though. *shrugs*
  20. AEN: That is Joy to Key, but he is after Key to Joy.
  21. Oh okay, so PPJoy is still in use today, thats good to know
  22. I thought XPAdder was the next greatest thing in joy mapping software. Haven't had a chance to fully check it out yet though.
  23. It shouldn't break anything, but I did copy over my new mapping code from CPWizard so it might improve things I'm not sure. Probably not a significant improvement, but I really can't say for sure
  24. Your log says "PluginLCD 2.68". It should be 2.71. You need to copy PlugInLCD.dll to the PLUGINS folder.
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