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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/23 in all areas

  1. just offtopic and i broke it now but what were chances of this ever happening lol (that nr is total nr of posts posted) pcteknic had exactly 555 and i had exactly 777 and we even posted in same topic right after each other reaching these numbers
    2 points
  2. They will be once the set is complete. Here are a few for Star Wars Pinball..
    2 points
  3. Based on @PcTeknic request in #general to launch multiple exe's but put them inside a single system i made a new launch script that can launch .lnk or .url or .bat files (or even .exe or .com files but it's better to create a .lnk (shortcut) file to it then). This makes it easy to put single application or games inside a single system, you can even make multiple such systems and folders if you like to group them or so. The way it works is you need to create a directory with shortcut or url or .bat files named like so : [game.exe].[idenitifier].lnk the [game].exe needs to be the exe filename of the program you are launching using your lnk (url or bat) file, it's the process we will monitor. The [idenitifier] can be anything you like it's been mainly added just in case you have multiple games using same [game.exe] filenames so you can still create multiple shortcut files just never use a point inside the identifier name. For example Malzbies pinball collection exe is named PinballCollection.exe, create a shortcut (or url in this case of steam, you can use steam to create the shortcut on the desktop, in case of shortcuts to exe files, goto the folder of the exe file and right click and drag it to an empty spot and choose create shortcurt) afterwards name that shortcut "PinballCollection.exe.Malzbies.url" and copy it to your launch files folders this is also the game name you need to use inside gamemanager. the script will then extract [game.exe] from the filename and launch the shortcut or url or batch file, wait for [game.exe] process to start and then wait for it to stop and quit the script. You can and WILL NEED TO setup a key in the script here, being the same one as the key you use for quiting games inside pinballx. The script will then close the game and stop running. also DO NOT set process to monitor to the script.exe filename if you do that the launch after script will never work because pinballx will kill the script before it can run the launch after batch file. Launch before and after bat files are also supported. the script will check if [game.exe].[identifier].launchbefore.bat exits and launch it (while waiting for it to finish) before starting the shortcut. The same is applied for the launch after bat file, it checks for [game.exe].[identifier].launchafter.bat and launch that either when the game exits naturally or when you press the key i spoke of earlier (the script closes the game / exe file when you press that key and it will no longer wait on the process to end and then run the launch after script). this is the script: LaunchLnkFile.ahk this line you need to change the key to your quit key (same one as you use in pinballx) This is how my launch files folder look like: This how to set it up in pinballx (note do not put process to monitor.exe the script handles this if you do set it to the script filename, the launchafter bat file stuff will not work as pinballx will kill the script then) these are the games are setup for the system inside game manager If you want to add commandline parameter for some games add them to your LNK files for example: if you need more control over a specific file use a [game.exe].[identiefier].bat file to launch the game and put all required commando's inside the batch file i did not test this but this should work also
    1 point
  4. Thank´s for new launcher with launch before/after suppot, i can test it today, surely it´s perfect now.
    1 point
  5. I have a version with launch before and launch after batch file support i'm currently documenting it in the user projects section will tag you Edit here is the link to the improved version of the script with launch before & after support as well as going around the issue if multiple exe filenames have the same name (or in case someone stumbles on this topic)
    1 point
  6. I have been tinkering with a Mega Docklets media project on the GameEx side of things for a while and decided to give PinballX a little of the same treatment for my desktop PC. Here are a few of the wheel images I have created for Pinball FX2. I will upload the complete set to the usual places for those interested once finished along with the .xcf (GIMP) and .psd (Photoshop) templates for those that desire to carry things beyond Pinball FX2 for their own setups. EDIT: All individual files can be found on the PinballX FTP site, along with the GIMP .xcf and Photoshop .psd files to create your own for this and other wheel projects. You can find them in the /-PinballX-/Media/PinballFX2/Wheel Images/Mega Docklets folder.
    1 point
  7. In anticipation of Marvel - The Avengers Age of Ultron...
    1 point
  8. Glad you like them! I will be updating the Zen pack with a corrected copy of Tesla. I also hope to have a cleaned up copy of the template so that anyone interested in carrying the style to other systems (Pinball Arcade, FP and VP) can do so and have uniform wheel images across the board.
    1 point
  9. ok thanks for the info love the wheel mate.
    1 point
  10. Thanks, Andy! This project started because I wanted to run Pinball FX2 via PinballX and wanting to have my own take on the wheel images. I don't own Pinball Arcade and I am not sure if I will. I will be providing the .psd template I used in creating these so that others can create and add images for the specific systems/tables they run.
    1 point
  11. these r brill r u planing to do the same for Pinball Arcade?.
    1 point
  12. Thanks! I have updated the Star Wars Pinball pack in the Downloads section of the forum as well as on the FTP to include a wheel image for Star Wars Rebels which is due for release later this month. Zen Studios and Zen Football packs are now available on FTP and Forum Downloads. Enjoy!
    1 point
  13. Finally finished the Zen Studios images for Pasha and CastleStorm. I also decided that I would make the set complete and do the football images. I will upload the completed packs later this weekend.
    1 point
  14. Today has been a bit of a slog, so only got one finished, but, there are only two (Pasha and Castle Storm) to go. I have decided to use the Zen Studios logo for the top of the Zen Pinball wheel images as the Pinball FX2 logo seemed a bit redundant. The Zen Studios logo will be on all packaged Zen tables for this release. BTW, the Marvel Pinball and Star Wars Pinball packs are zipped and available on the FTP site under PinballX > Other Uploads > Draco1962 > Pinball Fx2 > Wheel Images as well as the PinballX downloads section of the forums.
    1 point
  15. My first foray into the Zen offerings. Secrets of the Deep was a biatch to source out a decent logo, bu t I think I managed to do a decent job. Rome was a bit easier to piece together. The Walking Dead is my fave so far.
    1 point
  16. Star Wars Pinball is now complete! On to the next batch...
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. My latest. I had hoped to have the Marvel Pinball collection completed, but real life once again gets in the way of my nefarious schemes...
    1 point
  19. I got all of your wheels installed last night on my cab and absolutely love them...they look so unique and polished. Again, thanks for your hard work!
    0 points
  20. OK, Ok. The day wasn't over yet and I had a few more in me.
    0 points
  21. I wasn't able to spend much time on the project today, but managed to eek out Mars, Epic Quest, V12 (which I will likely rework) and Tesla.
    0 points
  22. Cooked another batch of Zen goodness. I hope to have the complete set (minus the Footballs most likely) within a week.
    0 points
  23. Thanks! I managed a few more before needing to grab some sleep. I should have Marvel wrapped up soon and will probably start the Star Wars wheel images next.
    0 points
  24. These are awesome Draco! I'm a huge fan of the GameEx collection as well, and these are of the same excellent quality. Great job and thanks!
    0 points
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