Here is what I came up with for the loader. It's a shame that the games aren't displayed alphabetically because then there would be no need for the map file, which of course will need to be updated every time something changes. I wonder if there is a file that PinBallFX2 uses to determine the position of each game in the list? That would be the ideal solution. I changed the map file into an ini file for simplicity [Star Wars - Episode V The Empire Strikes Back]R=1C=1[Star Wars - The clone Wars]R=1C=2[Star Wars - Boba Fett]R=1C=3[The Avengers]R=1C=4[Fear Itself]R=1C=5[Infinity Gauntlet]R=1C=6[World War Hulk]R=1C=7[Blade]R=2C=1[Iron Man]R=2C=2[Spider Man]R=2C=3[Wolverine]R=2C=4[Captain America]R=2C=5[Fantastic Four]R=2C=6[Civil War]R=2C=7[Thor]R=3C=1[Moon Knight]R=3C=2[Ghost Rider]R=3C=3[X-Men]R=3C=4[Earth Defence]R=3C=5[Mars]R=3C=6[Excalibur]R=3C=7[Paranormal]R=4C=1[Epic Quest]R=4C=2[Mysteries Of The Deep]R=4C=3[Biolab]R=4C=4[Pasha]R=4C=5[Rome]R=4C=6[Shaman]R=4C=7[Tesla]R=5C=1[Eldorado]R=5C=2[V12]R=5C=3[Sorcerer`s Lair]R=5C=4PinballFX2_Loader.ahk #SingleInstance forceSetTitleMatchMode 2SetKeyDelay, 20 ;Use key delay instead of Sleep, 20DetectHiddenWindows OnIniRead, Row, %A_ScriptDir%\Map.ini, %1%, R, ErrorIniRead, Column, %A_ScriptDir%\Map.ini, %1%, C, ErrorIf (Row = "Error") or (Column = "Error") ; column or row not found ExitAppRow -- ;subtract 1 from row and columnColumn --RegRead, SteamDirPath, HKLM, Software\Valve\Steam, InstallPathIf ErrorLevel SteamDirPath := A_ScriptDir ; If Registry key not found use the script dirRun, "%SteamDirPath%\Steam.exe" -applaunch 226980,,UseErrorLevelWinWait, ahk_class PxWindowClass,, 10 ;wait for 10 secondsIf ErrorLevel = 1 ExitAppWinActivate, ahk_class PxWindowClassWinWaitActive, ahk_class PxWindowClass,, 10If ErrorLevel = 1 ExitAppSleep, 15000Send {Enter Down}, Send {Enter Up}Send {Enter Down}, Send {Enter Up}Sleep, 500Loop, %Row% Send {Down Down}, Send {Down Up}Loop, %Column% Send {Right Down}, Send {Right Up}Send {Enter Down}, Send {Enter Up}Send {Enter Down}, Send {Enter Up}Process, WaitClose, PinballFX2ACloader.exeExitAppUsage "H:\AHK\My AHK\GameEx Scripts\Loaders\PinballFX2\PinballFX2_Loader.ahk" "[ROM]"As I said, I don't have PinballFX2 installed so I can't fully test this. I still am not sure if I have the 'send keys' correctly, but you should be able to make adjustments in that section if necessary. I subtracted 1 from the column and row because it seemed like the right thing to do. PinballFX2.7z