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Brian Hoffman

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Everything posted by Brian Hoffman

  1. Sounds like your on the right track. I dont have these issues tho. Let us know how it works out
  2. Request filled Here is the link. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=III0QFX4 Take care bro Brian Hoffman
  3. all my images are cdi..so yes I can post my copy of loader and config if you guy are having problems.. Along with my nulldc config It works great for me
  4. If it doesnt work I found another somewhere that works really well. Ill post if you want. Sadly I dont know the author tho
  5. Ask and you shall recieve http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?s=...ost&p=20530
  6. It was me (I think---- at least I know ive suggest that before) I also gave some advice here to but it doesn't look like it was taken... Like it was also suggested here it might be due to the fact the emu is not closing being the reason its not doing the launch after. Alot of peeps have been giving help and they all seem like it would work just fine.. I think there is more going on. * It seems this issue has been sorted though * Woo Hoo
  7. Since gameex uses mame commandline to launch In the advanced MAME SETTINGS game options (gameex) try addting these. DirectDraw-specific options --------------------------- -video d3d (USES DIRECT3d) -[no]hwstretch / -[no]hws When enabled, MAME uses the hardware stretching abilities of your video card to scale the game image and associated artwork to the target resolution. Depending on the quality of your graphic card and its drivers, this may be a fractional, antialiased scaling (nice) or an integer, blocky scaling (not so nice), in which case you might want to disable this option. In addition, if you have configured specific arcade-like video modes for MAME and don't want MAME to perform any non-integral scaling of the image, you should also disable this option. The default is ON (-hwstretch). Full screen options ------------------- -[no]triplebuffer / -[no]tb Enables or disables "triple buffering". Normally, MAME just draws directly to the screen, without any fancy buffering. But with this option enabled, MAME creates three buffers to draw to, and cycles between them in order. It attempts to keep things flowing such that one buffer is currently displayed, the second buffer is waiting to be displayed, and the third buffer is being drawn to. -triplebuffer will override -waitvsync, if the buffer is sucessfully created. This option does not work with -video gdi. The default is OFF (-notriplebuffer). THIS SHOULD HELP)
  8. Pj64 has a plugin system...Many people have made INPUT PLUGINS. That allow you to use gameepad devices. Some are better than others. Google them. Also check into the VIDEO PLUGINS aswell as you might get not only better framerates but better picture quality as well. As far as the PSX controller goes. It mainly depends on the driver used... If you let windows drivers do its thing it will work but not correctly. The POV hats (analog sticks) will only work if you press the analog button on the controller and that analog stick on the left will function as the DPAD. not exactly what your after. A correct driver will let you use the POV hats correctly. So in short choose the correct plugin and get the correct driver. Fun Gaming Brian Hoffman
  9. Download PSTOOLS (google it) copy pskill.exe to the windows\system32 directory in the launch after section of gameex type "pskill.exe xpadder.exe" without quotes Xpadder,exe is the process name so if the process name is diffrent then use that... Let me know how it works out.
  10. Let us know how it works out.. alot of peeps could save some cash that way
  11. Just be thankfull nobody speaks in wingdings.....
  12. HAHAHA... I never noticed.. Im not itailian tho but I also do not auto update. Tom isnt Italian either... strange
  13. Get an arcadevga card. it will run the monitors at the right frequency whch is 15 hz I believe.. by the way MAME does NOT support this natively. It will work (provided you have the card I suggested) I think the advancemame build is built to support these monitors. Your other emus will work fine btw.
  14. I'd check here I heard there is a great tutorial on getting this setup with all needed files. http://www.gameex.net/Support/Tutorials/ta...79/Default.aspx
  15. I use batchfiles for this. Deamon Tools has the ability to mount via the commandline. You can diable all prompting and autorun via the program. Why would it need to ummount the image though? You could just end the program,Gameex will regain focus..Next game you select it will then mount that image. It is possable though. I use batchfiles to call my PSX isos. @ECHO OFF c: CD "c:\program files\daemon tools\" daemon.exe -mount 0, "G:\Games\psx\CRONO2PSX.nrg" g: CD "G:\Console\psx\epsxe160" epsxe.exe -nogui cd g: pskill epsxe.exe You might be able to do the same for SSF. If it works a loader can be written to do it automaticly without having to create a million bat files.
  16. Would you happen to have a spare monitor to try?
  17. I'am not a theme editing guru but can you do this by editing the theme? I could be completly wrong.
  18. Just to follow up with bkenobi I would suggest downloading the K-lite codec pack this should have a codec for just about any format.
  19. I didnt know excel could do that. I just have old habits that wont die... I still love DOS
  20. There is an ACCESS MDB that has all the game info stuff that you see. You Good tools to verify your rom dump and rename accordingly. If the game you have doesnt have any info please feel free to edit the DB and put in the info.. Most can be found online on some of the numerous gaming sites. Also You can share what youve made so others can enjoy. As far as renaming the snaps. Id go into dos navigate to the rom directory and do a DIR *.ZIP or whatever the rom extendtion is and redirect it to a text file.. c:\n64\roms\DIR *.zip > MYlist.txt ------- This will give you a text file with all your roms.. Then Id do the same for your snap/carts c:\n64\Snap\DIR *.PNG > mycarts.txt Now that you have two text files one with the names they need to be and one with what they are called. Looking kinda like this mariokart.png mario kart 64 (u).zip Then Id use a program like advance find and replace and replace all ZIP to PNG Now it would look somthing like this mariokart.png mario kart 64 (u).PNG Then Id use the same utility to put REN in front of it Now it looks like this REN mariokart.png mario kart 64 (u).png Then Id save the TXT as a BAT file and run it. Its a liitle work but the best I can come up with right now.
  21. Let it go into attract/screen savermode. Move you mouse...When it comes back up with the blank screen press ALT+TAB...Does that bring gameex back?
  22. I burned a few processors in my day and I do not rely on MB sensors to save me. Yes I do agree you will get stuttering issues as it getting warmer... I have a geforce card that will garbel graphics and stutter when it is really hot...I have since added 4 fans to fix it. (it did) All this debating aside I'am sure we can all agree an overly hot processor is not a good thing.
  23. Have you tried lowering the HZ
  24. Try installing the klite codec pack
  25. I do not watch videos through gameex... As yourself being a new user I cant exaclty ask if it was working on prior versions. Press ALT+TAB and see if you can get that dialog box to come up.. This might help figure it out.
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