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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. re-read above post and installed the latest D-Fend Reloaded tonight that works with DOSBox 0.73 and got it working correctly!!!! Thanks again for all the help you all put into getting this to work ! (Very much appreciated)
  2. Yup ... I just installed Firefox 3.5 and it works great, but not in IE8 maybe it's not Silverlight 3 compatible or something.
  3. Dunno I just re-installed XP and it's very slow the only thing maybe it has something to do with Silverlight 3 I installed.
  4. Is it my IE8 browser or what it seems like the GameEx website is really slow and not loading at all.
  5. I know .... like I keep saying I am talking about the advanced config program not the setup wizard.
  6. I always use the advanced config application to setup my emulators as it is easy on the eyes on my 47" screen. Plus that application only goes up to 62.
  7. Hey Tom, Is it possible to add to the advanced configuration application more emulators up to maybe 100 as I'm maxed out with the default of 62 that your allowed? Thanks man
  8. True that ... but ideally wouldn't everyone want to know just how many rom items they have in each emulator only
  9. also if it is counting those recently played then that is basically counting those few twice which for the life of me is not what I want displayed as it should count only the roms you have in that folder.
  10. Good call, but I only had 2 files in the recently played so that would put it at 993 items so it still is off by 1 then.
  11. Now when I scroll thru my emulators and I'm using the default theme it reports your on 1|52 in my setup. Now when it reports the number of items ... some of them report incorrect numbers. For example when I select emulator #4 as an example it reports 991 items, but when you select it and go to the emulator listing of the files it reports that there is 994 items which by my math is off by 3 items. Not all of them do this it is random. and some of them where way off but when I selected the emulator and exit back to previous menu it corrected itself. Hope this makes any sense as its easier to show someone than to describe it. Maybe Tom has an idea what is causing it. Also ... Tom when you load up GameEx the icon for most played still doesn't display ... not sure if you have tried to fixed that issue as of yet.
  12. And all this time ... I thought the pilots were only watching porn up there in the cockpit !
  13. could very well be as I'm not using cutom menus so that is why I didn't notice it at all.
  14. Hmmm mine is working and I'm on 10.05
  15. Krakerman

    Spam PM?

    Same here and deleted reported as spam.
  16. Got it to work Tom !! Thanks for the help ... man this feature is really great!!!
  17. Of course I did (I read that part) and still no go
  18. I'll give it a try and see if I can get it working... UPDATE!: Didn't get it to work at all (Here is my config, what is wrong) # This file allows launching specific MAME roms # With an alternative emulator setup in GameEx # such as an alternate version of MAME or an emulator # that provides faster emulation. # Note: a MAME game list update is required after making changes # here. # This is a registered version feature [GENERAL] # Enable this feature in GameEx and use this file Enabled=True # You may not want to list an emulator specified seperatly # in the GameEx menus # and make this feature transparent. # Specify Emulator Numbers seperated by | to hide and use only for MAME Hide=54 # Some emulators need the full filename of the rom. ie with the .zip extension # Specify emulators where the extension should be used seperated by | Ext= # If you want roms for a specific driver to always be visible in the list # and override any other filters, such as when you dont have the MAME rom # specify the drivers seperated by | Driver= # The following settings tell GameEx when to use an emulator to launch # instead of MAME. To specifcally specify MAME use 0. To specify Daphne # use 1000 # # Example Launches 1942 rom with emulator 10: # 1942=10 # # Example Launch rom lair with Daphne: # lair=1000 # # Specify a list of rom names with an emulator number # to have GameEx launch the rom with that emulator astinvad=54 [MAPROMS] # Map ROMS to an emulator on an individual basis # This overrides any other mappings # If you want to exclude a rom from any of the other mappings # Specify it here as 0 (use MAME) # Specifing a rom and an enabled emulator here will also # ensure it will override all other filters when updating the # game list and always be available. [MAPPROPERTIES] # This matches roms with the specified properties as below Analog=0 Cocktail=0 Vertical=0 Gun=0 Trackball=0 Vector=0 Horizontal=0 [MAPDRIVER] # Specify a list of MAME drivers to map neogeo=0 [RENAME] # When a match is found for a rom, rename it to the following # When passing it to the emulator. The emulator will try to launch the # new name. # # Example: # mrdriller=drill.zip When I run Astro Invader it still runs MAME32UIFX and not MAME32Plus 0.106 config as Emulator 54
  19. Tom, Thanks for the new version with this I want to do the following but need help on how to do it as I'm not quite sure how to do it. I want to run a specific rom/game under my mame list using a different version of mame since it is a older version of mame that has a bezel for that specific rom/game. For example I have MAME setup using MAME32UIFX and I want to run lets say Astro Invaders thou using MAME32Plus 0.106 how can I do it with the new version 9.95?
  20. Yeah I noticed that mine stopped working correctly along time ago as well as this icon for it as well doesn't display when you load up GameEx only when you move down and back to it then it displays the icon (png/jpg file for most games played)
  21. Yeah ... MESS 0.130 is out now !!
  22. Nope I just copied a backup of my MAME Folder and it fixed it.
  23. Well I have tried to switch to a different version of MAME and now when I try to update list all I get now is No Games Found!! What is wrong?? I even tried going back to my original setup and still no go...
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