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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. I sort of wondered the same thing. I think if I were able to rollback the database to the "Eden version" I might be able to figure out what thumbnails go where (I imagine the naming convention for the artist thumbs most likely correlates to a database identifier of some sort), but at this point I'm honestly not sure if it's too late to rollback the DB. It may be worth investigating. This quote from one of the XBMC developers doesn't seem particularly encouraging though So my album art is in good shape (it's all in the ID3 tags) but in terms of the artist artwork (and fanart) I'm not holding my breath. Ah well, the reward means nothing without the journey (as they say)
  2. Hi jombee, You've caught me just as I'm on my way out the door, but can you tell us a bit more about your sets? I think you may be misusing the combination of Merge Sets, and Games in Zip/7-Zip/GoodMerge in some instances. Merge Sets will work with sets that are GoodMerged (for instance) without the need for an additional flag denoting that the games are zipped. The Games in Zip/7-Zip/GoodMerge flag is pretty much for the express purpose of telling GameEx to unzip an archive prior to running it in an emulator. You can use those two settings in combination, but it's a pretty specific circumstances that would necessitate it. Just a thought.
  3. So after spending a bit of time fiddling with my HDHomeRun, I finally made the jump to Frodo last night on my HTPC, due to the super-cool PVR enhancements. I can happily report that it's absolutely awesome, and easily as good as has been reported elsewhere (with one huge caveat that I'll get to in a moment). Installation is a breeze. Simply do an in place installation and call it a day. When you start up Frodo, XBMC needs to rescan a lot of your meta-data which is to be expected, and a few plugins that were working fine in Eden have now been marked as non-functional in Frodo. That is also to be expected. At first I wasn't too sure about the new Confluence skin, but it's growing on me. It's very subdued, but as I mentioned I'm learning to like it. It's certainly nice that it maintains a consistent look and feel throughout the interface. I really like the fact that 'recently added' icons for the various media libraries are enabled by default, and show up right in the main GUI. Particularly where I'll be recording live TV, that's a very handy feature indeed! Maybe it's just me, but the interface seems smoother some how. That may just be the 'shiny new toy' effect in action. So ... what's the caveat? Well it's the music library ... I have a rather extensive music library. In Eden I had spent a significant amount of time setting up custom artist thumbs and fan art for my music library. It's not like it was a Herculean effort, but I worked on it periodically over the course of a couple of months. Frodo did not import any of that artwork into the Music library. All of it is still on my hard drive, but apparently Frodo no longer maps custom art in the music library in the same way that Eden did. So while the artwork is technically present within my system the file names are not exceedingly helpful insofar as disaster recovery for the purposes of determining what's what (An AC/DC thumb might be called Z0X12N.jpg whereas a Grandmaster Flash thumb might be called A0X148.jpg - and it's all spread out across 35 separate directories). It's a bit of a mess, and it looks like I'll be doing the whole manual process over again. It's worth mentioning that this is not an isolated incident, so if you're looking to update but haven't yet, it's certainly something to bear in mind. The good news is that the development team has stated that the new artwork mapping system is an improvement over the old system, and this will not happen again as a result of an update. Even having said that, I really have to give this release an enthusiastic thumbs up. So that's my broad overview. I can't wait to dig into the nuts and bolts of the thing.
  4. Wow! Great work Adultery. This is such a great plugin. Thanks for all your hard work.
  5. I haven't tried the script, but you'll want to verify that Future Pinball is listed in the task manager in the same way that it appears in the script. In other words you'll want to start up Future Pinball, open the task manager, and verify that Future Pinball appears as, "Future Pinball - © 2008 BSP Software Design Solutions" in the task manager under the Applications tab. If the listed application doesn't match what's in the script, you'll want to modify the script so that it does. If everything does seem to match up but the script still doesn't work, you may need to contact the author of the script.
  6. So it looks like ComiXology opted to "pause" the promotion while they attempt to address bandwidth issues. Hopefully they will opt to re-launch the promotion at some point, but the language in use here seems to be pretty neutral (and their posted link is a dead end) source
  7. Ah yes, in that case you'll definitely want to re-configure your paths on the new drive before proceeding to step 4.
  8. Hi saterium I hadn't yet taken the opportunity to express my enthusiasm for this theme. Everything is looking fantastic. Well done!
  9. In terms of settings, the file you really want to be concerned with is your GameEx.ini (you can find the details right here). But ... in order to be especially thorough, you'll want to go through the following steps: Copy your entire GameEx installation directory over to your new harddrive Install GameEx over the top of the copied directory. Done. Beer?Having said that, you'll want to be sure that all the rest of your emulation directories remain the same (otherwise your configured paths will be all screwed up).
  10. Great update! Thanks so much Tom!
  11. Yep, it's pretty much been down for me all day too. And to think that if they had utilized something like an ad-hoc torrent tracker to handle the additional bandwidth, they wouldn't have had nearly as many bandwidth issues. Sigh ... it's unfortunate that BitTorrent technology has become so synonymous with file sharing that major content distributors are afraid (or too short sighted) to put it to good use. All the same, I'm hoping to snag a couple of good titles! Thanks for the heads up Draco!
  12. Sorry I hadn't had a chance to report back on this. I've looked all around my menu structure (not using custom menus), but thus far I haven't been able to locate any of my HDHomeRun streams in GameEx. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place? My log indicates that GameEx discovers the HDHomeRun at the appropriate IP address, but nothing else beyond that. Likewise I've scoured the setup wizard for an applicable setting but have not seen anything. I realized after re-reading the announcement that this feature supports live cable TV whereas I use my HDHomeRun only for OTA broadcasts. Maybe that has something to do with my not seeing the streams?
  13. Mind sharing your source for the good of the community Krak? Or is it something that can't be shared here?
  14. Dude that's actually kind of a cool idea for a thread starter!
  15. Oh yeah! So there's this other guy I know who wrote this sweet application called Marquee Magician. That one would also be worth a look.
  16. There's also this guy I know who wrote a plugin called Game Info Plugin, so that's probably worth taking a look at.
  17. Yeah my guess would be some sort of conflict in naming. When you say you're using a direct link to download artwork from EmuMovies are you downloading it directly from the EmuMovies site / FTP server (and presumably renaming artwork where necessary)? Or are you using the Download Service Utility?
  18. Hi willybeamish and welcome to the GameEx forums! I've seen you around over at BYOAC, and had noticed your thread about HS giving you headaches. Glad you decided to give GameEx a try! Absolutely not. GameEx generates your game lists strictly based on the contents of your ROM directories. Naturally GameEx also supports map files for exerting greater control over your game lists, but that's strictly based on your own preferences and there are several utilities to assist you if you choose to use map files. For the most part you only need to drop your ROMs into the directories you choose, and GameEx does the rest. "Assets" isn't any sort of official term, but several of us here store artwork and media in an "Assets" directory. GameEx doesn't require that your artwork is stored in an directory called "Assets" though. You can store your artwork and media in any old directory you choose. As long as you point your emulators at the proper directories you're good to go. This is something of a common misconception. GameEx comes with a small selection of sample artwork to provide an example of what GameEx should look like once configured correctly. But it's only artwork. There would be red flags going up all over the place if GameEx came pre-configured with ROMs. You're on your own there cowboy. You'll need to configure MAME and any other emulators through the Setup Wizard before they will work through GameEx. So that will be your first stop. Take a look there and see how far you get. I'm sure you may have questions as you're working through the setup, and that's where we come in. Let us know how it's going, and if you hit any snags. The one favor I would ask is that you refer to this thread before posting a request for troubleshooting assistance. We'll probably ask to take a look at some of the files mentioned there, so you can save yourself some time if you're proactive about posting that info up front. Thanks willybeamish, and Good Luck!
  19. Hi Shawn! I'm going to need to milk you for a bit more information here. So you should have received an email from [email protected] entitled GameEx game card - attached. That email should have an attachment called xxx.gxkey (where xxx is a number). That is a registry key setting that you should simply run on the same computer in which you have GameEx installed. The email also should have come with a link. Something along the lines of: http://www.gameex.com/gamecard/nullPointer.pngIf none of that is sounding familiar, please refer here in order to request a GameEx game card. So once you've got all of that squared away you can simply add the gamer tag to your signature (or where ever else you choose) via that link. You can add it using the Image button in the forum controls, or it should also work fine if you just enter the following line whereever you want your gamer tag to appear (just replace my link with yours). (Note that this may vary depending on where you want to share your game card) [img=http://www.gameex.com/gamecard/nullPointer.png]Good luck man!
  20. Hmm ... Could you define what you mean by 'off'? Is it that the games are displaying the wrong video/background, or is it that the video/background is correct per the game, but the rendering has issues?
  21. Wow, these are looking really cool KRC! Well done.
  22. I don't think it's rude or wrong at all. Pretty sure Draco was just making an observation. I mean the worst that can happen is he'll tell you no.
  23. Sorry to hear about the frustrating trial run there Draco. Here's a couple of resources that might help you find something more to your satisfaction: If you don't mind laying down some cash, here's the Five Best Video Editors (as decided via Hive Five voting on Lifehacker). If you feel like really digging into feature comparisons, here's a rather extensive comparison of video editing software on Wikipedia. Good luck man!
  24. Hi Shawn, and welcome to the GameEx forums! I split your post from this one since that thread had been marked as resolved. Sometimes new posts appearing in resolved threads get overlooked for that reason. Give Adultery's suggestion a try, as it sounds like a winner to me. If that doesn't work I would request that you post a copy of your GameEx.ini and a copy of your log after having experienced the problem. The instructions for accessing those files can be found here. Thanks man! Let us know how this is going for you.
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