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Everything posted by rablack97

  1. also why is your playfield and backglass set to the same monitor? [Display] Monitor=1 rotate=270 Windowed=False WindowWidth=480 WindowHeight=720 WindowX=0 WindowY=65 PlayFieldBrightness=230 WheelTextColor=ffffffff WheelTextOutlineColor=ff000000 InfoTextColor=ffffffff InfoTextOutlineColor=ff000000 FilterTextColor=ffffffff FilterTextOutlineColor=ff000000 MenuColor=ffffa500 [BackGlass] monitor=1
  2. make this false and see if that makes a difference. AutoPositionB2S=True
  3. Let me know how you do that, i'd like to do that myself have fun
  4. FYI, just upgraded to 2.68, no issues to report
  5. https://www.dtonias.com/unblock-files-powershell/
  6. ok yeah, that's normal, nothing PBX can do about that. I had a table load into desktop mode, went back and played it the next day and it loaded fine. I'm speculating that since we are booting into PBX, we aren't allowing steam to connect and update and do its checks. If you notice when you exit back to desktop steam loads up and updates. I'm sure if you boot into desktop allow steam to load and update, you won't have this issue. There's alot of work that needs to be done for the cabinet mode, for now we will have to deal with the small nuances until they decide they want to smooth it out.
  7. did you use the powershell recurse command on all of your folders to ensure your exe.s and .dlls are unblocked. and you .exe's are running as admin?
  8. did you try rolling back to r3 and see if your still getting the same problem.
  9. tom has a point [Display] Monitor=1 rotate=270 Windowed=False WindowWidth=480 WindowHeight=720 WindowX=0 WindowY=65 PlayFieldBrightness=230 WheelTextColor=ffffffff WheelTextOutlineColor=ff000000 InfoTextColor=ffffffff InfoTextOutlineColor=ff000000 FilterTextColor=ffffffff FilterTextOutlineColor=ff000000 MenuColor=ffffa500 FullScreenWindowed=True [BackGlass] monitor=2 x=0 y=0 width=1920 height=1200 UseB2S=False AutoPositionB2S=True [DMD] Enabled=True monitor=0 x=0 y=0 width=1024 height=768 Display 1 your have as monitor 1 480 x 720 this would be your playfield, way too small Display 2 is your backglass, that looks fine Display 0 = 1024 X 768 sounds big make sure your video config matches up, also try unplugging your backglass and dmd and see if you get table videos, if so, then shutdown plug in blackglass and reboot, the do the same with dmd.
  10. What folder are your videos in? Why are you booting up notepad at start up? have you tried converting the videos to f4v? can you send a screen shot of where your videos are and also attach you games xml visual pinball. also if you want to show videos, your images folder has to be empty or cannot have file with same name as your video files, images override video files.
  11. are you on the the new unified DOF? r3+++
  12. Normal setup is mapping enter to your table selection which you have done key 13, in visual pinball, you need to map credit to #5 and #6 and start to #1. plunger is normally enter, Make sure those setting are correct in your vpx setup. also is you have joystick plugged in un plug it until we get the tables loading properly. You're really going to have to learn to take screenshots, if you cant do that use your phone take a pic then email it yourself, then you can post it. Every small detail helps verbally and visually.
  13. stupid question maybe, did you check to make sure all of your .dll's and .exe are unblocked. 2.65 did some weird things to my setup and i had to reinstall and update a few .dll files to get my cab back running.
  14. post log and ini files when you get back.....i've heard of the code not sticking for other users. I myself cannot replicate this behavior, i've only had to enter in the code once. However there are times that Fx3 will boot into desktop mode, and i just exit out and then reload the table and all is well. FX3 is really finicky with front ends and 3rd party add-ons, and there is not much support for the so called "cabinet mode". Last i checked they still haven't fixed the issue for cab users that dont want to be online. So in summary every now and then Fx3 does load into desktop mode, and you just have to exit out and restart the table, then any table after you do that will load fine. Its probably some crazy check the fx3 does and cab mode doesnt register correctly. I shell directly into PBX as well, by chance did you enable the "don't want online mode" in the steam login file?
  15. which DOF are you on? then new unified version? Try running a table and then posting the log, looks like you just booted pbx and then shut it down.
  16. ah well if thats the case, none of the above is happening on my rig, and its less powerful that what he's got by a mile. load times are slower is the only thing i can really report. You'll be happy to know it works well on a full blown 4k machine though, user said it runs good for 4k videos etc.
  17. im about to take the 2.67 plunge to see if get the same behavior.
  18. You Might Want Read This and Edit Your Post
  19. have you tried renaming the table, this name looks weird Bad Cats.VPX.v1.2.vpx.....rename it to Bad Cats.vpx then reset it back up in your game manager using Bad Cats as the name. Don't forget to rename your b2s file as well.
  20. what version of pbx are you on?
  21. Well for starters it's not PBX's fault, i requested a screenshot, cause i have no idea what PBX menu your talking about. Take a few deep breaths, and we will get this figured out, but you have to help us help you, we are assisting blindly as best we can. We've all got mercedes, benz's and lambo's sitting in our gamerooms and living rooms, so i feel your pain. Download snag-it or just hit print screen to get a screenshot and post it. Also what version of PBX are you using, and can you cleanly boot into your tables outside of PBX.
  22. It was files in the ultradmd folder, nothing in PBX, not sure what 2.66 installation did, but it switched my dmd color off, and skewed my ultra dmd, everything works fine. Only thing really noticable is load times and exit times have slightly they seem to take longer now.
  23. Not sure if eveyone knows this but all prior releases are in the change log section on this page. Just click on the change log and choose the version you want to download, you don't have to hunt around for older versions, they are maintained here on the site
  24. post a screenshot of your DOF and config folder
  25. so in the midst of all of this lovely configuration the PC gets confused on what needs to go where, so in the registry it just keeps adding new configs and not getting rid of the old ones. so you'res is overlapping somewhere. the link i pointed you to has a regedit file that will clean that up, then you can start fresh, by plugging each screen in and letting the PC reconfigure the identities. Im assuming since you're saying the above your good to go now? Is everything showing on the right screen now?
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