Since gameex uses mame commandline to launch In the advanced MAME SETTINGS game options (gameex) try addting these. DirectDraw-specific options --------------------------- -video d3d (USES DIRECT3d) -[no]hwstretch / -[no]hws When enabled, MAME uses the hardware stretching abilities of your video card to scale the game image and associated artwork to the target resolution. Depending on the quality of your graphic card and its drivers, this may be a fractional, antialiased scaling (nice) or an integer, blocky scaling (not so nice), in which case you might want to disable this option. In addition, if you have configured specific arcade-like video modes for MAME and don't want MAME to perform any non-integral scaling of the image, you should also disable this option. The default is ON (-hwstretch). Full screen options ------------------- -[no]triplebuffer / -[no]tb Enables or disables "triple buffering". Normally, MAME just draws directly to the screen, without any fancy buffering. But with this option enabled, MAME creates three buffers to draw to, and cycles between them in order. It attempts to keep things flowing such that one buffer is currently displayed, the second buffer is waiting to be displayed, and the third buffer is being drawn to. -triplebuffer will override -waitvsync, if the buffer is sucessfully created. This option does not work with -video gdi. The default is OFF (-notriplebuffer). THIS SHOULD HELP)