hey tom, i just updated to the newest gameex version. i ran attract mode for ca. an hour and suddenly i got a error message. because of gameexhideos i couldn|t copy the error message, but at least i made a screen shot... any idea what this is? http://i42.tinypic.com/of3dhx.jpg 17:58:10.0 14.03.2010: Running: cmd.exe /c D: D:\Games\mame\mamep.exe janputer -rompath D:\Games\mame\roms -triplebuffer -nowindow -volume -32 18:10:27.3 14.03.2010: Exiting GameEx! 18:10:27.4 14.03.2010: Saving Settings 18:10:38.1 14.03.2010: Disposing Plugins 18:10:38.2 14.03.2010: Closing database connection 18:10:38.4 14.03.2010: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit update > after running the last command i got the following C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\gameex>D:\Games\mame\mamep.exe janputer -rompath D:\Games\mame\roms -triplebuffer -nowindow -volume -32 Assign joystick MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad to player 0 Assign joystick MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad to player 1 Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 3 to player 2 Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 4 to player 3 Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 1 to player 4 Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 2 to player 5 7.bin NOT FOUND 82s123.prm NOT FOUND ERROR: required files are missing, the game cannot be run. so it seems to be a problem with the rom. pretty weird since i use a complete romset... how can i check for faulty roms in my collection?