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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. Anyone get the newest version that just came out to work with GameEx at all. The older beta version works fine, but the newest one that just came out doesn't work with GameEx command line option I guess. btw here is the link http://pcsx2.net/
  2. I'm using it and it works great!! Just need to get me some red/blue glasses
  3. I personally use the gameex config program instead of the Setup Wizard as it has a bigger interface for my big screen and it's easier on my eyes for setting up my emulators and it has an import emulator feature in it as well which you are trying to do.
  4. Well Tom I think I found a bug. When I tired running zDoom thru GameEx latest beta it just sits and freezes the Theme text goes blank and mouse cursor appears but does nothing. I hit the ESC key and everything comes back to GameEx. It doesn't happen on 10.80 at all as it works just fine. Note: Before attempting I ran 2 other emulators before and they worked fine.
  5. I know I know (hahaha) I'll wait (a bit longer) til I post next timecuz it seems after about 10-15 mins after I posted I find a fix (work around) with the issue I come across. I waiting for you to reply and you didn't dissapoint
  6. UPDATE: Plese delete this topic as I have fixed the issue I was having, sorry guys!
  7. Anyone see this emulator http://code.google.com/p/vbjin/ as it run Virtual Boy games really good? Be nice to get this one to work with GameEx
  8. Actually I see what your saying. Try unchecking box 1 Stella and select box 2 for the next emulator to move over to that slot. As you can see you have 1, 2,and 3 selected only select 1 at a time.
  9. Your selecting the wrong item when you run the wizard check the Cutom option then check Emulator Setup not Emulator Selection. See attached.
  10. Need to use the pull-down menu on Emulator selection and select then next emulator slot. Just click on the box and it will drop down.
  11. So I've seen alot of people have looked at this ... has anyone tried it? Just looking to see if it has worked for other GameEx users
  12. Figured it out!! Created an advanced config file that looks for the processes of the particular game that I am running when it closes then it exits back to GameEx (works great). Thanks for the tips guys.
  13. Here is a couple good ones HK if you wouldn't mind making: Facebook Twitter with these images inside the monitor just like the other ones you did
  14. Project Tempest since I posted a wrapper that will run it with GameEx
  15. Didn't the old forums have a way to delete your post. I didn't see an option to do it or else I would of just deleted it, but I hear what your saying.
  16. Thanks fRequEnCy got it before you posted
  17. What is the command line I should use for FBA? UPDATE: Never mind I used the Import emulator feature and got it working:)! Never used that option before. I know I know thanks Tom for putting that feature in GameEx!
  18. Anyone have a good jaguar cd image? I have one but the backgraound is white and I need the white to be transparent. I'll attach it if someone can fix it
  19. Probally need to move this to the wrappers topic
  20. Here is a wrapper that will get Project Tempest to work with GameEx: 1)Put PTWrapper.exe into the same folder as the PT.exe 2)Use PTWrapper.exe "[RomPath]\[RomFile]" as your command. 3)Put the Project Tempest.ini in the directory with your other advanced config files. 4)Add the Project Tempest (advanced config file) to your advanced config Enjoy!
  21. Yes I did have a problem just tonight when I played one emulator and then selected another one it worked, but when selecting to a third one it just froze then i had to exit back to gameex, but couldn't run anymore games in any other emulator at all. I had to close GameEx and start over, but it keeps repeating like before. Well I'm switching back to 10.80 until the next beta or release fixes this issue Other than that it seemed fine. I know this was a beta so I'm just reporting an issue I just found as well, but I want my entertainment system running smoothly until the next realease comes out and we'll test it again.
  22. Well I can't say the same as the Beta (which is rare to see) is working great for me. Of course I'm using Kab.net as my theme, but it's working just fine As far as Noob ?'s Headkaze is right there is no Noob ?'s around here thou it might seem like one as everyone around here is more than willing to help each other out. I for one have ask more than my fair share of ?'s to all and have gotten fast response/help from all on the forums Thanks again Tom GameEx is looking good and will only get better I'm sure !!
  23. Well if anyone has any good input on config this let me know cuz I must be missing something because it's not working for me at all
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