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Everything posted by uberpubert69

  1. I compressed vagrant story for the PS1 and it went from 780MB to less than 70MB! But when I test the game out it doesn't play. It says wait for a little while and then epsxe loads but nothing comes up on screen. and I give it a couple minutes to load before exiting just in case its just taking a long time, but to no avail. EDIT: I changed my filter from MDF to MDS and the game loaded up then
  2. I like this idea. But as crazy as it sounds I don't have a DVD burner lol. It actually took GameEx way less time to extract my ISOs than 7zip does somehow... took less than 20 seconds to get After Burner 3 on the Sega CD to decompress (its a 500MB game extracted). So personally I think I can deal with that! Will test further with bigger games. and post my results
  3. Well the title of the thread says Optimizing my Disk Space, not Buying More Disk Space. In any case, 7Zip seems to save me about half of what my ISOs are currently taking up. and it took only ~40 seconds to decompress a Sega Saturn ISO. Promising. Is there a way I can do some sort of multi/hyper threading to make the decompression rate faster? EDIT: I am using ultra compression.
  4. You also brought up a good point with the multiple ISOs. Can I enable Merge Sets to do Individual ISOs in each 7zip? Packing multiple ISOs within one 7zip would make the decompression take longer, no?
  5. So, just to clarify. On the Filter I put .cue or whatever. Then on the advanced settings I enable the zip/7zip/GoodMerge/RAR setting and I'm good to go?
  6. I'm running a 4.2GHz x64 CPU with 8GB of DDR3. So mine is probably a tad better. Not sure about your graphics card though. But anyways, another question I forgot to ask, how would I set up the 7zip format for ISOs? set the filetype as .7zip? Do I add both the ISO/BIN/IMG and CUE/mdf in the 7zip? How will GameEx know to launch the cue or whatever if its compressed with more than 1 file?
  7. That would probably reach them haha. But I'm not entirely against the idea, like I asked before, systems like sega CD TG-CD 3DO and such are way smaller than a PS2 ISO. You think it would take considerably less time to decompress those ISOs?
  8. Hardly helpful man come on lol help out a fellow Floridian.
  9. idk about servers because I don't have one. But I just can have that. My friends come over frequently and when we pick a game, we (they) aren't gonna sit around staring at a black screen for 2 minutes until the game finally loads. I wish I could mind meld with you so you could understand how my friends are lol.
  10. I just can't deal with that. Looks like I'm just going to have to keep my ISOs as they are and deal with not having any more space. I can deal with maybe 10 seconds tops. Do you think I could 7zip my Sega CD, and Turbo Grafx CD games and not have to deal with a long wait? They are way smaller in size than ps1/2 games.
  11. Yeah, you love it. But how long do you have to wait when playing your ISOs for them to decompress? Like I said I'm not really comfortable doing that. For things like PSP ISOs I can compress them into CSOs and they save me so much room! lol No decompressing required.
  12. I never really understood the difference between RARs and ZIPs and 7-Zips. Is 7-Zip supposed to be a better compression method?
  13. You're exactly right. Thing is, its so hard to just choose which games to keep and which to toss. I have no duplicates, (other than the same game on a different system) no prototypes, nada. And the thing is, its hard to know which version of a game to keep. For example Zombies Ate my Neighbors is ass on the Genesis but amazing on the Super NES. But I'm only really concerned with my ISOs and I don't have any dupes on those systems. All of my ROMs for all of my systems take up the same space as 2 PS2 ISOs (with the exception of my GBA,DS, and MAME ROMs). and I'm not even gonna mess with my MAME ROMs lol
  14. I want to know how to utilize my space as much as possible. I have a 1.5TB external hard drive that I have all my games, emulators, and assets. The problems I have are with my CD based systems. The ISOs take up so much space! My systems that are CD based are: 3DO, NEC PC engine CD & Turbo Duo, Sega CD, Dreamcast, Saturn, PS1, PS2. All of my other systems have all their ROMs zipped. The only reason why I haven't zipped my ISOs and used the gameex zip support setting is because of how long it would take to extract the ISOs. I don't find looking at a black screen for a minute or more particularly appealing, so unless theres something I don't know I'm screwed because i only have 10GB of space left... How do you guys maximize the space you have?
  15. Figured it out. But that spreadsheet looks so F**d how am I supposed to add my score in there?
  16. Yeah I went to the website and saw that too. But the emulator itself has a CD icon indicating that you can boot the CD drive. But I guess its just there for show. and Project Tempest does not run Atari Jag CD well at all. The sound is horrendous, and I'm not one who plays his games muted.
  17. I can confirm Magic Engine plays TGCD games nicely. My copy of Gate of Thunder doesn't play though. Goes to the poop cd player screen.
  18. LOL that is also another TGCD game I have on Virtual Console. You can choose more than 1 game btw haha
  19. I already have it on Wii Virtual Console but I'd like to have the original deal you know? Probably runs better on magicengine anyways
  20. I just sat there today and was like "I don't have any TG CD games?" Gotta get me some. I never got Triiforce to work. and Supermodel seems kinda crappy. Can't even get Daytona USA to run. Network board error. I also made a thread today concerning the Atari Jaguar CD and I can't get but 1 of those games to work and thats baldies. Sound is so terrible though. But anyways, really looking forward to what people like I know Castlevania Rondo of Blood is one to get.
  21. This includes PC Engine CD games as well. I want to know what you guys like on that systerm
  22. Well I already have all the regular Jaguar games set up. I'm just trying to get the CD games set up now. I'll ask on that thread if you think I should.
  23. Well like I said I have Virtual Jaguar that I'm using.and theres nothing on there that I can see thats of any help.
  24. I got virtual jaguar and I got the launch before and launch after stuff for daemon tools set up all I need is the proper command. Anyone else mess with the 10 Atari Jaguar CD games? lol
  25. You can find my Specs here http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14642-anyone-know-how-to-overclock-pc-stuff/ Also speaking of Daphne, are those games worth the space they take up? Not sure if I want them or not.
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