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Brian Hoffman

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Everything posted by Brian Hoffman

  1. Do you have any programs that run on startup? If you have a startup video try disabling it. Try Changing themes.
  2. Yes go ahead.. You will enjoy it.. I have one personally. Ive also built my own cpanel with an IPAC. No worries my friend
  3. Goto "C:\Program Files\GameEx\Gameexconfig.exe" Click on Display settings. Goto Next Page... The option is there. Iam not sure what you mean by this "Certainly: in the standard windows32 gameex config window the secondary monitor is OFF." Does this refer to MAME32? Have you checked the runlastgame.bat?
  4. Your very welcome Also check the runlastgame.bat located in the gameex start menu tree. See what happens
  5. Yes it does. The licence is kept in the registry so uninstalling and reinstalling wont matter. You can also copy the gameex folder (usually located in programfiles) to a safe location and if the fresh install does not work you can just copy it back over and be okay. At this time I think its a config issue.. Give me a little more time to investigate... Before you do anyhing rash. *** Ok goto gameex advance config---Display settings----Run on secondary monitor--- Say no
  6. Looking at the command there is an E: before the command this is probably the issue. Please export your config so we can see exactly what your trying to do. I run gameex with zsnes I will post my config later to night. Also verify your paths as bkenobi stated...tho snap and cart paths usually dont cause a crash. Addittionally in the startmenu gameex tree run the RUN LAST GAME.bat and see what happens. Im sure it will not work. But it will give clues as to why Taken from error log E: zsnesw.exe "E:\Roms\SNES\Killer_Instinct_(Beta).zip" Welcome to the board
  7. Hmm. Well what version of windows are you using... Could be a permission issue.
  8. Which monitor is your primary monitor? Is this a fresh install of gameex?
  9. How many roms do you have for neorage? just a few that dont play well in mame? The reason I ask is for a few we could do bat files. If you have a bunch a Map file would be better. Please post your config for this emu and we can go from there. Also Im not to familiar with this emu. will it work from command line eg.. neoragex.exe mslug5 If so the make your rom filter *.zip and command line is neoragex.exe (or whatever) "[rompath]/[romfile]" of course now you get a game list that has zip file names eg mslug5 instead of Metal Slug 5 This is where the MAP file comes in it will map name mslug5 to Metel Slug 5 so your rom list looks pretty. I also believe there is a setting in gameex advanced configuration to Use Mediaplayer library. Not sure right now exactly where it is but I know its there. If no opne else picks this up (which is doubtfull Ill tell you exactly where later) Welcome to the board Brian Hoffman
  10. Oh snap... I guess your right. Sorry bout that
  11. I use nulldc emu it works great.. Especially with my ipac.. As far as the converting md5 to cdi. Use alcohol to mount the image and then use alcohol to rip to cdi.
  12. I use a psx emu and have played it all the way through. the game will create a save file before it askes you to switch discs. then yes you do exit the game and load cd2. and all other plays until you get to cd 3. There are methods of creating a single ISO containing all info but Ive never done it. This has worked fine
  13. Also check flat menus.
  14. Agreed. There are quite a few people here that contribute alot to the community. By all means please donate.. Every bit helps even if it doesn't remove the ads it is still worth it.. Besides lets say for example the ADS bring in 200 bucks a month. Is there going to be a counter saying that "only 120 more to go or else the banners come back up" Seems a little cheesy. Without relying totally on donations this is the only way Tom can secure a source of income. Personally Ive donated twice. Some more.. Others less.. But I love this board and the peeps here are top notch. I really want to do all I can.
  15. Headkaze was here I think he said that it did work outside of mame in the xarcade test app.
  16. Thank you very much.
  17. I believe google ads make up a 3rd of toms hosting costs. I dont see him removing them anytime soon.. On a side at least Toms ads aren't full of spyware/tracking cookies like 1emulation site is. This is really an IE issue because IE waits and waits and waits for the ads to load before moving on and doesn't refresh properly. Where as firefox will just go on and load the other content. It is bothersome but I do understand. However we do have a few options as end users/ 1)Get firefox 2)Block ads by using a 3rd party software 3)edit your hosts file to your loop back address for all sites begining with ADS.googlesynmdication or whatever it is. I'am am sure if it was a simple fix Tom would have done it. I believe his hands are tied due to the way IE functions. Lastly Iam sure these ads are a last resort for any web site admin... This stuff is expensive.
  18. In mame settings in the gameex advanced configuration remove the artwork path. Gameex builds the commandline based on those inputs.
  19. Launch MAME press TAB goto input configutration controls and make sure p2 left is defined. If you cannot figure it out. you can always delete your mame default.cfg
  20. I also mention to tom in a chat session... It works ok in firefox tho. It only seems to affect IE
  21. MAME 118 is released! woo hoo Grabbed from 1emulation:The stable version is (also) 0.118. NOTE: if you are upgrading directly from 0.117 or earlier, please note that you must delete all .cfg files and re-configure your controllers. With that said go grab it at the official site: http://mamedev.org/releases/mame0118b.exe Patch to remove all those (unwanted?) messages. Just trying to keep headkaze on his toes! *link temporairly? removed**
  22. Try adding RAM to your system...Sounds like a resource issue... Id reboot the system... Then check it out, If it still persists make sure no programs are running in the backround,.. Then buy the memory
  23. How does it play outside gameex?
  24. Weird seems ok to me.
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