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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi Krak. Might want to post a few more details about the circumstances that precede the crash(es), as well as a log (naturally).
  2. Wow, this is looking great you guys! So cool to see you guys working on a joint effort. Can't wait to see more!
  3. Glad to hear you got everything working to your satisfaction Dimouniat! Well spotted fReq (as usual)! Marking as resolved.
  4. That part really tripped me up to, and it took me a couple of minutes to wrap my head around it. He's passing the full rom file name into the batch file, and then dropping the extension (.lnk) using substring removal: SET INPUT1=%1 SET ROMFile=%INPUT1:~1,-1% set str=%ROMFile% set str=%str:.lnk=% ... SET isopath=E:\GameEx\GameEx\Emulateur Games\JeuxPc\Iso des jeux So the path for the disc images is hard coded into the batch script. So long as the disc image is named the same as the shortcut, the disc mounting component should theoretically work (sounds like it even is working in his test case). The strange part is why you wouldn't just pass the [ROM] parameter into the batch file and forego the string replacement step all together. Even better I'm hoping that all of his disc images are in the same format. The only way I could see a strong argument for using this batch script would be if you had several disc images in different formats (which it seems capable of handling). If all of the disc images are in the same format, I don't see a reason not to use a (much) simpler launch before command to mount the image. Even after all of that, I suspect of that this guys problem may be with whatever he's doing with those shortcuts (are they pointed at the proper executable, do they point at a simple launcher, etc.)
  5. Whether the news comes late or not, an update is always welcome! Thanks for all the awesome Steam support Tom!
  6. I think it's possible, but it may depend on some additional information. Providing a copy of your log file after attempting to run your game will help towards that end. Beyond that, tell us a bit about what you're trying to do. Mostly I'm curious about what your shortcuts are pointed at. Is this game installed on your hard drive (i.e. it requires a verification disc to be present while running)? Or does the disc itself contain the game you're running in its entirety?
  7. We can make it quite a bit more simple than all of that, but first let's back up before we attempt to troubleshoot. What Emulator are you using? Are you using DaemonTools Lite? You may also want to get proactive and post your emulator config, and your GameEx Log. See here if you are unsure of how to do that: [GUIDE] How to ask for Help Edit: Sorry, I realized that we may be talking about a PC game here. If that's the case, it would be especially worthwhile to post how you've got this configured in GameEx (the 'emulator' config)
  8. That's great to hear oxwald! I'm glad you got everything working to your satisfaction.
  9. GameEx supports several different video formats, but for MP4 you'll need some variation of the ffdshow codecs. Several of us rely on the Shark007 Codecs for this functionality. See here for further info.
  10. Do the videos run natively on your system (i.e. do they run in Windows Media Player)? This may be a codec problem. Several of us around here recommend the use of the Shark007 Codec Pack. It may be worth a shot. If you go that route, just be sure to get the right version for your OS, and follow the installation directions carefully.
  11. I've been thinking the same thing Draco. I'm wondering whether it would be possible to add an option within the Setup Wizard to 'Refresh Steam Configs' or something similar. That way we're not limiting the availability of new wrappers and configs strictly to Elite members.
  12. Stu you're a mad man! Your suggestion helped me whip that Morrowind wrapper into shape. It's working now, and is available on the shared FTP. 22320 - The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind Game of the Year Edition
  13. Looks great Krak! Clever use of video content keeping in theme with the background. Did you just give a subtle nod to Cloverfield there?
  14. That is actually a great deal of help! I'll give it a go. I was trying ControlClick, MouseClick, Click, and different combinations of control names and mouse coordinates. Finally got tired of messing wtih it! I'll try using MouseDown and MouseUp. Thanks Stu! Here's the list of games I've tested so far (all the games I've got installed currently). Everything is working just great at this point with the exception of Morrowind (Naturally I've applied any necessary wrappers and/or configs that have been uploaded). Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition Ben There, Dan That! Breath of Death VII Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box Crysis Cthulhu Saves the World Deus Ex Game of the Year Edition Grand Theft Auto 2 Grand Theft Auto Episodes from Liberty City Grand Theft Auto III Grand Theft Auto IV Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Grand Theft Auto Vice City Grand Theft Auto Half-Life 2 Episode One Half-Life 2 Episode Two Half-Life 2 Lost Coast Half-Life 2 Half-Life Source LIMBO Mafia Magicka Mass Effect Monkey Island 2 Special Edition Portal Star Wars - Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast Star Wars - Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith Star Wars Dark Forces Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic The Binding Of Isaac The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition Time Gentlemen, Please! Trine
  15. Alrighty, I tooled around quite a bit with my Steam games this afternoon, and they're all working through GameEx. In the process I managed to upload one more wrapper and a handful of new configs. Wrapper 12220 - Grand Theft Auto Episodes from Liberty City (this one was actually just a copy of the GTA IV wrapper) Configs 32380 - Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II 32390 - Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith 32400 - Star Wars: Dark Forces 37420 - Ben There, Dan That! (Part of the Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack) Now if I could just figure out what needs to happen with the wrapper for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition I'd be in great shape. That one is kicking my arse!
  16. Wow, I didn't know that AHK scripts were compressed by default, so this was definitely news to me. Thanks for passing along this information Tom. I did a bit of research which leads me to believe that this may be another advantage of using AHK_L (which comes with its own version of the compiler). It looks like AHK_L only supports compression through MPRESS, and even then only if it's present. Based on the above it appears that mpress has its own set of similar issues with false positives. So it's probably best to avoid that method of compression as well. It's a bit hard to wade through the information that's out there on this topic, but I believe if you download AutoHotKey_L, and don't explicitly place mpress.exe in the Compiler directory (...\AutoHotkey\Compiler), you should be OK (executables will not be compressed by the compiler). I definitely don't want to spread misinformation though! Does that jive with what other people have seen or experienced?
  17. I do like AHK_L as it implements a bit more sophisticated programming framework than standard AHK. It is an independent fork of the official AHK framework, but it’s something of an official fork as It’s available on the AutoHotKey site. Here are a few of the highlights that led me to AHK_L, although here I must add a disclaimer* Object Oriented Features (although I don’t think it goes so far as to implement inheritance, polymorphism, etc.) Built in support for arrays More sophisticated loops Step through debugging Try..Catch blocks, as well as the ability to throw exceptions. Download Page Features of AutoHotKey_L * To be honest I’ve only used most of these enhanced features in an extremely limited context. I’ve never really built an AHK project that was so complex as to even necessitate these features. It’s nice to know the option is there though. More Power! Having said all of that this project almost certainly wouldn’t necessitate any of these advanced features, so it’s a bit of a moot point. OTOH, it’s exactly like you say, being that we’re compiling to an executable anyway, it probably doesn’t make a lick of difference which version is used (although I'm not sure if it affects the size of the executable or not).
  18. I’m still smiling from ear to ear about that new FTP server! I’ll be sure to upload any new wrappers to the FTP. Thanks for recompiling everything Stu! Yeah, I haven’t checked for a new version of AHK vfor quite a while. Hey just out of curiousity are you running with AutoHotKey (official) or AutoHotKey_L? I’m currently using AHK_L, but I’m not particularly tied to that version. Let me know, and I’ll update and/or switch versions. Confession time: After I saw you were using AutoIt, I decided to check it out. AutoIt is awesome! I like that it offers more sophisticated tools than those offered with/by AutoHotKey. Any hoo, lesson learned. For the purposes of this project I think we should probably stay the course with AHK, but I think I may have just found my new automation scripting language for future projects.
  19. Great job on this Tom! Thanks Stu! This is an awesome release you guys!
  20. If you're still unsure of how to get at your GameEx log and GameEx.ini, enjoy a nice relaxing read right here: [GUIDE] How to ask for Help
  21. @scrodamoon: I think your issue may be related to this issue. Looks like Tom is addressing the problem as I write this, so by the time you read this, you can probably redownload the installer and start having fun with GameEx! Thanks for playing along and being a good sport.
  22. I'm afraid I only got 2 done tonight, LOL. Between refreshing my memory with AHK, and IRL stuff happening, I didn't get a chance to do any more (excuses, excuses). Hats off to PimpDaddyStu for his great scripts! I probably wouldn't have even gotten this far without your great examples Stu! The following wrappers have now been moved to the Shared FTP server: 35140 - Batman Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition 57300 - Amnesia The Dark Descent
  23. That makes sense. I suppose in some ways that grants you a greater degree of freedom in terms of image placement and such.
  24. Hi BerkCA, and welcome to the forums! Hey would you do me a favor? Search your GameEx installation directory (C:\GameEx\ by default) for the following file: System.Data.SQLite.dll Please let me know if you find it in there. Beyond that we'll dive into some traditional troubleshooting steps. Thanks! Edit: For anyone who's wondering just what the hell I'm on about, this was the first hit I got when I googled "Event Name: CLR20r3". Being that System.Data.SQLite.dll is an included assembly with GameEx, I figured it might be related to the error seen here.
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