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Everything posted by starbuck

  1. Atari 7800 Placeholders complete. Enjoy
  2. Here is the new Atari 2600 Placeholder files A thru G. Can only do a piece at a time as GameEx will not allow me to upload bigger files Will delete this in about a week and upload the next batch. Or download Tempest's excellent program and use my 2 files in the above post and make your own. Felix has made placewholder files for the Atari 5220 and the Atari 7800. I will use Tempest's program to generate placeholders for those sets next. Coming Soon A Thru G.zip
  3. @Tempest. Worked like a charm. Thank you for your help.
  4. Thanks Krakerman. This might be a double pak weekend for you. Working on placeholders for the Atari 5299 as we speak. Hope to have them done by tonight.
  5. As I said above there are not a lot in the databases, so take your pick.
  6. @Felix Only find the Atari 7800 placeholder in the zip. No Atari 5200 placeholder
  7. @Felix Looks good. I'll wait a bit and see if Tempest comes up with something. The Atari 5200 has 73 games in the HS database and the Atari 7800 has 57. So there is a lot less placeholders to make for these. You may want to try your hand at a few game themes for these systems. I'm sure they would be awesome. Maybe some of the others like KRC and Draco could try their hand at game themes. We have enough users that have great editing skills that we could do a lot of themes in a short time. You had mentioned that there was a few other systems that you have in your setup. If you want and are willing to placeholders for them I'd make map files for them. Just make a list of ones you want. Same goes for you Krakerman. Sure you are gonna have some great game themes coming down the pike.
  8. @Felix What was the change ???????
  9. @Tempest Here is the updated Atari 2600 placeholder file and the Atari 2600 HS dat file. Thanks for your help. I've update the placeholder with Felix changes Atari - 2600 Map file.zip Coming Soon.zip
  10. @Felix - Thanks for the updated placeholder file for the Atari 2600. Sorry you aren't going to make more game themes. You do awesome work. Attached are the Atari 5200 and Atari 7800 dat files, in case you or others need or want them. Atari - 5200.zip Atari - 7800.zip
  11. *@Krakerman .I like them all the porky themes. .As far as the adult, I would just go with the original box.They sold in my store years ago and the boxes were displayed and never had a complaint as they are not that graphic.
  12. Thanks Tempest. I need to wait for Felix to redo the file and I 'll upload them.
  13. Felix the coming soon looks good. But one of the controllers is not a Atari 2600 controller. It is for the Colecovision and did not work on the Atari 2600.
  14. Here are the rest of the Atari 200 placeholders. All games in the database should have a game theme. Now when Krakermanm Felix or others do game themes, simply copy over the placeholder and you'll be golden. Thanks to Krakerman and Felix for their great game themes. I'll sure in the future there will be many more fantastic themes developed by them.
  15. No need all done. Get it Done Will upload all in the morning.
  16. Atari 2600 Placeholder paks M, N, O. Got to get them done before Krakerman gets some more paks done
  17. At work but I will check tonight. One thing I see is you have emu 4 and emu 7 both calling the 2600 and mess.
  18. Checked and I have the dat file on my external drive I have with me . I hope to have the rest of the placeholders done by this weekend. I'm then going to work on the Atari 5200 and the Atari 7800. I 'm almost done with the map files FOR THOSE SYSTEMS . Gameex won't let me load the dat file Send me a private PM with your e-mail address and I'll sent it to your E-MAIL.
  19. Felix , Not at home tonight, but will be back sometime tommorow and I'll post a dat file for you for ClrMame pro
  20. Felix The roms names in the map files conform to no-intro. I using MESS and they are working fine.
  21. Atari 2600 Placeholder Paks "B" thru "L" Enjoy
  22. Yeah, some reason GameEx is not letting me do attachments. I have B and C both done, and should have thru H done by the end of the day. Just have to find out to upload them.
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