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Everything posted by hlr53

  1. Nope, have to reboot Windows which is very strange. Restarting PBX a few times doesn't help. Maybe a loose pointer in PBX - LOL (Sorry Tom - don't even know if this is written in C++?). I have mixed feelings on updates. Prefer not to update but may miss critical security patches. Steam updates make me more nervous. During trick or treat tonight I will play with making a new video on my laptop and transfer it over. I'm betting that will fix it. Reminds me, I have to do a restore point and backup my media directories tonight.
  2. Hey Rob, blurry 1080p now? LOL. I'm only laughing because it is all relative. Remember when 800x600 was great? And when we could afford those 70# monster 24" monitors and run them at 1024x768? I gotta admit, watching 4K on our big Samsung home theater system does make 1920 look fuzzy. %$U*@^ Netflix will down scale 4K when their server gets busy and the wife and I will say WTF? Why is it fuzzy all of a sudden? I'm not saying anyone do this but how about a second video card?
  3. I'll try tonight. To clarify, I'm not running PBX when making changes and I have to reboot Windows to bring the table videos back. It might be a system config issue but I have a standard Windows 10 Pro install. I will the run the video through a video capture program I have, add some length and do different encodings.
  4. That didn't work. I went into game manager and changed the description to BETHESDA_Fallout which changed it in the XML file. I assume PBX does not have its own codecs? Mine are whatever Windows 10 installed. It shouldn't matter? if Windows can run it so should PBX? All other backglass and table videos are working fine. It is the smallest MP4 in the bunch at 8 seconds runtime, next largest being 12 sec. Does that matter? I guess I should try to recreate a new backglass video? Not sure how to do that as I have zero video experience. This stuff should NOT be this difficult. All the time I have for for tonight and I have trick-or-treat duty tomorrow from 6 - 8 :-( Oh, and one last thing. If I make a change to a file name in either the table or backglass video directories, none of the table videos appear in PBX. Even if I cycle through all the wheels a few times. I have to reboot for all of them to come back.
  5. Appreciate the help! Only have a few minutes tonight. I teach guitar (playing 50 years Blues/Classic Rock) and have students tonight. Posted XML above Files in FX3 Folders are standard PBX install Won't have a chance to test with VPX tonight Image folders empty. All videos FTPed. I believe the Fallout ones are from TerryRed's uploads in the PBX FTP. Probably most others too. That program is awesome! Thanks! Just tried it out upstairs on my laptop. I did try one thing. Temporarily renamed the Fallout table with an XXX prefix. In a different directory I renamed one of the other table videos that do launch (Biolab in this case) and renamed it to fallout. It launched ok. I deleted it and renamed Fallout back. It worked! I have no idea why? However, when I tried the same procedure with the backglass it launched with the "Biolab" backglass but would not relaunch with the Fallout. I've attached the Fallout backglass video. It was only 3meg. BETHESDA_Fallout.mp4
  6. In FX3. I have triple checked all the names against the XML and they are correct. The backglass video and table videos won't launch in the wheel menu? They are in MP4 and when I double click them they run OK. I can launch and run the table OK. The table audio also works. I just can't figure this one out? Attached log and config. <game name="BETHESDA_Fallout"> <description>Fallout</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Zen</manufacturer> <year></year> <type></type> <hidedmd>False</hidedmd> <hidetopper>True</hidetopper> <hidebackglass>False</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> <gridposition>1x1</gridposition> </game> PinballX.ini log.txt Pinball FX3.xml
  7. That could be interesting! Hope so.
  8. That's awesome!
  9. PBA has partnered with Arcooda which is why they screwed the online community with no true cabinet support. Tom has tried to keep PBX running with Pinball Arcade but it is always an uphill battle. https://www.arcooda.com/our-machines/arcooda-video-pinball/
  10. Table videos while cycling through the wheel images in the main menu before launching. Originally called as such (programmed as attract mode) to entice passers-by to play the game in real Arcades, which included me in the old days.
  11. I had it set to Full Screen but No to Full Screen windowed. Changed that to yes and I can launch dmdext without using the batch file. Problem now is I lose my attract table videos. They apparently don't launch in time? Another timing problem? Everything else works OK; wheels, animated backglasses, DMD, table play. So, I went back to the batch. Guess I will quit being stubborn and I'll install AHK next weekend and try your script . Also want to start playing with the Zacarria scripts. Never scripted before but I should muddle through. I'm working on media and animations today/tonight and don't want to digress. I might have time during the week. (My Buckeyes are getting killed by Penn State )
  12. I haven't installed and played with AHK yet but it is on the to-do list since I want to get Zacarria working too. Yep, latest dmdext and PBX installed. Keeping with the simple batch until something comes along and breaks it.
  13. I've been playing with a program called Plotagraph today and last night https://plotagraphs.com/#!/?tab=loops and it is very, very cool. Unfortunately, it is severely crippled just to play with but they have a try the "Pro" version for 24 hrs for $4.99 or it costs $19.99/month with no contract. My artistic skills suck (essentially are zero) but I was doing some cool animations with just the Animation Points arrows and Stabilizers/Anchor Points which is basically all they let you play with. You cannot save to MP4 unless you switch to Pro. I appreciate the work a lot of guys have done with back glass animation, such as using PS After Effects. This is a pretty cheap and easy alternative for what it does. You artistic guys can probably get some awesome results!
  14. Thanks! Yeah, Zen has a strange naming convention on some tables. I bet they were test names and after they did their compile/build it would have been too much trouble to rename them again? Who knows? [snip]
  15. Found one typo. Two S' <game name="SSTARWARS_MightoftheFirstOrder"> Also having trouble launching either Might of the First Order or Masters of the Force? I have to recheck. Going through and adding all the media. (Currently upstairs on a different machine now trying to get RDP set up on my WIFI to play nice with the Eero mesh network in DHCP automatic mode vs bridged) UPDATE: For Might of the First Order I had to change the game name to STARWARS_AVCO_2 and for Masters of the Force: STARWARS_Light_VS_Dark Still have to check all the new FX3 tables I purchased.
  16. Just to recap, everything works fine using the batch file so I'm letting sleeping dogs lie for now. Now, when I get DOF stuff going I may need some help If you look at my init file above it freezes the moment dmdext launches within PBX. Before FX3 I was using a 12/2016 version of dmdext with FP, VP, FX2 and PBX 2.39 (I think?) everything was ok. And, of course, before several builds of Windows 10 (which I always thought was a horrible operating system and still do, but it is what it is. PM2 from IBM in the 80's was far superior but brain damaged IBM management let it die, but I digress....). AFAIK, there were no multiple instances of dmdext running. Draco, what I meant by delaying is waiting a few seconds or a second (probably only needs a few milliseconds) for any external program to launch before PBX launches the table. Like a wait for setting. IDK? Just thinking out loud here.
  17. Timing issue makes perfect sense. It locked up so bad I couldn't bring up the Task Manager. Logging out and logging back in would shut down PBX. I never had an issue with older versions of dmdext and FX2. Ran fine with the launch before setting. Not running doflinx yet. Still have to add the toys. Maybe Tom can put in a delay in the launch before?
  18. The wheels look amazing for FX3. How/Who coined their name? Inquiring minds would like to know :-) On to the table videos.....
  19. I'm running a pinDMD3. To keep the console window from edging into the backbox I ran dmdext and then right clicked on the top of the console frame. Under Properties I changed the column length and left position. Also told Windows not to auto position. Fixed that problem :-)
  20. Thanks rablack, I will play around with it. I have to see if Launch Before Hide Window is set to Yes? I noticed the console window frame is bleeding over into the backglass because it is sized so large.
  21. Is this a type of retro arcade game? You would use Gameex.
  22. Like Draco said, FX3 works without using grids. PBX selects each table using the built in support.
  23. Scarfed! Thanks!
  24. ECHO start D:\dmdext mirror --source=pinballfx3 --no-virtual --quit-when-done
  25. I had PBX launch a batch file rather than calling dmdext directly and it works. I have no idea why, but it does? 08:24:13.9 10/21/2017: Disposing display 08:24:14.7 10/21/2017: D:\test.bat 08:24:14.8 10/21/2017: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe -applaunch 442120 "-table_MARVEL_CivilWar" 08:24:37.5 10/21/2017: Found Pinball FX 3 Process 08:25:11.4 10/21/2017: Exit System Control Pressed 08:25:14.6 10/21/2017: Created DirectX BackGlass Window
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