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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/17 in all areas

  1. It looks like this: It's a mini-din connector, popular for MAC serial interfaces, and a ton of sub-woofer applications when connecting to satellite speakers long ago. Yamaha used them all the time back in the late 90's early 2000's on the computer speakers, along with everybody else at the time (Altec Lansing, etc...). It's a straight through cable, and while you could've butchered the connector, if it worked this long I doubt that's the problem, or it would never work. It's more likely you've got some failing caps on the pcb in the amplifier power supply, hence the reason it's cutting out, and louder it is brings it about more quickly. If you pull the plate amp out you can see these, but it's anybody's guess which one it is without seeing it. I'm sure you're not alone, do some searching and see what google turns up, or just pull it out and see which caps are swollen. I'm betting that's all it is, and you can pickup replacements at digi-key on the cheap, and they have a good selection of caps. A good local electronics store is another option, just don't pickup some cheap shit like jamicon's.
    1 point
  2. My sub has an RCA plug on it, not an s-video'like port. If you can take it apart, you might be ahead to just forego the plug altogether and just solder a cable in directly. But if it were me, I'd just get a new one. If you've had it since you were a child, however long that was, it's probably a good investment.
    1 point
  3. Should be easy. Before turning on the "Fix to Emulator" feature, use "Change View" in the front end until you see the wheel and things look the way you want. Then exit and turn on "Fix to Emulator". It should retain the view you selected sans the menus.
    1 point
  4. Here is the final AHK, new users please compile as exe, run Pinball Arcade in Other systems, follow bduncan's instructions in earlier posts. Note, VLC must be already working to launch on your backglass fullscreen everytime, this must be tested outside the script. Your monitor must be already rotated portrait for the video backglasses part to work, otherwise if you just want to update the last table played use the earlier AHK script i posted. Make sure FreeCamMod's own backglass folder is empty, and that you either have only one mp4 backglass video or a png image for the same rom if no mp4 video bg was available. If the same rom or table has a video and png image both in Backglass videos and Backglass images folder in your Pinball arcade media folder, then two VLC instances will open and PNG image backglass will be on top. I am using 32 bit VLC player which installs to program files (x86) if you grab the 64 bit version you must change this path to just "program files". Process, Close, pinballx.exe bgmp4 = D:\PinballX\Media\Pinball Arcade\Backglass Videos\%1%.mp4 ;Change paths and extentions throughout to match your setup bgpng = D:\PinballX\Media\Pinball Arcade\Backglass Images\%1%.png if FileExist(bgmp4) Run C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --loop "D:\PinballX\Media\Pinball Arcade\Backglass Videos\%1%.mp4" if FileExist(bgpng) Run C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --loop "D:\PinballX\Media\Pinball Arcade\Backglass Images\%1%.png" Run C:\TPAFreeCamMod.exe -table %1% ~Escape:: Process, Close, PinballArcade11.exe Process, Close, vlc.exe FileRead, xmldata, D:\PinballX\Databases\Pinball Arcade\Pinball Arcade.xml ;change to your pinball arcade database doc := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0") doc.async := false doc.loadXML(xmldata) table = //game[@name='%1%']/description Node := doc.selectSingleNode(table) description:= Node.text IniWrite, %description%%1%System_2, D:\Pinballx\Config\PinballX.ini, Internal, lastselected ;change drive letter and system number, for me its 2 in Other Systems so _2 IniWrite, All Tables, D:\Pinballx\Config\PinballX.ini, Internal, filtername Run D:\Pinballx\PinballX.exe ExitAPP return
    1 point
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