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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. With my gangs of students & evil bosses, nobody can stop me now

  2. Wouldn't you know it ... hot off the press: PlayStation 4 Specs: PS4 Not Backwards Compatible, Will Support Used Games Says Sony Exec So at least used game support is a piece of good news!
  3. I'm not sure Xpadder is the answer here as the I-PAC is itself a keyboard encoder (in other words it's already mapping button presses to key presses by virtue of what the device is). Not that I can speak from experience, I don't even own a cab! So epicfatigue I think you may want to have a look at the Keyboard Input section rather than the Joystick Input section. What you enter there will depend on how you've configured your I-PAC. Now as far as configuring your I-PAC goes, I'm afraid I'm a bit clueless. A quick Google search brought up quite a few hits on the forums regarding I-PAC support in GameEx. Hopefully the following reading material can shed some additional light on the subject. IPAC support in GameEx Need assistance programming iPac from gameex using my ipac to the fullest Ipac shifted controls
  4. I think in some ways the following may explain Sony’s choices regarding backwards compatibility: source Not much reason to support older games, if you destroy the market for them. Apparently Microsoft is investigating similar measures. In many ways this paints a bit of a grim (or at least drastically altered) future for the gaming landscape. Thank goodness for emulation! It certainly gives me pause as to whether I want to throw more money at them. In terms of next-gen consoles, that Steam box is looking more and more attractive. (Ah who am I kidding - I'm sure Sony will likely sucker me in with one console exclusive game or another )
  5. Hi Gimmeclassic I believe Draco is referring to how ROMs themselves are updated as MAME goes through the process of incremental updates. As opposed to ‘standard’ emulators where ROMs are (relatively) static and unchanging, MAME ROMs are living breathing entities that change over time. For this reason your version of MAME is rather inseparable from the version of ROMs running within it. It’s the same reason it’s always a good idea to run ROM auditing software to insure your version of MAME is compatible with your ROM versions. In short it’s likely that any ROMs that have been updated since the last version of MAME supported by HiToText, may or may not currently work with HiToText since the affected ROMs and/or ROM sets may have been may have been updated in the meantime. Here's a bit more info to that end.
  6. Thanks for investigating the matter there Han!
  7. No sweat Han, don't worry about it. Sorry for all the questions. I'd certainly consider a Fire as my next Tablet, so I was just trying to get a feel for the lay of the land. I was trying to determine whether the reader software on the Kindle (however you want to phrase that), is more similar to an e-ink kindle (since the Fire is a Kindle), or whether it's more similar to the Kindle software available as an Android app (since the Fire is an Android device - as opposed to the rest of the Kindle eco-system). Probably oughta just do my own research, instead of bugging you about it. Hey while we're on the topic, I'd definitely recommend taking a look at Calibre companion for connecting to your Calibre library if the browser method is giving you any grief. It is a 3rd party app, but if it meets a need that's not currently fulfilled (or at least not without jumping through hoops in your browser) it may be worth it. Just a thought. It really is as easy as starting the app, pressing connect, and you're instantly in your Calibre library with all the metadata and sorting options that Calibre enables.
  8. So cool to see the functionality of this plugin growing by leaps and bounds! Well done my friend!
  9. I'm kind of curious if the Kindle app on the Fire has more functionality that the regular ol' Android version available through the app store(s). Can you connect to a shared library on the LAN with the Kindle app on the Fire? On the Kindle reader I have installed (the one linked) they pretty much want you to use your Kindle library and only your Kindle library as a source (and it won't even let me me move that library to my SD card). Curious if I'm missing out on anything!
  10. I tend to avoid the Kindle reader app, although it is a perfectly serviceable reader in and of itself. The main reason is because I want to store eBooks to my SD card, and as near as I can tell I can't change the location of my library in the Kindle app (which defaults to system storage). If anyone knows how to accomplish this with the Android Kindle app I'd be interested to know. For the most part I've found the settings and preferences available on the Kindle reader app to be rather anemic. Maybe it's different on an official Amazon device? The following apps will let you sort your library according to series metadata configured in Calibre: Moon+ Reader: Hands down my favorite reader. Waaaay more robust than anything else I've tried (Kindle and Aldiko), Among other things it can connect to your Calibre Content Server for moving eBooks to your device, and syncing everything up. There's a free ad supported version as seen here, but I can't seem to find it on Amazon. Calibre Companion: The primary focus of this app is connecting to your Calibre Content Server and transferring books from your library to your device. It doesn't have an integrated reader (as opposed to desktop Calibre), so you'll still need to have a reader installed for whichever format of eBook your transferring. If I were to recommend only one of these apps it would be Moon+ Reader since it can do almost everything that Calibre Companion does, and is itself a reader.
  11. Because you were emphasizing your point I guess? Any hoo, congratulations Han, I have a feeling you're really going to enjoy your new tablet! Does the virtual keyboard work alright when you're not using the case? I wouldn't be shy about getting an RMA if the keyboard (or case) keeps giving you grief (especially before the Amazon return policy runs out). It could be an indicator that there's a problem with the touchscreen (or case) which could manifest itself in several different ways. 200 bones ain't just a hill of beans my friend! Have fun, and let us know how if you discover any unbeatable apps or other cool things for the device.
  12. Hi Chaos! Sounds totally insane / awesome! Just a quick hit, but given the above, I think Frets on Fire could be a worthy addition to the madness / genius. Keep us posted on the project CT!
  13. Hi Evilforces I'm sorry to hear that this continues to be a problem for you. Have you tried a fresh installation of GameEx downloaded from the website? I'd definitely give that a try. If it's not too much trouble would you mind posting an updated version of you GameEx.ini and your log? (It might be helpful to post a copy of your log after attempting to update your game list). Thanks Evilforces!
  14. An artists work is never finished, eh KRC? I like the revamp, it looks fantastic.
  15. I think the Fire is an outstanding buy, and I think you'll probably be happy with the device. The one piece of advice I'd give is to do a bit of investigation about the apps you'd like to run in advance. The Kindle app store is a bit of a 'walled garden' in terms of what apps are available and what's not. Unfortunately using the Google Play store on the Fire is not currently an option. I'm not sure if you can side load apps onto the Fire or not, but that also might be worth investigating. Here's an article comparing the two app stores. OTOH I believe the Kindle can be rooted at which point you could just load up CyanogenMod and run whatever the hell you want. Not sure if that's appealing to you or not, but I believe it's possible. Oh hey, regarding file management on Android, and moving files across your network ES File Explorer is absolutely awesome (it also has an integrated FTP client and a host of other goodies). Highly recommended!
  16. Cool! Small world. I live a little over an hour south of Great Falls (meaning it's the next city over to the north ). There's definitely some good fishing to be had along the Missouri and its tributaries (Wolf Creek, MT in particular is a fantastic hub from which to head out fishing). You'll have to let me know if you ever make it up this direction Draco!
  17. I actually read your response on my Samsung Galaxy Tab II (and it's also what I was referring to when I was describing reading comics on it). As far as I'm concerned it's a great little unit. I have one, my wife has one, and I even let my kids tool around on my old one that has a broken screen. So here's a bit more input based on your comments above. Calibre is the frickin' bomb for managing e-books, converting between ebooks between formats, etc. One feature of Calibre that you didn't mention is the Calibre Content Cerver, meaning you can access your Calibre library over a LAN connection (or even remotely I'm sure with a little port forwarding). Once you couple the Calibre server with this little gem running on your tablet (written by a member of the Calibre team), you've got a seriously killer mobile library at your fingertips, any time, any where. I can't impart how great Calibre is. (Of course once you start delving into it, you start worrying about the the finer points of your library ... such as metadata) The Samsung Galaxy Tab II does support speech to text functionality (it's actually more accurate to say that the tablet can run apps which support text to speech). I'm also relatively certain there are reader apps out there featuring text to speech. Funny anecdote about that ... One evening I was sitting on my throne as it were, surfing the internet on my tablet (don't tell me you don't do it fellas), and one of my kids kept on pounding on the door. Finally I yell at her to leave me alone. When I look back down at my tablet I had just Googled, "Leave me alone I'm trying to poop in here". ... I didn't bother investigating the search hits thank god. But there you go - speech to text; way too much information but true story. So yee-aaah ... where was I? Ah yes ... Not too sure about the 3G thing. I believe the less expensive version of the Galaxy Tab II is WiFi only. The main issue I've had with the Galaxy Tab II is a small issue but it's noteworthy depending upon your situation. The camera on this tablet doesn't have auto-focus. The pictures seem reasonable enough, but you may have some issues reading barcodes and the like. You may consider that if you plan on doing a lot of 'tablet photography'. For the most part I've found it just fine for candid, casual shots. Let me know if you have any other questions about the Galaxy Tab II and I'll try to chime in.
  18. Several users have reported success using that method (it certainly worked for me), but even then there are a few reports that reconfiguring DaemonTools so that only SCSI drives are available has not been a successful strategy. SCSI vs DT Virtual Drive sega cd issues It could certainly be the case that those users did something wrong, but it's hard to say for sure. I guess I'm of the opinion that a plugin like this gives those users a backup plan. I dunno, at the end of the day I think the ability to exercise a greater degree of control over mounting to virtual drives is a good thing. I mean no one is required to use the plugin, but at least it's there for those users that need to mount to a SCSI drive, and have struggled to make it happen thus far. (It certainly would have shortened this thread considerably )
  19. I'll short hand this one ... It's the virtual SCSI factor at play again. If you have a virtual DT drive installed the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command will default to that one rather then using the SCSI drive. Some emulators (such as ePSXe and MagicEngine to my knowledge) require the use of a SCSI drive which has something to do with the way they read sub-channel data. All of this leads to discussions like this one. Various users have reported successfully mounting images to SCSI drives using the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command if they only have one DaemonTools drive installed and it's a virtual SCSI ... but even then an equal number have reported that this doesn't work for them (FWIW I'm in the group that this has worked for). Not sure what the determining factor for success is there, but it seems to be something of a pattern. I suppose it might also work if you had multiple DaemonTools drives all of which were virtual SCSI but I've not tested out that particular scenario. What complicates matters is that DaemonTools is installed as a virtual DT drive by default. So you need to remove the default DT drive(s) and add a virtual SCSI drive for the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command to even have a shot of working on those emulators requiring a SCSI drive. So this typically leads to an ... interesting ... troubleshooting discussion. I typically just go for the "Launch Before / Launch After discussion" rather than have the users start mucking about with their DaemonTools drives. Hmm ... out of curiosity is there any way a plugin could intercept the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command and inject the "mount scsi" flag as necessary? Just a thought. So Adultery's plugin will let you explicitly specify a virtual SCSI drive rather than monkeying with your DaemonTools drives in an attempt to trick GameEx into to mounting to a virtual SCSI
  20. This is so cool Adultery! The ability to specify a virtual SCSI drive is something that's going to make life easier for a lot of users. Thanks so much!
  21. No need to apologize! I'm always pretty jazzed when motivated users such as your self get in there and root out problems all on their own. Pretty soon you'll be the one helping new users! Feel free to ask all the questions you like. I don't think we'd be here if we didn't enjoy talking about this stuff (for some strange reason!) So ... have fun in Jamaica! What with the crystal clear waters, sandy beaches, ska music, and bikinis. Yeah ... I'll just be here up north ... enjoying my Montana winter! Seriously though, have fun! It's going to be awesome.
  22. Glad it all worked out in the end! I'm really not sure if there's anything that can be done about the MagicEngine menu flashing briefly upon exit. It's not an emulator I use so I'm not overly familiar with the intricacies. It would certainly be worth asking about over on the MagicEngine forums. If it turns out there's some trick to it, please report your findings back here. That way the whole community here can benefit from your research. Thanks man! I bet you guys will find that this is all getting easier as you go along. You're accumulating some good knowledge! nullDC will be a breeze! I gotta say I'm pretty pumped about this one Adultery! One of the few times I've made a feature request is to request this exact functionality! And you ... all calm and collected ... you just straight up waltz in and take care of business. ... And that, ladies and gentlemen is exactly how Adultery rolls.
  23. Ah crap ... I can't believe I just noticed this: Not sure what's going on with that group, but it will certainly group all the ROMs for those emulators into a single game list. Get rid of that group and I bet your problem will go away. For reference you can configure emulator groups in the Setup Wizard on the Emulator Groups screen. This time I'm really pretty positive about the source of your issue.
  24. DazzleHP brings up an excellent point. It never hurts to verify that the contents of your ROM dirctories do in fact contain what you think they contain. So double check that first. If your directories look to be in order, then I have a couple of things for you to try. I've excerpted a couple of lines from each of the problematic systems you mentioned I'm wondering if the map files assigned to Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800 are causing the merging issues. Those map files are created by GameEx and will be rebuilt by GameEx upon loading. Please try the following steps: Exit GameEx if it's running Navigate to ..\GameEx\DATA in your GameEx installation directory Delete EMU_1.map Delete EMU_2.map Delete EMU_3.map Restart GameEx and see if that changed anythingIf that doesn't help let's also try this for good measure: Exit GameEx if it's running Navigate to ..\GameEx\DATA in your GameEx installation directory Delete ALL files containing the word cache in the filename or extension within this directory. Restart GameEx and see if that changed anythingI'm almost positive that something is going on with those map files. Try the above and see if that helps at all. Good luck mviars!
  25. I do have a couple of ideas but before I go off half-cocked with suggestions, would you mind posting a copy of your GameEx.ini? This will help to give us a better picture of what might be happening here. Do the games in the 'merged' lists still run correctly?
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