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Everything posted by RIP-Felix

  1. Cool thanks, I guess the best way to figure out what things do what is to try playing around with some of the simpler things first (like backgrounds, text, and maybe buttons) to get the hang of it. Of course since the alpha still has many options unavailable I guess I just make a backup copy of the default theme and modify the original to see the changes, since I can't choose other themes yet. I do have a question about fonts. I saw a folder for fonts. Does this install the fonts or just refer to the TrueType fonts kept in it for evolution to display? For example, If I want to use "Pretendo" as the main font, do I just drop it into the font folder and choose it in the properties of each text object in the theme INIs or is there a global font option somewhere?
  2. We're cattle to them. They keep us in a legal pen and milk us at their leisure. They don't care how we feel about it. We only get to see it if we pay for it, because we fall under the reach of their blackout. Sports fans have to put up with this BS all the time. Sports and TV are the new crack. They string us out and leave us wanting more (Cliffhangers and mid season breaks). Then when things go dry from one dealer your forced to find who has some and pay a premium for it (Canceled by one station or provider and picked up by another, perhaps premium channel or streaming service). It's now impossible to watch everything you want from only one provider, Netflix original content, Hulu original content, HBO, Showtime, other channels and streaming content providers. Not everything is available under one roof anymore. I did read that Comcast boxes will now able to Stream Netflix, but I understand it's just a hardware capability not a service included at discount through partnership.
  3. I assume this is just a sample of the design of the ship, not an actual render from the show. But if it is, I agree. it is maybe 1 visual step above season 1 of Babylon 5. Just watched it again..No way that's a finished render. From what I've read making the jump to streaming allows them to follow a novel like narrative, focusing more on a season long storyline format rather than a single episode cathartic experience as demanded by TV. I don't like the idea of having to buy a million different streaming services each with 1 proprietary show forcing me to buy it. That being said, I'm ok with waiting a while before I can watch it on the streaming service I prefer if it can live up to the quality of "House of Cards" or "Game of Thrones" and the like. That's the future we're in my friends. No one can get along and play nice, spoiled brats without responsible parents to give them moral instruction. Thus, Syndication is dying. The one good thing about this model is that a production team commits to a full season, no more Firfly Follies (in theory).
  4. They don't want to fit into that universe and add to it without disrupting it. They want to do their own thing without being bothered by fans who say, "in episode # (something) Kirk said (something) that makes your whole premise ridiculous." I get it, With as many movies and tv episodes star trek has enjoyed, there is very little room for creative ingenuity...unless we set our new movies in a different timeline! Anything that would have happened, had Nero not disrupted the timeline, simply won't now. That should shut up star trek fan! In case you're wondering...this is science fiction for "I don't give a $h!t."
  5. They're too busy raking in the doh from steam to be bothered with the idea of developing a real game again. Half-life may have been their cash cow to start with, but it was trampled to death. Another casualty of mobile apps, the bane of real gaming. I think the loss of the sole writer of half-life tells you all you need to know. Hl3 is dead.
  6. From what I've been able to deceiver from looking at the structure of the default theme and from what @headkaze has mentioned, the placement of "objects" as they were called in GamEx are now all done within the PSD files in layers. This is why I asked about nomenclature. Evo need to know what to do with a specific layer in a PSD and unless the layer is named properly (and referenced in the layout associated with that PSD) then the layer is useless. Here's an example from the "[LAYOUT_ABOUT]" config: From what I can tell the "Object Type" is what tells evo what type of object it is and thus evo can apply the correct class to the object and edit what displays where the object is defined in the placement of the PSD, for example text is place in a text object where the layer "Menu_Text" is placed in a PSD, you then just have to declare the layer an object that the blaze engine recognizes in the layout config with the additional parameters appropriate to that object class. Evo just needs to know that object [Layer_something] is a text class, and the additional relevant information like color, justify, wrap etc. However, I don't see how I can specify when to enabled/disable a layer depending on various user actions. Maybe this just depend on the Blaze engine object class given to that layer that dictates the additional parameters it can be given? Like you said, I guess we're waiting on the theme editor and a tutorial to clear these ambiguities out. I imagine that fixing bugs in the alpha and enabling the necessary options to release a beta is top priority first. I'm sure that the latter involves a considerable amount of work, so I'm not holding my breath.
  7. Well, I wouldn't call myself a western fan, I'm more of a Scify guy, but I enjoy a good western. Here's a top 10 to get you started: Tombstone Dances with Wolves Little Big Man The good, the bad, and the ugly. Young Guns 1&2 City Slickers 1&2 Unforgiven The Hateful Eight (Just saw this, gruesome with great characters as expected from Quentin Tarantino). A river runs through it The last of the Mohicans Ok, so some of those are not strictly westerns, but the drama genre blends in for me with Native American period pieces and lawless westerns anyway. My grandpa was in the John Wayne generation so he likes the "Duke" best, my dad was in the Clint Eastwood Camp, but my generation kinda fizzled out on the strong western actor roles. Leo Dicaprio had a few good ones, Robert Duval has had a bunch of good ones, Kurt Russel and Kevin Costner also come to mind. I'd have to say I like movies newer than the mid 70's in general, before that are more of a pain to watch and understand than I prefer in casual viewing. So I guess I'm more in the Clint Eastwood than the John Wayne camp. Frankly, though I prefer the ones I saw growing up in the late 80's and up to present.
  8. What if you wanted to play Céline Dion's "My Heart Will Go On?" at a eluogy/funeral/wake? Someone would be wondering who's watching titanic or associate the music with the movie and wonder if it's inappropriate. If you take that song by its self, it's one of the most powerful emotional pieces I've ever heard/great song. Tear jerker, and just what you need to cry out the pain of loosing a loved one (it feels better after a good cry). But that damn movie photo bombs the music's glory every time. I find it interesting how we associate our senses to places, time, things, whatever. Music and especially smells seem to bring me back to a memory way more than seeing a face I haven't seen or tasting a recipe havn't tried in a while. A lot of these movie scores do that for me, but it's almost always the movie not the person or place I remember, except these westerns. My dad liked them and we watched a lot of Clint Eastwood when I was a kid, so I associate the music with watching movies with my dad. That and we went on rock hunting trips all around the west, so I've kinda associated them with that too. I was planning a road trip and thought making a CD with a bunch of old western favorites would be fun to listen to on the way. This is the type of nostalgic crap that annoys the hell out of the kids (If I had any)...lol.
  9. Epic and classic! Great piece of music. I'm a firm believer that if it wasn't for hollywood the fate of classical music wouldn't have changed as muchas it has in the last 70 years. Now when you hear a Great modern classical composer, you associate the piece with the movie score it appeared in. However, most classical music traditionally was contracted for plays, operas, and theatrical performances rather than for strictly symphonys anyway. So, although the purist in me would rather not have to associate the music to the movie (instead just enjoy it for the emotional journey it is and imagine my own story), I also realize nothing has really changed, the industry has just evolved. Besides, if it wasn't for Hollywood I probably wouldn't know and love half as much classical, symphonic music. And I'm by no means a Fan of classical music. Just the greats, of which the modern era has produced the most (IMO). They are just Hidden among the credits scroll. I'll bet you've heard of Jerry Goldsmith and Hans Zimmer though! Here are a few examples in keeping with your western theme! First let's use the final duel scene from the movie you quoted: The whole Scene is awesome but you can skip to 1:45 for the score.This is Ennio Morricone: Here's a couple of familiar ones from Elmer Bernstein: If you want an example that tipifies my point, good luck listening to this one from John Williams without thinking of the movie it's from!
  10. I'm running with this idea a little, but you could get a mini air compressor and hook the release valve up to a solenoid. Noise will be the biggest problem, unless you run an air hose from the garage and hook it into a valve on the cab. Then the compressor can be conventional and make noise where you won't notice it. An added benefit is that you can use it to clean dust out of the cab. That would give you a nice puff of air! To direct air wherever you want, you could get a manifold to divert the air to multiple smaller hoses, then drill exhaust ports in the case to direct air at the correct angles. Some sanding and painting and these would look seamless. If you want to go all out you could put a solenoid and release valve at each exhaust port and hook the solenoids up to a PLC. Combine that with compressed air. Then you can control the puff vectors individually and in rapid succession! Machine gun effects anyone? Would make Area51 more immersive if you got puffed when you get shot! Running with the logic further, you could get a couple of paintball guns and mount them inside to get a puff that way (No paintballs, just the hardware). Since they are optimized for rapid compressed gas release, it would be perfect for this application..You would need to refill the compressed CO2 every now and again though. Or maybe it could be modified to run off 15PSI from a compressed air line. Or you could always load the paintballs, then when you get shot, you actually get shot . Don't forget the mask! I bet that would train you to get the hi score!
  11. It's not just the storage and bandwidth that gets me, it's also the unnecessary CPU usage and read/write cycles. This idea no doubt save them a lot of money in strait up hardware cost, by passing the cost on to us. Their stuff lasts longer while ours dies faster. Excuse me, but my SSD has a finite number of read/write cycles and I don't feel like wasting them seeding windows updates for everyone else on the internet. Aparently too the updates are often in the middle of the night when you're sleeping. The computer can wake up from full shutdown and begin zombie seeding. This is not the Zombie apocalypse I envisioned, and not from a legit source. Oh, and like I believe that it "can't be used to download or send personal content." Sounds like they're challenging hackers, and I don't feel like getting hit by a ricochet.
  12. Have you guys seen this in windows 10? The default setting is to send updates to other PC's on the internet. Microslackers! If they want to offset bandwidth and storage costs from their servers, they should negotiate a cheaper deal rather than try to pull a fast one on the unsuspecting public by burring this breach of fair use beneath multiple obscure windows. Seriously it's burried deep in there. Settings --> Update and Security --> Advanced Options --> Choose How updates are delivered --> Updates from more than one place. Disable that Sh!&. How dare they? I should be paid for that bandwidth and storage space. So this is how they plan to pay for a free OS huh, making us seed it for them? Leachers! Man I hate this crap. First thing I did when I installed windows 10 was scour the countless option menus in the control panel and new "all settings" to disable all possible privacy breaches and unsecure settings. Either they added this one in an update or I missed it the first few time through. Obviously they want us to have no security or privacy, since all the default options are to share everything. Who knew that privacy isn't profitable first, scammers or Microsoft? Oh wait, they're the same! I knew free was too good of a price. At least I can disable this stuff (if I can find it). Microsoft's new favorite Game, hide and seek (for the privacy breach).
  13. Wow, in app purchases extending to out-of-app purchases...lol. They're on to something there. I'm not ready for this world. I feel like the guy who yells at kids to stay off the lawn and says "in my day we had REAL video games!" (actually I am that guy now). I'm starting to fell old.
  14. Ooohh.. I smell a price war! Now I'm glad I returned my GTX 970 for a $300 refund (Fan was defective and still haven't got a RIFT yet). I want one. Gimee!!! Got to love that the competition is driving the price down. AMD is really giving Nvidia a run for its money this time around. Wooooooowwwww...Wait a minuet...eeerrrrrrrraaahhhh [screeches to a stop!] Um...What? The RX-480 has crossfire. WTF Nvidia?
  15. I kicked my Pokemon habbit about 15 years ago and am resisting this fad. However, I thought that setting up a pokeshop (or whatever the equivalent is) at you place of business might be a good way to drive sales. Just getting warm bodies in the store is half the battle. I see this as another social media platform that will just be extorted into another marketing ploy. Getting positive association is difficult to accomplish for marketers, and businesses want customers to have a positive opinion about their company/brand. I can see this as one of thoes platforms, kinda like Mcdonalds play area and toys with a happy meal. It's not the product they sell, but instead a fun addon experience to drive brand loyalty.
  16. I was wondering how evo deals with the layers in the psd layout files? I imagine that the layers need to be named appropriately for evo to display them. How much room will there be for custom psd layouts. For example I was thinking it would be a good was to organize system art like Cartridges. If the layer was named the same as the rom, would evo be able to enable the correct layer? Obviously, this is a mute point as you can just point evo to an art folder, but it gives me some ideas.
  17. Ok, I finally got everything up and working. The Pack and your nifty app work great. It's nice to see evolution as intended. I still can't get CMP to work, but whatever, there are alternatives. Thanks Tom, the app made setup quick and easy.
  18. Ok, well I tried to unmerge the set to a split with zip selected but it still has many 7z roms (I still don't get CMP). The set didn't completely update either even though I have all the update packs in my addpaths, including the backup folder. Everything should be there for the re-builder to work it's magic but, I still can't get it to work. I'm going to try deleting and starting over with my 149 full set and a database built from the 149 exe. I'll try to unmerge to a separate folder in zip. Then I'll try that with the installer to see if it work., Otherwise, holy crap batman, CMP stumped me.
  19. You could use something like this spliced into your 12V rail. It's made for computer fans, but 12volts is 12 volts. Simple knob to dial the voltage down to the sound level you desire (variable voltage regulator circuit). I'm not sure about your fan though, may draw too much current (this controller is only rated at 6W max). EDIT: just looked up your fan model (turbo 3000) and it draws 2.6amps at 12v which is 31.2W, so yeah you're gonna have to find a beefier variable voltage reg. You might just string some resistors together on a variable switch for 5/7/10/12 volts or whatever. I have one of those zalman fan controllers from an aftermarket VGA heatsink, and although I don't use the heatsink anymore, that fan controller has found it's way into every PC build since. Too bad it won't work for your application, but I'm sure you can rig a pot up to a voltage reg for the same thing if you get the parts rated up to 30W or so. Been a while since I took physics or tried this, so I'm sure you have a better idea of how to rig it. Otherwise there are fan controllers that go up to 30W or so. Here one I found quickly. I hope I'm helping.
  20. This is incredibly convenient. Thank you Tom! I was looking into trying to download all the updated mame stuff but it's always a hassle. I need a simple tutorial of CLRmamepro, as I still can't figure updating full rom sets out. I'm always procrastinating Mame updates (I'm still on 0.153 and my romset hasn't had a fixfile since 0.149). Maybe this will light a fire under my tail and finally motivate me to do it. So I guess I'm looking for a 0.149 to 0.173 fixfile. EDIT: Apparently my MAME 0.149 set is a merged set. The installer you included only accepts split sets, so I've been trying to unmerge my set and take the opportunity to update it to 175. ClrMamePro blues! The scanner always crashes before completing. I'm trying a new approach now, using the merger to convert my set to "non-merged set" then the scanner to split sets to remove unneeded roms. Hopefully that will leave me with a split set that I can then apply the update packs to with the rebuilder (I have very little idea what I'm doing and am sure I'm ruining this Romset. Luckily I have a backup)..
  21. You mean besides the PS3 controller, right? Lol...
  22. Ok, yes. I found that this was installed as part of visual studio 9.0 beta program (odd place to put them, shame on microsoft). I think I'll just delete them and hope for the best. In any case Evo has been exonerated. Feel free to delete this thread to tidy things up.
  23. I noticed that there is an installer, uninstaller, cabinet file and a bunch of dll's for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable that "appeared" on my root G:Drive (the data hard drive my games are located on). I think I remember seeing this install during evo but am not sure. If so, you might look into why it just placed them into my root folder instead of nested within its own folder in a more appropriate place on the computer (Like the C:Drive or appdata or wherever). IDK, maybe it wasn't Evo that installed it there. The only other thing I've downloaded since was imgburn, so the list of possible culprits is slim. ***Edit: and Visual Studios which I forgot about (what actually caused this)***
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