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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. In the Text/Language section, your will find a parameter called All MAME Games (MAME). You should be able to change it there. When you say you renamed 'two spots on the setup for the Display names', what exactly did you change in the Setup Wiazard? It may also help for you to post your GameEx.ini file if my suggestion does not get you what you are looking for.
  2. I checked the emunewz.net forum (which I guess is the official forum for the emulator) and I found no mention of command line functionality. You could post there to see if someone can give you the info or point you to some documentation.
  3. Nah. You gave good instructions. It's just a matter of following them. The Metal Slug Series is fantastic and worth the teeny-tiny bit of extra effort.
  4. I WAS going to post a score, but I did not get my Neo-Geo Parameters quite right. Ah well. I will try again later.
  5. @jimdeprado When an emulator is greyed out, it means that something is not right in the configuration (as stigzler alluded to). The custom menu would only be the culpret if you chose the wrong Emulator/Group/App for the line (for example, if you chose Mame for the Atari emulator but had not set up Mame yet). I see this every once in a while becaus eof my setup. I use an external hard drive for my roms. When I forget to turn it on, the emulators with roms on that drive are greyed out because the rom path is not valid at the time.
  6. @stigzler I know that you are just trying to have a little fun, but maybe move this thread to Social...
  7. Hey jbam, I know that Tom is aware of this thread. Hang in there.
  8. Probably best to do a new thread as well.
  9. Happy 4th Merica! Stay safe. Let's try to keep all those fingers attached when setting off fireworks...
  10. FEATURE REQUEST FOR GAMEEX and GAMEEX ARCADE: This is a small one. As you cycle through a list using the wheel view, I noticed that the image of the currently selected item is displayed in back of the image just below it. I would think that the currently selected image should be fully displayed 'on top'.
  11. No, Custom Menus do not work with GameEx Arcade. I tested it some time back.
  12. Thank you sir. Here are my thoughts on the changes to the panel. Please keep in mind that I only want to help make (my beloved) GameEx better: The removal of the colored panel (teal for GameEX and gold for GameEx Arcade) makes the GUI look plain. I like the idea of having different colors for each of the different Setup Wizards as they help to differentiate them a bit. I was surprised to see the removal of the GameEx logo from the panel. Removing the branding really takes away from the identity of the software. I can understand that space is at a premium for users with small screen resolutions, but I still think a small space should be reserved on the bottom of the panel for the logo. I still remember when the colored panel and logo were added to the Setup Wizard. I thought the new look was great. I like the functionality of the links on the panel, but how they fit into the flow of the GUI feels clunky. Their purpose overlaps with the Basic, Advanced, and Custom mode since all of the sections will be displayed on the panel. Some new users will probably be confused by this. My suggestion is to not display links on the sidebar until the mode is selected. Then, when the page is advanced only the sections belonging to those modes are shown. For Custom and Search, the links displayed on the panel would be based on the options chosen or the search results returned. Also, having the links on the landing page does make it more cluttered. In my (limited) experience, it is generally better for landling pages to be simple with options to help guide users where they want to go. I also suggest adding a bit more width to the titles on the panel to eliminate the need for a horizontal scroll bar. The orginization and flow of the prior version of the Setup Wizard worked pretty well and I do think the addition of quick links is a very worthwhile addition; I just think the implementation needs some tinkering. PS: Updates are always appreciated. I know the dev team works hard at making GameEx better and better.
  13. @DazzleHP I am sorry if I lost you. Here is a quick synopsys: I am using a v0.139 Mame with a v0.139 romset in the integrated Mame. This is currently returing an empty gamelist even though a manual verify using the mame executable returns a long list of good games. I tested with a prebuilt Mame from mamedev.org and roms from an original v0139 set as well as one I upgraded from v0.138 to v0.139 with the same results. However, my GameEx.ini will also show that I have a v0.162 Mame and v0.162 romset set up in the Emulator Section. I forgot that I had this setup when I made my initial post, so I later tried to clarify that the v0.162 Mame/romset setup in the Emulator Section should be ignored as it does not pertain to the issue. Beta testing software is nothing new to me and after running my setup through quite a few hoops, I am leaning towards the possibility of there being an unresolved issue with GameEx. I think it is very likely that fRequEnCy's theory regarding changes in the tagging syntax is the culpret.
  14. There are some interesting ideas here. Is this an appropriate place to give some constructive feedback?
  15. RedDog

    EMUMovies Down?

    The site is coming up just fine for me right now.
  16. @spiffo I don't know a lot about the model2/3 emulators. It sounds like you are more informed...but GameEx Arcade does include an Options field for Model 3 where command line switches can be added. I assume that will fulfill your needs as far as the Model3 emulator. If there are Model2 command line options that GameEx or GameEx Arcade does not currently support but could benefit from could benefit from, you could submit a post in the Features & Enhancement Request thread. Of course, if running either of these as a separate emulator is your preference and you can get all of the functionality that you are looking for out of it, then you should be able to do that. There is nothing wrong with going that route if it works for you.
  17. I didn't think of it before, but if you want them as separate emulators, I don't see why you couldn't just select the Arcade (Mame) database in the emulator setup. I would think it would work just fine. Just download and put it in the DATA\EMULATORS folder first.
  18. @spiffo Model2 and Model3 are set up in GameEx to work with the Integrated Mame. They each have their own section in the Setup Wizard. If these are enabled and configured properly, when GameEx runs a game from the Mame menu that it recognizes as Model2/3, instead of using the Mame executable it will use the Model2/Model3 emulator. As far as GameEx goes, it does not intend Model2/3 to be a stand alone emulator, so there is no database (and I doubt there will be) because it expects to pull the game data from the Mame database.
  19. Yeah, I had my brain wires crossed on that one. Not sure what I was thinking.
  20. You know, I stand corrected from the start. I was confusing windowed Mame with windowed GameEx Arcade without realizing it. GameEx Arcade is hardcoded to full screen; The emulators are indeed configurable. My apologies. Glad someone was there to correct me.
  21. Sorry, but this is incorrect. Adding the -window flag to the Mame Options will have no effect. When GameEx Arcade first came out, I tried a number of ways to get it to go into a windowed mode and was unable to do so. It's intended functionality as the Arcade version is offered as a streamlined setup of the standard GameEx. There are a number of settings that a user is able to alter in GameEX that have been hardcoded in GameEx Arcade.
  22. Mame has two commandline options that you can use: -window (or -w) -nowindow (or -now) You can add these options to the Mame Options in the Advance MAME Settings section. I believe that GameEx Arcade Edition has -window hardcoded.
  23. @symenstra Here is the most recent thread on the forums that relates to what tthurman is talking about: LINK Try installing the Handel Gothic BT font manually (download it from a font site). It seams that one of the Windows 10 updates uninstalls it (or something) and GameEx needs it to run.
  24. Just an FYI, this is the same behavior that happens if you click the mapping icon and then click 'Cancel'. Not sure why it does this, but it does. Also, pardon my ignorance, but what is THT? Are these in any way like SlikStik or iPac? There are some settings in the Input Section that are suggested for these two setups. Just throwing this out there, but can you try clicking a mapping icon with the joysticks unplugged to see if it 'cancels' out? Otherwise, I am sorry to say that I am honestly not sure what else to suggest with this issue as I have not seen it before. Perhaps someone else will have some thoughts on it though. Otherwise, it may be part of the other issues you are having with Mame and PinballX. Hopefully fixing one will remedy the other or vice-versa.
  25. If you are using a Mame v0.185 executable, your romset and supporting files should also be 0.185 if at all possible. This is for the best compatibility. I know that you said that you did not perform any updates or changes other than migrating the system a short while back, but the cause of this issue is not as obvious as what I would have expected. I felt it important to rule out some of the more common causes...so, on the off chance that you might have decided to use a newer version of Mame without updating the rom set or vice-versa and forgot, I thought best to ask. It's so odd that the runitgame.bat is being build successfully by GameEx, but the launch of the game is faulting in some way. I have a feeling it may be something to do with Windows (maybe video or .net?; just guessing though).
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