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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if they were dating. They look so happy together. I wonder how they did on the next episode? Or is that going to be a while still? They all said 'yes' to them moving on, but I think that was just the first episode or something of a long line of 'auditions' still to come before the real show actually gets going.
  2. I actually downloaded it and played around with it for while. It's actually pretty nice. I had some trouble with it finding the actual VPinball.exe file, because it wouldn't save what I typed in. So I just renamed my file to match what the launcher was looking for. It seems to work pretty well. He's also gone through great lenths to build in a sort of menu system to access various additional features of Visual Pinball whilst still in the middle of a game (like pressing [TAB] in MAME to bring up a menu). The only downside to this menu that I can see, is that I can't NAVIGATE in it. I figured out that you use the flippers for left and right (or up and down) and the START key (button #1) for enter, but once I got into the 2nd menu, I was stuck on the first option, just toggling different available options for it with no way to go BACK. I'm going to send him a quick message/forum post and see whats up. I'm having a really tough time with my games though. I'm not even to the point of launching through GameEx, or even caring that much about a launcher. I'm really getting bugged by this apparent un-level-ness. I launch a ball, and it goes straight for the right side and hugs the walls right to the bottom hole. Some are more drastic/aparent than others. But it's really bad when you try to launch the ball on a table that has a ramp going up across the playfield over to the top left. There's just not enough power in the plunger to overcome the angle/tilt of the table to even make it across the ramp. Also, I've started to notice a bunch of my tables are coming up crashing the program. I don't even get to the point where I can start to play the table. It just crashes Visual Pinball while loading the table. It doesn't give me any kind of debugger/dialog box, or something saying whats crashed. It just says something generic like "Visual Pinball has stopped Responding". Clicking ok or cancel just closes it down completely. I did have one table actually load up but not be able to play, giving me a syntax error on a specific line number of the 'code'. But aside from that, this is very troublesome. I love Pinball, and really want to get back into playing some of these great tables. I just don't remember it being so finicky about level/balance and crashing on a lot of the tables.
  3. Have you tried making a custom menu? You can build one and pick and choose what things you want to have displayed with it.
  4. Been a while since I installed Visual Pinball/VPinMAME. Need a little hand holding. I recall there was a program we had developed that automates the whole process of launching VP and pressing the F5 key to play the loaded table. I don't remember what it was called though, or how to go about setting it up, so I need a little help with that. Also, when using VPinMAME for tables with ROMs, there is a little burb box that opens up saying it needs to know if you have permission, yadda yadda, is there a way to turn that off, or to automate clicking YES? Lastly, I think my physics are off and I don't know how to fix it. My balls all seem to go to the right side of the table really quick, like the table isn't level. How do I fix that? Thanks guys!
  5. I tried to load my house up, but it doesn't have a street view for my street (apartment complex). I can get a street view of the main street leading into my apartment, but can't figure out how to render it to 8bit. Oh well. Neat anyway.
  6. Boo Buckeyes lost Looking good with the new additions though
  7. You want chills? Watch this video. I feel for him so much cause I'm very much in the same boat. I wish I had his talent though. OMG! Simon is such a douche bag.. Jerk from the start, then stuffed it in his face by the end.
  8. Thanks Tom! Does that mean now that Games like Sonic will be listed like this: Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Instead of: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Sonic the Hedgehog
  9. Do you have your MAME setup to use the same resolution as your desktop? It sounds like MAME is setup at a really low resolution. By default, MAME should automatically match your desktop resolution. If you are using a version of MAME that has a UI, go into Options>Default Game Options. Click on the SCREEN tab. Make sure the option listed under Screen is set to AUTO, and Resolution Size and Refresh are both set to Auto. If you have Screen set to something else, like \\.\DISPLAY1, then the other options become available on size/refresh. They might be set to something funky. Also, If you're using an LCD Tv, check your manual and see what the native (default) resolution is for the TV. For me, it's 1920x1080 (1080p). So I have my desktop resolution set to that also. MAME automatically (via those auto settings) matches that. So if/when I have to hit TAB to bring up the menu, everything is crystal clear.
  10. I think it's just a give or take issue. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I dunno, it might be only when I launch from GameEx. I can't replicate anymore, might have just been a one time fluke. Anybody else using 1920x1080 resolution? What would be a good resolution to set this game at? EDIT: I know why the taskkill isn't working in GameEx. It's because I'm using the GameEx global exit to leave the game instead of going down and clicking the exit key manually. Since I'm doing that, your exe isn't aware I'm exiting, thus doesn't know to send the taskkill command. I'm going to add it the taskkill command back into the Launch After setup. Also, I figured out how to send a mouse click with my gamepad using Joy2Key. I just need to have the mouse hovering over the center of the screen. Now if I can configure Joy2Key to control the mouse movements with my right analog stick, I'll be gold!
  11. Ok minor problem, but I think it's on my end. Guess the taskkill I'm using isn't working. I loaded up the game today, and played a while, came back a few hours later to play something else, but it still had my joy2key remaps. I need to figure out what my correct commandline should be. Also, is Joy2Key able to remap a mouse button as well as keyboard? It'd be cool if I could remap the click required to start the game to my gamepad.
  12. Sure thing. Glad I had some free time to help you out.
  13. So if you can control the task via your exe, why would you need a Exit Command input from the user in the first place? Just have a check box that says something like "End Task on Exit?" and the user can chose to tick the box or not (thought I can't imagine why they wouldn't WANT to). Then whatever task they have to launch, your exe can monitor that and close that new task on exit. Reset the resolution. It gave me a popup saying I need to restart the program (duh) but asked if I wanted it to restart. I said yes, but all it does is close. If you want it to restart, it's not working. If not, you should re-word the dialog. Other than that, it works great! I need to figure out a good resolution though, cause at 1920x1080 I lose your artwork. But it works, and it closes the joy2key now like it should. Good enough for me!
  14. I'll be back in a little while, maybe as late as tomorrow. I got some stuff to do, so I can't sit here and test longer with ya. See what you can do and I'll get back to ya. Keep up the great work!
  15. 1920x1080 I figured it was just a limitation of the flash, but after testing out their official offline release, I thought I'd better ask.
  16. Also, this is all the resolution I'm getting for the game/flash.. is this correct?
  17. Heh new error: Exit Command: taskkill.exe /f /im joy2key.exe (no quotes)
  18. Since I'm going to use this in my GameEx setup, I guess I don't really need the extra command line to taskkill joy2key. I can setup GameEx to send that command on Launch After right? Only bummer is that it will send it on ALL roms I have in that path (Its my PC, .LNK path).
  19. When I try the new exe, I get a crash when I hit the EXIT button in the game:
  20. NEWSBREAK! Looks like you don't have to donate to get the game for free. This whole concept was a trial idea. So it worked... But they must have updated the website recently because now you can download the full game. Just go to the main website: http://www.abobosbigadventure.com/fullgame.php and click the download link: http://www.abobosbigadventure.com/aba_PC.zip The only problem is you don't get all of Adultery's hard work for the extra artwork, options menu, offline protections, etc. I don't even know if it allows you to save (since Adultery's version hooks a save function for you). Just throwing it out there.
  21. Ok, copied the aba.cfg file TO the ABA game path, put quotes around the whole thing for the Launch Command. Now it launches like it should. Now I just need keep killing Joy2Key when the game closes.
  22. I've tried this configuration, but doesn't work. Maybe I need some "" somewhere. Application Path: M:\Joy2Key\JoyToKey.exe Launch Command: Joy2Key.exe aba.cfg Exit Command: taskkill.exe /F /IM JoyToKey.exe But that doesn't work. I hear a ding, and look and see that Joy2Key launches, but it doesn't load the config. And when I close the game, the exit command doesn't work either. Yeah and the backspace key to exit the options window is annoying as hell! Especially when you're trying to configure the keymapper!
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