It's a spin off of zen pinball, with adult themed tables, i'm guessing they made this spin off so they don't have to change the age classifications of the normal zen pinball. From what i've read it should have cabinet support, but i did not test it yet
Edit: tested, the game is nice but unfortunately no working direct table launch commands or at least the ones from pinball fx don't work. But it does have cabinet mode (best to copy your settings.xml from pinball fx over as the cabinet mode does not stick otherwise after restart)
these should be id's of the tables (in case you want todo backglasses using ingame system)
Duke Nukem's Big Shot Pinball 176
Dead by Daylight™ Pinball 174
The Thing Pinball 175
Chucky's Killer Pinball 171
Wrath of the Elder Gods - Director’s Cut 147