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Everything posted by rablack97

  1. no worries, Ha says you, sounds like your just getting started with tables, walking back and forth to your cab will get old really quick Glad you got everything sorted.
  2. that will probably be dirt slow.....get the neutrik pass thru so you don't have to take your cab apart just to transfer files. Look into a repeater, the AMplifi system works really well. The module plugs into an outlet, and repeats your signal from your home.
  3. um install a neutrik pass thru man. Or If you have a network in your house, why not add a wifi card to you cab and access via the network with shared folders from your house PC?
  4. You're right man, i see what your saying now, you wanted to know the specific app.....
  5. He did here, although not sure why he needs it, no issues with TB on Win10
  6. Im an autohotkey guy.... Download autohotkey. create a text file, put this in the txt file. ui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow -border Gui Color, 0 Gui, Show, % "w" 6000 " h" 3000, Black Screen Sleep 16000 GUI Destroy exitapp save it, change the extension to .ahk, then right click and you will see compile script....this will create your .exe set this as a launch before in your pbx settings, this is what i use for VPX. The sleep command is how long you want the black screen to show, 16000 = 16 secs, you can adjust this based on how fast your tables load.
  7. rablack97

    total newb

    you might want to start with the individual emulators first, PBX is just the front end that launches the emulators cleanly. You must first get the tables to run outside of PBX before you use PBX to launch the tables. Install future pinball and VPX for starters, then get the table to launch first.
  8. sounds like a focus issue, you could use script to black out the screen until the table loads, i use it for VPX as i rotate the table prior to game play. Does this happen on all emulators or one in particular, what OS are you using and what version of VPX are you on. Also, when asking for help, please post your PBX config file and your PBX log.
  9. it matches by the name, maybe remove (williams 1991) in the game manager and see if you get more matches.
  10. The leds worked, he was just getting the error on exiting pbx. @Slashbot make sure you check and see if you have any other programs running in the background that you trully dont need. I used to get errors but it was due to a program i had running in the background once i removed the errror went away.
  11. is this your first time installing DOF? can you run a table with DOF outside of PBX with no issues at exit of the table. whats in here? C:\Pinballx\scripts\Start PinballX.exe
  12. nice, i mainly went the model i posted due to the controls being in the front , so there was no need to take the screen apart to re-route. Good lookin screen though.
  13. yeah theres a way to do it, you mean your back mx animations? Use <FadingCurveName>Linear0To16</FadingCurveName> in your cabinet.xml file, and change the 16 to whatever level of brightness you want. 16 is the lowest setting.
  14. ok ran a few tables which went well. Only thing that stuck out for me was there a small intermittent pause when switching between tables. I switched back and forth a few times and then it seemed to fix itself. One instance it was actually freezing, but after a few back and forths, it fixed itself. Loading screen seems to fade smoother than before. Anything else we need to be looking out for Tom?
  15. I bought this little guy for mine as the screen is replaceable if it goes out and no need to reposition the controls when you mount it. The stands can be removed. 1080P Topper videos are crisp and clear. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01J52TWD4/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  16. cool will try it out this evening
  17. oh cool didn't know it worked that way, good to know, and a space saver.
  18. do this as well, windows updates nuked my setup. With all of the registry changes and tweaks, window will override and then you have to spend hours troubleshooting why things don't work like they used to. Once i shut down the updates, no issues. Plus is keeps microsoft from putting unwanted features that will just pop up when you dont want, just more stuff to disable.
  19. for these you have to have a file for each table, and place it in the pbfx3 dmd video folder. Your speaking to the global file called NODMD. Replace that and all tables for any emulator that do not have a dmd video file or image will show pinballfx3 logo, which isnt what you want.
  20. did you miss this part? Also, i'm using borderless windowed, not windowed, that might help as well.
  21. you might want to start by reading the documentation on the dmdext site, understanding the plug-in will help you solve your problem, its how i solved my issue with the conflict. https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions Your problem has already been solved. Flickering with PinDMDv3 Some users reported heavy flickering when running via PinballX. Seems that this is linked to the desktop settings. This seems to help: Go to My Computer Click on Performance Information and Tools on the bottom left Click on Adjust Visual Effects at the top left. When the Performance Window pops up, click on Adjust for Best Appearance. All the boxes should automatically get check marked. Click on Apply, and then OK to get out. Thanks to xman72! Still flickering? Try boosting how fast dmdext grabs the frames. For example, for Pinball FX2, try: dmdext mirror --source=pinballfx2 --no-virtual -q --fps 60 Default is 25, which seems too slow for some games. Thanks smoke007 for the tip! also a few clarifications it's either -d or --destination and your dmd is pindmdv3 format was found here on the site -d, --destination The destination where the DMD data is sent to. One of: [ auto, pindmdv1, pindmdv2, pindmdv3, pin2dmd, virtual ]. Default: "auto", which outputs to all available devices. to confirm the dmdext folder is in your c:/drive root correct, not just the .exe? Did you unblock the .exe and all of your .dll's in the dmdext folder.? If none of these tips work, you might post the issue on freezys bug site, he does respond and help you out.
  22. dmdext_Path=c:\dmdext Run, %dmdext_Path%\dmdext.exe mirror --source=pinballfx3 --destination=pindmd3 --no-virtual -q,, Hide exitapp This is autohotkey, did you download the program open a .txt file, copy this into it, save it as .ahk, then right click to compile it to create a .exe? Then set it as a launch before in your pBFX3 settings in pinball x. Is dmd ext in your root c:drive?
  23. Ok Folks, There was a slight pause in the loop, this has now been fixed, the animation looks inifite now. I also created 68 files one for each game, grab these and drop them in your dmd videos for pbfx3 and you will have an animated logo on your 3rd screen for all 68 games. /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/rablack97/3rd Screen Logos PBFX3
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