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Everything posted by rablack97

  1. Those are the descriptions and can be in any format, if I'm not mistaken this is the field the media files use. If you look in my xml, game name would be STARWARS_Episode_4, the game description for this game STARWARS_A New Hope. My media is named STARWARS_A New Hope with the game name linked to STARWARS_Episode_4. In PBFX3 the games are named by the title not the episode, so i named my media by title for ease of reference.
  2. if your running that split 3rd screen setup terry red explains it here take a look at my setup tutorial as well. click on the replied to a topic.
  3. attract table videos? what do you mean? no such thing when launching into PBFX3
  4. dig through the forums, I know i found a thread a while back where some folks made these dmd recordings already. Some might be on the game-ex ftp. Your a supporting member, look in the ftp first before re-creating the wheel. thats a pretty nifty trick right there.
  5. are you doing full screen or windowed mode? Just had a thought, the animated backglass and 3rd screen animations would freeze when launching a table in PBFX3 in fullscreen mode, the fix was change to windowed. Go into PBFX3 and change from full screen to windowed, and see if that fixes it. You may be getting that same fullscreen conflict bug i was getting. There's no visual difference between the two.
  6. Here are the naming conventions for your Media files as they match the actual name of the game
  7. OK the xml in the first post is totally clean, now, i've matched up the all the names, and put them in the correct order. If you downloaded my file prior to 10-28-2017, then re-download the attachment in the first post to get the most recent version.
  8. no problem
  9. Ok, I figured as much, wasn't sure about the naming convention of those games. To ensure you have the correct name go to Steam>steamapps>common>Pinball FX3>data>steam This is where the table files reside. Here is the first 68 to get you started, this is how I found out about Jaws. I saw the AVCO_2 and Light Vs. Dark but was unsure what game they went to. Odd thing is some of the tables still lauch correctly with the fill name (ie. The Star Wars Episodes) I'll clean up further and finalize my first post when I get a sec. Citadel = Sorcerers Lair Secrets of the Deep = Atlantis Might of the First Order = STARWARS_AVCO_2 Masters of the Force = STARWARS_Light_VS_Dark Western = Wild West Rampage
  10. Great glad you got it sorted sir.
  11. Batch, ahk same thing, I was just giving you my code that work. If you can duplicate that in batch cool too. Screenshots of your setup would help too, it only takes one thing to be out of whack to prevent your DMD talking to your real dmd. To confirm you are using the latest version of dmdext right.
  12. TBH, to appease the masses you would have to do one with grill and one without. Fellow members with real dmds and or speakers in the backbox wouldn't need that bottom section, just the graphic. I also agree with @H2olt removing the pbfx3 from the still image future proofs your work, those with 3rd screens can easily update the logo their for a newer version.
  13. Yeah that's the route I was going to go, just remove the logo reference altogether as I have a 3rd screen that displays the pbfx3 animation. Those can be changed easily. To Draco's point sourcing the new image would be the real task. Some of these would be pretty easy to do, there are others where the logo is smack dab in a section that would have to be completely redrawn. I have a pretty clean method to replace, then after i did a couple having the logo display in the BG and the 3rd screen looked like overkill. It would be cool if the authors on the animated BG's posted their still images, then we could doctor up the animated ones. They both seem to be retired on BG creation now though.
  14. post some screenshots of your vpx keys, nudge and DOF and the keyboard settings from PBX settings menu. Sounds like you don't have em synched up, like you do in vp9.
  15. yes there is not much in it, not sure why those options are not in your file. did you scroll all the way over to the right?
  16. go to options, ui/streaming dot matrix size = off you can change the position and color there are well, but during your flyby's set the dot matrix size to off then you will have no dmd flyby's. Turn it back on during your game play if you want.
  17. let me look at my settings, i forgot what i did to make it disappear off the table
  18. so you nixed the grid idea and went with the easier method
  19. Send some screen shots of your cabinet support setup, you're pbfx3 for pbx settings, and your display settings. Maybe we can walk you through step by step. When is it freezing? Does your DMD lettering turn red and then freeze? When you exit out do you see multiple instances of dmdext still open?
  20. Yep what @Draco1962 said, i had to toy with sleep commands in my ahk before i found the right duration. My understanding is "wait to exit" set to yes mean, it will run that bat or ahk file completely prior to launching the emulator. The more toys people add to these monsters the more susceptible you will be to conflicts. I have, addressable leds, DOF Feedback, dmd ext, ultradmd, no telling what else i've forgotten, getting all of that stuff to play along together in harmony is all trial and error. It took me a week to get PBFX3 to work with dmdext + DOFlinx (automx), there was an order and specific time i had to execute, then wait execute the next and then execute pbfx3.
  21. by chance, can you do these w/o the dmd in the shot?
  22. oh so you have a real dmd then, the freezing is due to a timing issue. I take it your trying to launch dmdext right before launching the PBFX3 table. Reason it works, when running from cmd line and then booting up PBX, your giving dmdext enough time to initialize. You have a small conflict in load priorities in your setup. I too pulled my hair out trying to get dmdext to work with pbfx2 and found out, the load before was loading it at the same time other processes were trying to load. By chance are your running doflinx as well?
  23. If your'e having issues with Jaws direct loading, the "Jaws" has to be in proper case not all caps. ET and BTTF are fine but for some reason, JAWS does not work to direct load a table.
  24. I think @TerryRed upgraded to 4k and and isn't having any issues.
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