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Everything posted by IMBerzerk
I don't know if this will help you, but I simply made a playlist called GameEx (name it whatever you want) and pointed GameEx at it in the Advanced Configuration program. I then allowed for random. This works great on my set-up. Some of the options you see in the Wizard setup have more details to them. Use the advanced version. If I add new songs, I create a new playlist and point GameEx at it. Seems archaic, but it's worked for me without a hitch. IMBerzerk
Gents, Just another letter of thanks for offering such an outstanding product for public use. I'm two months into this, and I've gone over everything with a fine-toothed comb... only to find it was a waste of time... wait.... let me explain first.... Up until dropping in to this forum and loading GameEx I was not aware of the ToSec, Good, and No-Intro naming conventions, nor was I aware that I could combine everthing into one-umbrella. I used to do everything myself, thinking it was supposed to be that way. Countless hours spent renaming console ROMs and all the associated artwork. Well, thanks to Flash and Tempest, they were kind enough to keep hammering at my 6 foot thick skull and drill it into my head that I was doing it all wrong. I now understand what they were talking about. I really did not know GameEx was that powerful, nor was I aware that there were naming standards to follow. So, here I am... at the starting line again. Everything is working, all games are working, but now that I want to add more artwork like boxes, carts, titles, I've come to the point where I need to know the following... If I choose to use 'Good' for the naming of the roms, do I have to use Good name based artwork for the boxes, and other stuff. If I use No-Intro for the ROM names, in one set for let's say Coleovision, do I have to use No-Intro for the rest in order for the new 9.60 features to work? Anyhow... my cabinet has finally become the working/playing museum I've always wanted and I love it. Thanks guys!! IMBerzerk
OK, will do. BTW... is there a link to the offline databases? I've been poking around the site and have not seen them, so I resorted to loading GameEx on another PC, and allowing it to pull them down automatically. I checked the INTY Db and wow... you really got it all. IMBerzerk
Got it... and sorted. Thanks for all your help and patience. I'm learning.
Tom, where can I get the 'offline install archive'? I'd like to update my set and my cabinet is a stand alone. Thanks a mil, IMBerzerk
Thanks Flash, No the latest version of GameEx does not have your databases in it. I checked auto-download, and then opened the Inty Db in Access, and it was the same. How do I get the new ones? My game machine is a standalone, so everything has to be loaded via a thumbdrive or DVD. I'm looking forward to the new DB's. I'll then go back and rename the ROMs to whatever is listed in the DB. It'll work good, as I'll have a definitive list to go by. IMB
Hey, I never said mine were for everyone... But I do have to point out that there are a lot of games missing that were un-released, un-popular, or simply missed. I wouldn t rely on just dumps, sometimes more research helps. Take a look at the Intellivision Lives! site and see the ones you are missing. Most of them are the better 1-player versions of the older 2-player games. Super Pro Football is one of them. That's actually a fun game as a 1-player, same for the Basketball game. If you want, I can send you my database and you can pick-out the lines from the games that I added. I pulled most of it from Moby, but many are from the Intellivision site. This way you have a thick list of Inty games, not just the more well-known ones. If the names are wrong, they can be changed. IMB
Flash, I just reloaded GameEx on another PC so that I can pull-down the de-lacerated databases. Looking at the Intellivision database, I see a few games missing from it. Are these the same DB's you guys are working on? If so, can I add some games to it and send it to you? Tron Solar Salier, Blockade Runner, NHL Hockey, NBA Basketball, Super Pro Football, Slam Dunk Basketball... are a few to start. If this is not the database you're working on, where can I get it? Thanks IMB
I tried to add another column to the Inty database, just for kicks. Tosec... but nothing happened. Do any of the columns link the files specifically?
Yes... Mom... I know... So in my 'Good Name' column, I would need to match the names? For my Inty database, I named all the Imagic roms like this Imagic - Nova Blast Imagic - Atlantis Activision - Pitfall! Activision - River Raid .. .etc So I would need to match these in the Atari database, or is there another column that needs to be matched? I can always revert, more work, but worth it.
Wow, what a great idea! I love it. You can now see the difference between all of the systems right in front of you. Only one question... how does it work? I see some games that I know I have ROMs for that are not link to other systems. BTW... I'm up and running again. I re-coded most of my videos and it's all working very well now. With this new feature, it's even better. Thanks for all the help and great work! IMBerzerk
Well... no good. I've come to realize that I think I was lucky somehow the first time. From the past front-ends I had loaded, I must have had something in it somewhere that was allowing it to run right. So.. I've decided to fall back, regroup and attack from the flank (I play way too many WWII FPS's). I went out on the I-net and found this great and free converter called Super. I'm converting them all to Xvid codecs which will make them smaller and not loose much quality. I've tested 11 so far and the results are great! Plus there are no 'watermarks' on the videos. Some free programs do that. So with that, in a few hours, if not less, I'll have it all covered. I'll let you know how I make out, but it looks good so far... just more time. Thanks for all your help as always. IMBerzerk
No, it does not. I used it once to download the update, and it was done. It's been a long time since I've done this, but I know you can. I just don't remember how right now.
Thanks Flash, what do you use to remove the old Codec? Just uninstall them? I am going to google that XVid codec and see what comes up. I have the FFDshow pack from the main website. Did you go in and tweak anything? That's another issue I think I am creating, is that I am tweaking everything now out of frustration, and causing even more problems. I'd just like to know the baseline setup that works... dafault?
Well, after bombing my system that worked fine other than the intro video, I have reloaded XP, tried every single codec known to man, spent over 6 hours playing with it... and still nothing works right. My Emuvideos are very choppy, choppy like you can't even view them. The intro movie works... but really, I don't care. I need the videos to work. Once the cabinet is on, no one sees the video anyway. It was a dumb move on my part to even mess with this... now I am paying the full price for it. I don't know what is wrong and why this is happeneing. I am now reloading XP again, as I have screwed with it enough that I am sure a few things are still stuck in it. The videos worked fine before, without issue, so I have no idea what the hell the problem is. I load FFDshow, and it's choppy, I load K-lite... choppy, it's just damn frustrating now. Thanks if anyone wants to give me a try. I really need to finish this. I have my daughters B-Day party next week, and everyone is expecting to play this thing as they do every year. It would suck to have it turned off. IMBerzerk
Yes. If you upgrade to the latest version, it will then pull-down a HUGE new version of each game that you select. This takes a really long time. Once that is done, you can turn-off the verify and not have to use the DVD anymore. I have it running on my rig without any issues. Check with the Daphne forum if you need more help. IMBerzerk
LOL!... It's ok... I was having silly problems anyway. It wasn't his fault, his intentions were very well meant... but that program 86'd my video playback. I'm at work for a double tomorrow, with no one else around... I'll take my rig there and get it going again. Imagine... getting paid to build a game machine.
I'm doing that now... in fact.. I ditched it all. I have a clean C: so I can just reload XP. I never updated my restore, so it would go back to scratch anyway. Man, this is the pits. back to square 1. But.. always being positive... maybe this will cure it all. yes... IMBerzerk...
Things just got a lot worse... I removed all codecs, and reloaded them. Now GameEx totally crashes. It goes to play the emuvideo, and drops to desktop. I have no idea why. This is simply beyond my understanding. That stupid program did something to my PC, what it did? ... I have no idea.
Well that just made things 100% worse. I wouldn't reccomend that program to anyone else. Now my emuvideos are choppy as hell, and I can't fix it. I removed, and reloaded everything... still the same. So end result... no intro... emumovies now broken.
Thanks Tempest, I do have another video, which is the lightining video. That's an AVI, and that too will not come up. I actually would rather use that video anyway. I was just testing it with the M.mpeg one. The AVI plays in media player outside of GameEx, so I know I have the right codec to play it. Does GameEx use anything specific? I have the latest FFDshow codec installed from the GameEx website. I still don't understand why it flags the c:\videos folder as not being there when I verify my setup. If anything... I can go without the video, you only see it at start-up anyway. Everything else works great, so no real loss here.
If you need more of it, let me know.... thanks for all the help. # Specify a Video to play at Startup. AVI, MPG: StartupVideo=C:\videos\m.mpeg LaunchOnStart= LaunchOnStartNoWait= LaunchOnExit= LaunchOnExitNoWait= FontSize=0 VectorResX=632 VectorResY=264 AlwaysStretch=410x256 DisableEscape=True DisableRemoveGame=True Theme=Default - Future Retro Language=English FlatStartPage=False DontSwitchRes=False SnapDelay=0 AllowWindowResize=True ShowLoadingScreen=True Use16BitColour=False Widescreen=False DisableMAME=False ShellBeforeLaunch= ShellOnExit= EnableJukeBox=True JukeBoxPlaylist=gameex EnableMediaControls=True ShufflePlayLists=True LoadPlayListAtStartup=True LoadPlayListThread=False DownloadArt=True TitleFont=Lucida Console DialogTextWhite=False TimeFormat=True HideToolBar=2 DoNotFilterROMS=pacman;splatter MAMEAudioMode=1 DisplayTitle=True AVIAudio=False Marqueepath=D:\mame\marquees Panelpath=D:\mame\cpanel Titlepath=D:\mame\titles ICONpath=C:\Emulators\Mame32\icons CPEnabled=False CPPath=\data\controls.ini ShowVector=True ShowNeoGeo=False ShowOriginal=True ShowAdult=False ShowCPS=False ShowVertical=True ShowHorizontal=True EnableFavorites=False ShowMulti=False ShowAllMAME=False ShowLastGame=False ShowRandomGame=False ShowListNumbers=False AlphaBlendVideos=True EnableSound=True MediaCenterOpenCheck=true UseSharp=True CreateImageOnThread=False HideCreateSnaps=True HideLogoff=True HideStandBy=True DisableMouse=False ShowVideos=True VideoPath=C:\videos EnableAlphaPage=True EnableJoystick=True EnableSlikStik=True KeyboardDirectInput=False NoMahjong=True VIDEOFFDSHOW=0 JoystickDevice= EnableCustomInput=True EnableCustomJoyInput=False AttractVideosEnabled=True AttractVideosRatio=1 AttractVideosPath=C:\Video AtractModeNewGameTimer=2 AdvancedGFX=True HideZinc=True TransitionType=0 Bypass=True DontBlitWait=False ShowMostPlayed=False ExcludedMAMERoms= DeadZoneX=0 DeadZoneY=0 JukeBoxMode=1 AmbienceFile=L:\-DATA-\-MP3-\4 Non Blondes\4 Non Blondes - What's Up.mp3 AmbianceFile=C:\arcade.mp3 EnableAmbiance=False HIDEDESKTOP=True UseSnapBestMatch=true IngameVK=76 EnableThemePicker=False DisablePleaseWaitAnimation=False EnableRipCD=True DumbyValue= DVDPath=G:\ AttractOnlyFavs=False RotatePlus90=False ShowButtons=True DisplayTitleText=False PlayExitSaverSound=False ShowAtari=True ShowGolden=True ShowHorizVert=0 UseModel2=False Model2PATH=C:\Emulators\Model2 ShowModel2=False ShowLightGun=False EnableBezel=False AutoUpdate=False NoMAMEOnStartPage=True HideRestart=True EnableStartScreenSaver=False SortMAMEThE=True SortEmuThE=True ShowMCEEXport=False NoRotationRestrictions=False MakeToolbarTextWhite=False ExitGameAfter=0 ShowTrackball=False ShowSpinner=True LoadEmusOnThread=True LoadRadioOnThread=False StartPageAni=True EmusAttractMode=False MuteEmuAttractMode=False Show4Player=False CabControlFriendly=False ManualPath=C:\Emulators\Mame32\manuals HideShowTaskbar=True CustomMAMEFolderPath=C:\Emulators\Mame32\CustomFolders MAMEFavoritesini=C:\Emulators\Mame32\Folders\Favorites.ini MenuFontSameSize=False SetPalRes=False PalRes=800x600x32x60 SetNTCSRes=True NTSCRes=800x600x32x60 SetNTSCRes=False SetTwoThreeRes=False PreviewVideos=True ShowStatistics=False DisableMouseWheel=False ErrorReporting=0 ReduceCPU=True ShowNotPlayed=False ShowOnlineLists=False ScreensaverMode=0 glaunchenabled=False PCBPath=C:\Emulators\Mame32\pcb artworkpath=D:\mame\artwork LoadJukeTracksOnStartup=True EnableLetterSelect=True JukeQueueMode=1 EnableBezelAttract=False ForceDailyReboot=-1 EnableSearch=False FixToEmuList=0 ShowLastPlayed=False TwoThreeRes= EnableTouchScreen=False EnableMediaCheck=True
No, I didn't. It's a bare bones XP SP2 install. Aside from the FFDshow install, and Media Player codec update, nothing else. I just don't understand why it's telling me that c:\videos does not exist. What do you have installed?
I also notice that when I run 'check setup' it tells me it can't find my video directory? I have it set to c:\videos.... but it says c:\videos does not exist?
Hello, I didn't want my question lost in an older thread, so I chose to make a new one, rather than bump. I've read the other two topics on this problem, and tried the fixes, but I still can't get my intro video to work. Can anyone lend a hand? I've removed the old FFDshow I had and installed the one from the site. The videos both play in Media Player. One is an MPEG, the other is an AVI. Checking the settings in FFDshow looks like it's all enabled, if I am looking at the right thing. GameEx is pointed at my C:\videos folder and the start up video is selected. All I get is a blank screen, a flash of my mouse pointer, then the Start screen. All other videos in MAME work fine, at the right speed. What the heck is wrong? Do you guys need any INI info or anything? Thanks in advance.... this is the last thing I need done before I am finished with my cabinet.