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Everything posted by zeenon

  1. Yes. Take a look at my pinballx.ini below. I'm running the default FP and also the BAM version of FP. But you can easily add additional FP emulators (each under a different dir (ie X:\Future Pinball Zed, X:\Future Pinball 2.5, etc.)). Just as a side note, if you get Future Pinball with BAM working you only need one version of FP because BAM supports: FP Original FP 2.4 FP 2.5 FP 2.6 FP Zed FP Slamtilts rubbers Z
  2. Dirtnap, I'm betting it's due to the lack of real estate on the desktop version (as to why it wasn't included) or maybe Tom missed this. If you disable the desktop mode and rotate 90 degrees all the info should display so you can double check your XML is correct. (I know this is not the way you want to play with your head tilted). I can confirm I see the same thing when running in desktop mode so it's not your setup. I would post this in the PinballX Enchancements/Features Request. Z
  3. I have seem the same, but can't put my finger on it: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13919-unity3d-pinball-alpha-and-pinballx/#entry119254 http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14117-pinballx-doesnt-recognize-inputs/page-2#entry119381 Z
  4. Tom, If you want me to try something on my cab I can, but I'm seeing the same issue ONLY with unity3d, all other emulators work with no issues (VP, FP, FP-BAM, PBFX2). I tried both 174 and 175. Only 'Q' and 'Alt-Tab' work on the keyboard and I know the table is starting because I can here the startup sounds and the Vishay DMD is active. Using rocky's focus script doesn't solve the issue.
  5. I don't know what else to try....and I'm surprised because VP, FP, FP w/ BAM, PBFX2 all work fine (and have been for the last 20 versions of PBX) Win 7 64 bit, Nvidia GTX 660, PBX 1.75, Shark codecs, etc All I get is a black BG and the LOADING screen on the main monitor, I can hear the table loading, I see the DMD (Vishay) fire up....but get this.....none of the keys work except 'Q'. I can't insert credits, start the game.......nothing, this sounds like the issue in the other thread. The only thing I noticed that is a bit off....when starting a Unit3D table manually, I have to single click on the table before I can insert credits/start/etc. so I'm wondering if that is throwing a wrench in the mix. Z
  6. Hmmmmm, I hear the tables starting but all I see is the PinballX LOADING screen. An Alt-tab or mouse click does nothing, in fact I don't even see unit3d running. (although the DMD is playing) Works fine outside of PBX. Rocky the tables are so dark compared to your video, did you adjust the brightness? Z
  7. Both pinballx.exe AND vpinball.exe are both unblocked and set to run as adminstrator? Something to look at: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3920 Z
  8. Just taking a stab here....what is your default language and keyboard language set to? I know there were issues with FP if you were not running an English OS, not the same issue you are having....but it has to be something simple. Z
  9. zeenon

    Pinball FX2

    Hahaha you are in the wrong hobby......this is a hobby where constant tweaking is the norm. Did you try posting your first question on the PBFX2 Steam forums? Regardless of whether your using PBX or not, you would still have the same issue. Z
  10. Mr. President, Take a look at the following doc: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13735-calling-all-pinballx-gurus-and-smes-documentation-challenge/page-2#entry118254 especially the part about running HyperPin and PBX at the same time. Z
  11. Are you adding the killbackglass.exe on the Visual Pinball emulator settings screen and not the Exit Program settings? The Launch After under the Visual Pinball settings will run after you exit out of each table, the Exit Program settings will run when you exit PinballX. If you're still having an issue, post your pinballx.ini and we can see if you have it in the right place. Z
  12. I have not tried this but.......it is implemented in version 1.73: Supports tables in folders. Support for the unity 3D file extension. Game List Manager filters out non relevant files when listing tables. Z
  13. scrivy, If you want me to cut and paste this into the main doc(with credit to you) let me know via PM? edit: I had a little time so I merged this into the main doc giving credit to scrivy Z PinballX_S2F_Documentation rev 1.07.docx.zip PinballX_S2F_Documentation rev 1.07.pdf
  14. Hmmmm, I don't think so, but you can go the opposite......show ALL, then select an emulator (VP, FP, etc.) to narrow down the selection. Z
  15. open6l, Click on My Page then look under your pic for Game Card. Z
  16. Tom, He just added the BBcode in the message (not his signature). His signature is actually the Defender Barracora. http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=26783&hl= Z
  17. zeenon

    Video Formats?

    No problem. Maybe one of the admins can extract it an place that file in the post instead?? I can't upload a doc only a zip/rar so that is why they are compressed. I know if it was a doc I could open up, directly on my iPad. WAIT.....see if this works...........PDF.............. Z PinballX_S2F_Documentation rev 1.06.pdf
  18. zeenon

    Video Formats?

    First sticky post in this forum has the newest doc with a section on the formats. Z
  19. Welcome to the PinballX forums! If you were sent to this page, you are probably fairly new to PinballX, and have asked for help. Please do not be insulted that we referred you to this page, we are happy to help in any way that we can, but we need you to know a few things first, to help us serve you better. We cannot stress this enough, the more information you give us the faster we can pinpoint the issue you are having. Starting a thread that says PinballX doesnt start? HELP!!!! really doesnt give us a whole lot to go on. If you take the time to write a clear and concise post on the problem, more people will take the time to read it and help. Searching the forums and viewing the PinballX documentation will usually solve 90% of the problems people experience with a new setup. Documentation: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13736-pinballx-documentation/ PinballX Forums: http://www.gameex.info/forums/forum/30-pinballx/ A few guidelines that will make our job easier: 1. If you have an issue following an update, please start a new thread and do not respond in the NEWS thread announcing the update. If the issue you are experiencing appears that it may be a result of a recent update, indicate the PinballX version in the Topic Title along with the issue encountered. 2. If your issue has been resolved (with assistance of a mod or admin or you just figured it out for yourself), you can edit the topic title if you are the creator and note [RESOLVED] at the beginning of the title. If you are uncertain how to do this, we can do it for you. Also, if you figured it out for yourself a brief summary of how you did so is also appreciated. By doing so, you may be helping the next person that comes behind you, or maybe even identify a bug if the solution is something that can be fixed with a future update. 3. If you have a Feature Request, please post it in the appropriate thread under the Pinned and Hot Topics forum! 4. If the issue or information you are sharing is not directly related to PinballX functionality, please utilize the Social Club forum. Help us help you: The first thing we will need to know, is do you have your emulator (Visual Pinball, Future Pinball, Pinball FX2, Pinball Arcade, etc) working outside of PinballX. By this I mean that you can open the emulator in Windows, and you can select/run a game. If not, we will still try to help, but please take a few minutes to look around on the emulators homepage to see if they have a FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) section, or other information to help you. If you have your emulator working outside of PinballX, but don't know how to set it up in PinballX, you may want to take a look at the PinballX Documentation at: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13736-pinballx-documentation/ 5. Attach Your PinballX.ini If you are having a problem with starting a emulator, image issues or some other "built-in" feature of PinballX, we may want to take a look at your PinballX.ini, which can be found in this folder: X:\PinballX\Config\ 6. Attach your Log.txt If PinballX "crashes" or other errors occur, there is an error log that may help you find out why. To view it, Go to: X:\PinballX\Log\ 7. If having an issue with a specific emulator\simulator, please note the system and version and attach a copy of the system's .xml file (i.e. Pinball FX3.xml for Pinball FX3 launch or other issues). Updated PinballX v1.06 documentation also attached. PinballX_S2F_Documentation rev 1.06.docx.zip PinballX_S2F_Documentation rev 1.06.pdf
  20. Ok let's call the new version 1.73B.... I'm not sure if this was your intent for it to work this way, or it should be the other way but..... On online.gameex.com --> My Page --> All Games - the alphabet is down the right side. When I click on 'R' I thought I would see all tables that start with 'R' instead it brings me to the page with the 'R's so the user needs to scroll down. Is it possible to just list the 'R's in this example? Sorry don't know if it's a bug or feature enhancement. Z
  21. Tom, what is the dir location on the FTP? I see a few different places. Z
  22. Ok, so please double check that you have a C:\PinballX\Databases\Pinball FX2\Pinball FX2.xml The directory Pinball FX2 (above) and the xml should have a space. Also the Pinball FX2.xml should be in the Pinball FX2 directory and not in the root of Databases (just incase) Z
  23. pinballx.ini is in your C:\PinballX\Config directory. Z
  24. Post your pinballx.ini, I'll take a guess in that you have a space in either the dir or xml file....If you are going to use pinball FX2 everything needs to be pinball fx2, and not pinballFX2. Z
  25. Are we talking PBX in general or on the new GameEx Online screen? Instruction Cards need to be named the same as the table so for example: Big Game (Stern 1980).swf <--- First instruction card Big Game (Stern 1980) 1.swf <---Second instruction card Big Game (Stern 1980) 2.swf <---Third instruction card etc. etc. Flyers need the same name as the table but each page goes in a different directory: For example copy the Bad Cats (Williams 1989).jpg pages to: Front page to Flyer Images\Front Back page to Flyer Images\Back Inside 1st page to Flyer Images\Inside1 etc etc. Z edit: NM I misunderstood the question....I would think we need a central repository of Flyer, instruction cards, wheel icons, BG's since it doesn't seem like that stuff is pulled from the local users machine but rather the GameEX DB.
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