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Everything posted by starbuck

  1. Let me figure out what I have to do a screen capture.
  2. Thanks Krakerman. Doing something wrong. The right games are showing up as in the map file but when I click on a game the screen stays the same and the game theme shows up in the left hand box
  3. After you made Pak 8 you made themes for Casio Loopy, Zinc, Sega SC-3000, and Sega SF-7000. But you never released them. The are on page 25 and 26 of this thead.
  4. Got so excited I went home at lunch and downloaded it. Looks great. Please upload your last pak with the sega systems in it so I can install them. Hope until EVO comes out, you use your talent to create some more systems.
  5. Will try when I get home. Will this same method work with other systems.
  6. Glad to see you got everything going good. When you have time, please put up the last theme pak you were working on with the sega sc-3000, etc. in it. Would love to setup your Atari 2600 theme too, that you are using. I understand that you have to use your map file, but that won't be a problem. Just include that with the pak when you are ready to post your theme pak for the 2600. Since you been working on your system, I've made about 30 placeholder system themes until you start making new system themes. Welcome back
  7. Gonna stay with win 7 for awhile and see what EVO has to offer. I'm sure it will be great. Until its release I'm gonna clean up my existing setup and add as many systems has I csn for your existing theme. Then when EVO comes out I will be able to incorporate your theme using your systems..
  8. Glad to see you are making headway. In your absence, I've been setting up a few new systems and making placeholders for the systems you having make yet. Have a good weekend.
  9. @DazzleHP Can I do this for other systems. Example Some systems I have to have setup as 4 emulators. Because, I have folders for USA, JAP, Homebrew, Hacks, etc. If this can be done for other systems, I should be able to have 1 system for Super Nintendo and 3 sub folders underneath. And be able to show them seperately
  10. Have you heard a date for EVO yet.
  11. I seen the Alice32 which was a new system for me. But don't remember installing the FM Marty. I remembered the PC-FX. Must be getting old and missed it. Have you tried any of the games on the new systems yet. I was amazed when running CLRmamepro how many no-intro games there were for the sega systems. And they seem to find new ones all the time. Working on some new systems right now, so I may have a new list of systems for you in the near future. Still have a number of systems that I made placeholders for that pale in comparision to yours. ( Jaquar CD, HBMame,Playstation 2, Odessey, " The origional:, Phillips CD-I, etc.)
  12. Looking good. I see that PM I sent you helped. Did you finish the FM Marty theme yet and I just missed it ???????????? I see from some of the posts here, as you make more themes, more people are switching over to your theme. I want to work on installing some of the MESS systems, that I haven't installed yet. There are a few in their list that look promising.
  13. Try this: zinc.exe gamenumber --use-config-file=cfgfilename.cfg --use-render-config-file=rendercfgfilename.cfg [--options]
  14. Try this : http://emulator-zone.com then go to right under arcade click other arcade and go zinc page. I use this page a lot for emulators.
  15. Go this this site it will help a lot. I run it as a separate emulator. http://emulator-zone.com/doc.pp/arcade/zinc.html
  16. Many thanks Can we get Zinc, Casio Loopy and HMMame (Misfit mame) on your to do list Please
  17. Both look awesome. Only an hour, wow you've got these themes down. Can't wait to see what's next
  18. Excellent. Looking at the EVO preview video, you are going to be able to do a lot with your theme when it comes out. In the meantime the more themes you have, the more you can do with the new EVO when it comes out. Not at home right now but will be back sometime Sunday. I'll then install theme pak 7 and anything else you have done. I made about 40 placeholder system themes until you have yours done. Took my setup to a friends house and they all ooh and aaada about your themes. Then complained about how bad, my placeholders looked compared to yours. LOL. Told them in time you would have new systems done to replace mine. Keep up the good work.
  19. Thanks Krakerman. Happy and safe fourth to you and your family
  20. Sounds great. Please add PC-FX to your list. Lots of great games
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