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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Potential nightmare.
  2. Very interesting site. Thanks for the link. That was the piece of the puzzle that was needed for the problem to be solved.
  3. Tempest


    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Regardless of the method used, it would be a great help if Nullpointer would share the list of roms that he uses for each specific emulator.
  5. Glad to hear that you and your family are OK. :-)
  6. No, that doesn't sound right. I would try getting rid of the first open quote. If you get it going please let us know, and we will see if we can get the command corrected in a future release.
  7. That's great! I'm glad you got it worked out.
  8. If you want to know where it is failing, turn on debug mode in your config, or troubleshoot using the runitgame.bat method in the stickied "How to ask for help" thread.
  9. The setup wizard says """C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\DVD9\WinDVD.exe" "[dvd]"" as an example. Does that not work?
  10. If not, it would be simple to have a script rename them as soon as they hit the folder.
  11. I was waiting for something I could actually play.
  12. Try the pacman theme.
  13. I am not familiar with Pinball FX2, but is the command line correct? Turn on debugging, and see if it provides any useful information.
  14. I would say that it depends on your naming convention. If your rom names match the names in the old DB then you are all set. If your rom names match mame rom names, then you will want the new DB. If everything is displaying correctly now, you probably don't want to change db's.
  15. I'm not sure of the meaning of POS in this sentence.
  16. You can use the launch before command to run the script. In the launch after you can use taskkill /IM name of your script.ahk to terminate the script. Depending on your OS, the command might be tskill, you can google to find out which, or try one and then the other.
  17. Having an updated database is definitely the best way to go. Thanks Flash.
  18. Or you can use my tool as well. That sounded dirty didn't it?
  19. The cat ate your mouse? That's funny! Other than the financial burden of course.
  20. Congratulations GimmeClassics!
  21. It should work on either OS. Permissions maybe? Are both OS 32 or 64 bit?
  22. The fact that different games run under different versions of Mame indicates that your set DOES NOT match your rom set. You can use tools like RomCenter or ClearMamepro to convert your set to work with your version off Mame.
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