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Everything posted by GoTheBunnies

  1. Running GameEx on a 3-sided cocktail, and have it set up so that Mame Auto-Rotates when it's a horizontal game. I'm using the GameEx bezel because some of the Mame ones are pretty 'noisy', but my question is can I remove Bezels completely and effectively spread the game out across the screen? Some of the horizontal games get pretty skinny-looking. Thanks
  2. For what it's worth, all of my video files that I use in GameEx are .FLV format, and whilst they didn't play at first (in WMP or anything else), I downloaded Shark007's Codec pack and everything worked fine.
  3. Brilliant - thanks Stu!
  4. Nice app Stu - thanks. One question - it finds all my emulators, but doesn't see my MAME roms nor give me the option to choose MAME to be checked?
  5. Hey I worked it out! There's an option under 'Enable/Disable Features' called 'Hide Zinc' - I had it set to Yes on the cabinet - changed it, and now the PSX games show up. Kinda strange I thought, given that I'd said under 'Advanced Mame Settings' to use Zinc, that I still had to flick another switch to Show Zinc. Anyway, all sorted!
  6. I use an old PC for testing changes that I make to my GameEx setup before I implement the changes in my cabinet. This approach is useful for when I'm trying to get new emulators up and running etc. I've spent ages getting my Zinc set-up just right on the test PC, and am now trying to get it running on the cabinet. For whatever reason, I can't get the Playstation games to show in the list, and I'm thinking that I may have forgotten something that I did in the original set-up, even though I try to document what I'm doing along the way. Here's what I've done - I've copied all my Zinc roms (numbers, not names) into the same directory as my Mame roms, and changed the Zinc settings under 'Advanced Mame Config' (I'm sure that when I did this when testing, and then updated my Games List, a new category appeared called 'Playstation Games'. Not this time). I've made sure that my GameEx configs are identical for the Zinc setup (I've done this step manually - I haven't copied any files from one PC to the other). I've verified my set-up - no errors. I've made sure both PC's are running the same version of GameEx. Both PC's are also running the same theme. Despite all this, when I run an 'Update Games List' I don't get a 'Playstation Games' option on the menu. I must be missing something basic? Would it help if I copied the config files from one PC to the other. If so, how do I do that (ie which directories need to be copied).
  7. Outstanding! I had a zip file of icons sitting in my 'icons' folder all this time - unzipped it and now they all show up. Luv them - can't believe I didn't know they existed until now. Thanks guys.
  8. Thanks frequency, that was a lot of help. Changing the drive letters did the trick.
  9. Thanks Headkaze - now I know where to get them - how do I get them to show up in the Theme I'm using? (BlueEx 1024x768)
  10. Thanks - updated and the pop-ups work - all good. One other question - how did you get those great looking mini icons next to the games in the list? Is that unique to the theme you're using? Thanks again.
  11. Hi all, Finally got Zinc running through GameEx and controls mapped (woohoo!). Only issue I have now is that I get the attached error message everytime I escape from a Zinc game. I can hit 'cancel' and it happily goes back to GameEx as it should - but anyone know what's causing the error and how I stop it? Thanks
  12. I'm using theme BlueEx MCE1024x768 but the theme.ini file doesn't show the version number? Checked all of the BlueEx themes - none of them have a version number?
  13. The links in your sig lead to a LOT of threads and subjects. Anyone in particular I should be looking at?
  14. Thanks - I did set the controller paths via the front end, but it didn't really work properly. I can't actually test it via the front end (only via GameEx) because my roms are 'numbered' and not 'named', and the FE doesn't recognise them (but GameEx does). Bit of a pain really. One question about your button set up (which may help me with my 6 button set up) - how many buttons do you have on your joystick, and how have you got them set out and mapped? Thanks
  15. Thanks for that. I thought a bunch of people on here had Zinc up and running ok? I say 'ok' and not perfect, because I think the controller config worked with some games, but not necessarily all of them (some would be a start....).
  16. Hi guys, I know this has come up before, but trawling through the posts I couldn't find a definitive solution to my problem. Have been messing around with Zinc for a while, and now have the games running nicely through GameEx. Problem is that I can't map the controls, at least not with any consistency. I used ZincFE because it uses Winterblast's Controller Plugin (which seems to be the recommended way to go). Attached is a screenshot of the Plugin GUI. First problem I had is that I'm using a 6 button, 2 player set up. My Mame config for Player 1 for example is 123456=CVBNZX. Winterblast GUI was giving me (at least) 9 possible mappings for my 6 buttons, so I took a stab at what I thought made sense (as per screenshot). Now when I test in the games, some only use keys NZ&X (or 456), and some don't recognise any (except Coin and Start, which seem to work in all games tested). But perhaps my problem starts before the Contoller Plugin stage? My GameEx settings are - Use Zinc = Yes Zinc Path = C:\Emulators\[Arcade]Zinc Zinc Exe = Zinc.exe Zinc Options = --use-config-file=zinc.cfg --use-controller-cfg-file=controller.cfg You can see my file structure in the background of the screenshot. GameEx setup ok? Figured it must be close - the games run. If it is ok, how are other configuring the Controller Plugin for 6 buttons (or less)? And why wouldn't the games be recognising the changes I make? (I've noticed that the controller.cfg file does update everytime I make a change). Thanks
  17. Brian, following up on Draco's question, can you talk us through the steps of incorporating this into GameEx? According to the download thread, it's already incorporated in GameEx (??), but despite me having hi files, nothing is accurate in the GameEx High Score menu item? Thanks
  18. Where are Headkaze's instructions? (found the compiler tool download, but no instructions??).
  19. Just wondering if anyone is using anything other than a compiled version of Mame to get their hi-score support (ie another Mame GUI)??
  20. So it doesn't automatically create the NVRAM file when the game is played like it does a STA file for example? (this is becoming more complicated...... )
  21. Ok, seems I'm sillier than I thought - I've had a look at my folders under my Mame_133 directory, and I already have a 'hi' directory populated with files. So I must already have a compiled version right? (all the files were copied onto a hard drive for me, I didn't download, so didn't actually know what I was getting). So if the 'Hi' directory is there, and the hiscore.dat file is in the same directory as mame.exe - I've got everything I need right? So how can I tell if it's actually working for the gmaes supported? Do I need to do anything else? Next question is GameEx related - take Galage for example, where I know the high scores are being saved - where does GameEx get the scores listed under the menu option 'High Score' (because they're not the same as the real high scores). Do I need to configure this somewhere??
  22. Thanks Brian - that does indeed help. If I decide to go down the route of using a UI that supports hi-scores (ie MAMEUIFX32), will it create any additional problems for me in GameEx?
  23. Thanks Adultery. Been doing some reading on the whole hi-score issue, and wondering why it wouldn't be better to download a UI with hi-score support (like MameUIFX) rather than go through the steps of compiling my own version?? I'm sure there must be a good reason (or else everyone would just do that right?), but am curious to know what it is. I assume if I went down the MameUIFX path then all my GameEx config settings would have to change (so there's one negative for starters....). Cheers
  24. Hi guys, I know this is a MAME question, but from reading some of the other threads you guys seem to be on top of it, so thought I'd ask the question here. I also know the subject has been done to death, so apologies for going over old ground - but I just don't get it. I'm running Mame .133 with the Mame32 GUI. It works perfectly and is running great through GameEx. Problem is that not all of my High Scores save. The games that have 'Automatic Save States' enabled save the scores - unfortunately that's obviously not all the games. No Sega games, for example, have Auto Save States. So from what I've read it seems that I need to compile my own version of Mame. I haven't looked into doing that in too much detail yet, and wanted to ask some questions before I start. The obvious one I suppose is why is it that what I would consider a basic functionality (saving high scores) is so difficult to achieve? I'm really surpised it doesn't come as part of a basic package? Am I right in saying that some front ends now have this built in - ie they save the scores independently of Mame? Anyway, that aside, if I go ahead with compiling a version myself - - will it cause any issues with my current set-up (ie will any GameEx config paths need to be changed etc) - do I need to compile a version of the same one I'm running - ie 0.133? - I'm guessing that if I do compile the same version it will save any issues with updating roms - they all should still run as they do now? - what are the risks? Can I stuff anything up that will interfere with my current set up? And once it's done, is that it - never needs to be done again unless I update my Mame version. What about my GUI - will it still work with the compiled version? That's about it for now I think! Thanks
  25. Thanks - that's what I've done. I'm having some other issues with it, and have posted them in someone else's thread.
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