@Dacstyle asked me for documentation for settings up Vpinball 10.8 (still in beta) with different settings.
Some use cases :
Default cabinet support
Used for tables with that needs some lower graphics settings
VR system
Headtracking devices
In previous versions all settings where set in the registry and using for example another system needs a launch script to change the value in the registry.
Starting from VisualPinballX 10.8 all the settings are stored in an INI file
When launching the VpinballX.EXE (VpinballX_GL.EXE, VPinballX64.exe or VPinballX_GL64.exe) for the first time, it will copy all the settings from the registry to %appdata%\VPinballX\VPinballX.ini
When this file exists, everytime you launch VpinballX 10.8 (or higher) it will use this INI file.
any change you make to the configuration will be made to this file as well
To use Visual Pinball with different settings, you can make copies of this file.
In my example I will make 3 different settings files :
Standard Visual Pinball
Visual Pinball 64 bit GL for headtracking
Visual Pinball 64 Bit GL for VR
But as I said, you can make your settings file
If you save the INI file next to your table file, with the same table name, it will use this ini file for the specific table as well ! (But hard to manage 1100+ tables like me)
My steps :
Copy the file %appdata%\VPinballX\VPinballX.ini to your Visual Pinball Directory.
For me it is C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball
Rename the file so, it you know the purpose of it
In my example :
Will be the standard VP settings (no extra ini, just the one from appdata)
Visual VPinballX_Headtracking.ini
Visual VPinballX_VR.ini
So I got 2 ini files in my Visual Pinball directory :
To launch Visual Pinball with a specific INI file, you need to launch the exe from the command line with a special -ini parameters :
For example to launch the VR :
This is not really user friendly, so I want to make it a bit easier.
When just checking tables, I'm not using my front end, but just using file explorer.
When I right click on them, I want to options that I created (see the 3 above). Like this :
Open and Edit are still the default
But 'Edit Kinect' and 'Edit VR', I added (with the correct Ini files).
Create a text file call VP.reg (or anything with the extension .reg)
paste the following into it :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VPX_auto_file\shell\Edit VR]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VPX_auto_file\shell\Edit VR\command]
@="\"C:\\Pinball\\Visual Pinball Beta\\VPinballX_gl64.exe\" -ini \"C:\\pinball\\Visual Pinball\\VPinballX_VR.ini\" -edit \"%1\""
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VPX_auto_file\shell\Edit Kinect]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VPX_auto_file\shell\Edit Kinect\command]
@="\"C:\\Pinball\\Visual Pinball Beta\\VPinballX64.exe\" -ini \"C:\\pinball\\Visual Pinball\\Visual VPinballX_Headtracking.ini\" -edit \"%1\""
Modify the names to display ('Edit Kinect' and 'Edit VR') for your own purpose
Also change the paths to the EXE files and the INI files to your own needs
save the file and should show up like this :
Double click the file
click Yes
and click Yes to confirm
Now you have the 2 extra menu options
Note :
If you want to setup for all users, replace the following lines
If you now right click on a VPX file, you can edit this in the system you want, and when exiting Visual Pinball , it will save it to that file.
For example, we only copied the files to the Viusl Pinball Direcorty.
now I want to setup my VR environment :
I right click on a VPX and select Edit VR
Visual Pinball will open (Gl version with the ini file for VR)
I can make my adjustments for any settings and close Visual Pinball. this will automaticlly save the INI file
Testing a table ? just click run (F5) in the editor
Now do this for all your ini files.
If you want to setup a specific INI file for a table that needs special threatment.
just copy an in ifile to the location where your VPX table is, and name the INI file with the same name :
How to setup your frontend ?
Different configs needs to be separated by extra System (I hope that Tom will add this feature request )
to the parameters, add -ini with the INI file as well
I have my VR tables in a different folder and set it up like this :