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Everything posted by vsilvalopes

  1. See for yourself ! This is the final layout for the emulators. The home and other sections, like video, music etc will be different. I've run into some trouble using custom layouts, but I'm using and old version of GameEx, so I didn't asked for help yet. Hope to solve my troubles today with the newer version. The home is going to look like this. Thanks for your reply Draco !
  2. First screens of MetroEx within GameEx. It seems quite diferrent from the mock-up that I sended earlier, but this is the layout ONLY for the emulators. Other pages will have different layouts. The "Mario and Yoshi" picture is meant to be different in each console category. The backgrounds will be different too. I have LOTS of abstract and nature backgrounds to put there ! I'm studying to add some transparency to the solid colors background. But this is for next test. I'm really excited with this theme. My next step is build the home layout ! So enjoy ! Please share your toughts!
  3. I had the same problem with video resizing. Usually the video gets smaller then the frame defined on the Theme Editor. The ghost effect isn't bad at all, but an option to disable it would be very appreciated.
  4. Hi folks ! After my marriage (Yes, I'm a married man now !) I can go back to my personal projects. I've tried many times to make a theme that was bassicaly clean. A clean visual. Well, after LOTS of tryouts and none complete, I've gave up in the theme businnes with GameEx. But when I was playing with Windows 8, I saw the new MetroUI and felt in love with it. So I tought, "Why not bring it to GameEx?" Then I started studying and looking carefully at LOTS of pictures of Metro UI in Google and Deviantart. My idea is to build a complete theme, with all icons matching the MetroUI standard. So this theme will take a long time to be released. Since I have to find or edit icons so they are displayed with just one color. I´m planing three resolutions for this one, SD 1024x768 , HD 1280x720 and Full HD 1920x1080. The first one that I will release is the Full HD one. My plan is to deliver it BEFORE Christmas. As I said, it's a work in progress, and I'm doing it im my spare time, and lunch time at work. So this release can take longer than I planed. I hope everyone likes it, the screens that you guys see below are just Mockups made in Photoshop. One with transparency and another with solid colors. My next post will be this theme running whitin GameEx. So, enjoy, comment and SEND ME IDEAS ! Thanks!
  5. Check GameEx.ini. There´s a clear option to do this. I've run into the same problem that you have, and I solved it digging into GameEx.ini.
  6. Hi Folks ! In the meantime of my last theme creation, I've started the process of tweeking my HTPC. In the past, I used a Slim version of Windows XP Professional that I've slimmed down using Nlite. But few months ago, I've discovered that Windows XP doesn't handle Audio Output via HDMI very well. Actually this is a nightmare to work. Doing some tests with Windows 7 I've managed to discover that it manages sound and screen resolution perfectly. So, the time to upgrade my rig system has come ! As usual, I don't like the standard installation. And I don't like to remove components one by one after installation. So, reading Lifehacker, I've bumped into this great piece of software. RT Seven Lite ( http://www.rt7lite.com/ ). It does the same as Nlite, Allow you to build your own Windows 7 install media. Is possible to run post installs, Apply updates and give your own look to the system. So last friday I've built my first sucessfull media! After LOTS of BSOD and components not Working, I've managed to do the first fully functional version. So, if someone wants to try it, I'm providing my configuration file. RT Seven Lite allows you to load the configuration file. I used Windows 7 Professional x64 to build this one. The language is English-US. There is no Service Pack. I'm looking foward to get an ISO image of Windows 7 already with Service Pack 1. Altough the RT Seven allows me to slipstream the Service Pack, I didn't have any sucess doing it. Before use my file, change the serial number inside. The one in the file is exactly like this "productkey=aaaaa$bbbbb$cccccc$ddddd$eeeee" So I hope it helps someone ! If you use it PLEASE provide some feedback! Windows7-v1.zip
  7. Thanks for the ansewer Tom ! FRAPS did the trick very well !
  8. Hi Folks ! Simple question, How do I take an Screenshot within GameEx? I've tried using the PrintScreen key on my keyboard, but I always get a BlackScreen ! Is this a problem? Or there is another way to take a Screenshot? Thanks !
  9. Moderators, please mark this topic as SOLVED ! Tom sended my the key already ! Thanks again !
  10. Guys. I`ve sended an e-mail and a PM to Tom ! Now I will wait for him ! Thanks to everyone !
  11. Hi folks ! Doing some tests with my new theme, I've needed to install GameEx in my PC (I mainly use it in my HTPC). After I installed it, my old GameEx Reg doesnt seem to work. I did the process as usual, but the nag screen still there. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place! Tom or anybody can give me some help ? Thanks in advance!
  12. Using Eventghost! It works like this : 1- The System Receive an Event (In your case, SNES joystick connect) 2- Whenever this event happens, You can assign an action (In your case, whenever that a Snes Joystick is connected, Eventghost calls Xppader with your Snes profile) You can assign MULTIPLE action, so in that case you can : 1- Set Xppader to the correct controler mapping. 2- Set the emulator config to point to these mappings 3- Launch GameEx.
  13. Hi doom_Oo7 ! To acomplish what you want I can only see one solution. You have to try Eventghost. http://www.eventghost.org/ This software manages all the sorts of events in a Windows system. In my setup I use it to for example disable the IR Remote when in GameEx, and when in Xbmc disable my joysticks. This software can detect hardware plug-in in your system by specific id. So, you can assign a event everytime that you plug an specific joystick. It's a tiny but very very powerfull and valuable piece of software. I think you can get what you want from it. If you need help, PM me!
  14. As I promissed ! LAST SESSION (205602.08-14.49.58).INI.zip Here is my "Last Session.ini" of my nLited Windows XP install. It was based on Windows XP Professional - Service Pack 3. The language is Portuguese - Brazil. I don't think that it's going to be a problem. With this became a problem , please let me know and I will try to do the same with an English version. If there is Enough interest in the foruns I can do it too. Just PM me! What I can say about this install ? I've removed/disabled LOTS of useless Services and Windows Components. The main purprose of this install is to be used as a Game Center and Media Center. So Joysticks, IR Remotes, DirectX, Video Codecs and Networking works fine. But don't expect use it to send e-mails with Outlook or join an Active Directory domain ! The default theme is Windows Classic. The themes service is disabled by default. All basic network options like Netbios, DNS, DHCP and other that are crucial to the system are present. Wireless networking is here too ! Well , as I said I use it everyday on my MiniPC. XBMC , GameEx, and lots of emulators. From Atari 2600 to Sega Dreamcast. I hope it helps !
  15. Do you know how to use Nlite ? I can give you my "session.ini" With this file you only need to use Nlite, an Windows XP Professional CD and a valid key. For obvious reasons I can't give you my key. With this stuff Nlite will remove the components based on my install. With this I'm able to put Windows ready in about 20~25 seconds. I've removed LOTS of useless stuff and services. And I use all kinds of emulators plus XBMC and Eventghost with no problems. As soon I arrive home I can put it here to you!
  16. This happened to me about 5 times before I build a good nLited (Slimmed down) Windows XP. It's a matter of trial and error. If you want I can post my session of nlite. It can help you to build your LiteXP.
  17. This is one thing that I wanted to ask for ! I'm on 11.25, now it's time to update ! Can we use a video for that Tom ? Thanks for the Update!
  18. Hi ! As I said before, after you setting up the batch file, put your PSX config in GameEx on debug mode. So you will be able to see every step of the batch file. After looking your paths, I think that you only need ONE "cd" command. But don't worry about the "cd" command itself. You have to figure out how to get on your temp dir. Hope that helps. If not please let me know.
  19. As I said , here comes the batch file. In your case you may change the comand line for epsxe. I think its the same for ssf.exe. It's only a matter to call epsxe. The GameEx command line will be like this ePSXe.bat "[rompath]" "[romfile]" I hope it helps! If you have any trouble please let me know.
  20. You have the same situation that I have with my Sega Saturn games. All these are 7zipped. So what I've done, I've made a batch file that does. 1- Unzip the game to a temp folder. 2- After this, I use the "dir" command with some triggers, just to show me the .cue file. 3- The output of "dir" is stored in a system variable. 4- Then I instruct daemon tools to mount the iso , based on the temp path + the variable. 5- The last step is call the emulator. See if it can help you. If not I can provide my batch file.
  21. Is your roms packed with pakiso or ecm tools? If yes you will have to use an script to make this kind of roms work within GameEx. I dont know how Virtual Clone drive works with GameEx. In my setup I use Daemon Tools.
  22. Thanks for the upgrade Tom ! I really want to see the on-screen keyboard! Time to Update! I'm stick on 11.25 !
  23. Hi ! Have you checked your ROMs naming and your videos naming? Problably your ROMS have diferent names of your videos. Try using FATMATCH (Quick search in the Foruns). This software already helped me a LOT. It matches your video names with your rom names.
  24. vsilvalopes

    .X files

    Hi Everyone! People using X files and Sketchup should take a look in this site : http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/ It's a repository of sketchup projects hosted by google. There are some game consoles.
  25. I don't use any anti-virus/anti-spyware or anything in my setup. The main reason is, my setup when acess internet it acess only a few websites that I consider "secure" So there's no Facebook , Google , MSN navigation. If it goes to the internet is to talk to GameEx site for an update check or the XBMC stuff. And If i need to install something , it's is first verified on my main computer. So I dont see the point of having this kind of software installed. As it consumes more resources of your machine. And I believe in what you said. I've already have a lot of problems with gaming and Spyboot.
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