Hey naborneo, Thanks a lot for your feedback! The attached were just drafts with bitmaps, with intention of using Inkscapes 'trace paths' once I had decided on a final design. Heavily traced objects are a huge drain on PC when dragging around! However, you did give me food for thought on vector vs rastorised. I realize that I will loose some gradients etc with vector, and would prefer bitmap if possible. However, I'm sourcing images from google, and I'm thinking that it;s doubtful that any are @ 300dpi @ any reasonable size for the design? Also guessing that if increase size of a small 300dpi image - it's gonna reduce the dpi? Struggling to get my head around the bitmap/ppi business! The vectorised versions I've produced seem OK - a little 'posterised' (if that's the term) but think it might work OK. Attached one for ref. I'm hoping that the 'cartoonised' conversions will sit well with an arcade theme: Vector Alien: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15144043/site%20posts/Alien%20xenomorph.svg Might just paint it black, cos need my life back!! Thanks again nab and others for your feedback - appreciate the time taken.