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Everything posted by rablack97

  1. The guys who made those are no longer making them.....
  2. I am on 2.65 and do not have this issue. Not getting this either though. The value of argument 'value' (0) is invalid for Enum type 'ProcessPriorityClass'. 23:19:28.9 3/17/2018: Parameter name: value 23:19:28.9 3/17/2018: at System.Diagnostics.Process.set_PriorityClass(ProcessPriorityClass value) 23:19:28.9 3/17/2018: at PinballX.FrmMain.q()
  3. post your pbx log and ini files. You may have some PC debugging to do, i'm on 10.4 vpx and no issues at all. what version of pbx are you on? do you have a real dmd? do you have feedback devices etc. your also trying to run the new ghostbusters table, that takes some tweaking to get running correctly. post your pbx log and ini files. have you also unblocked all of you exe and .dlls after you are doing these reinstalls?
  4. not sure im following, you want a default image or video to show on your dmd when its not in use by the table? are you using a real dmd or virtual? are your talking about vpx, future pinball or fx3 tables?
  5. why would your topper video stop, its suppose to loop?
  6. you need to post you ini and log, and xml files to get help. I'm guessing your cabinet setting isnt configured in fx3 and you have the incorrect parameters set for fx3 in your settings. Are you running doflinx or dmdext addons?
  7. no you have to use an ahk script to hide it if you want a clean vpx boot. this blacks the screen out until vpx starts download autohotkey open a new txt file, put this code in it Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow -border Gui Color, 0 Gui, Show, % "w" 6000 " h" 3000, Black Screen Sleep 16000 GUI Destroy exitapp the sleep is in second so 16000 = 16 sec, tweak as needed save the file as .ahk right click and you will see compile.exe point the launch before to this file.
  8. You also may have a focus issue. try alt tab to and select the VPX table, then try to use coin to enter credits then start the table.
  9. you might have your controls crossed, check what you've mapped your vpx controls to, and check what the vpx controls are mapped to, you might have exit and start on the same key.
  10. For the DMD try this, if your running a real dmd, mirror --source=pinballfx3 -q --destination=pin2dmd use the destination command to initialize your type of dmd and ignore all others, the ini file for dmdext should have all of the types of dmd's it works with. Look through that file and you will see some lines where it askes you if you want to ignore a specific type of dmd setup. The issue is that it's looking through all of the options before finding yours, and causing it to not initialize. Instead of having the registry point to pbx directly have it point to an ahk script with the following, i use doflinx, if you dont hsuse that remove the doflinx line. Tweak the sleep times to go with how long it take you to boot into windows. Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow -border Gui Color, 0 Gui, Show, % "w" 6000 " h" 3000, Black Screen Sleep 8000 Run, C:\Users\MKX\Desktop\DOFLinx - Shortcut.lnk Sleep 10000 Run, C:\Users\Public\Desktop\PinballX.lnk GUI Destroy exitapp esc:: exitapp If neither of these work, i suggest you do some reading on dmd ext, the site has tons of info, my dmd didnt work otu of the box either, it took some time to find the right recipe that worked with my system.
  11. 1. This isn't a PBX issue it's an FX3 issue, cabinet mode is not high priority to the developers so there ares some screwy things that happen from time to when you boot into fx3. You can have everything right and if its updated or something has changed with the table or the software period it will throw off the clean boot into a table. This is why it works the 2nd go around, as it has completed the sync. 2. Why dont you boot into VPX by replacing the shell in the registry, this is what i did and it works fine in Win 10. 3. If you mean for FX3, that a timing thing, i had to make a few ahk scripts with pauses to give the system time enough to initialize, so it would boot smoothly. In a nutshell, what you going through is the growing pains of this hobby, this is what keeps all of us even the vets in these forums, doesnt take much to piss these cabs off, you just need to tweak your system
  12. Post your XML file also why are you using alt exe if your setting up vpx as a seperate system is this a vpcab, i see some custom vpcab lines, have you consulted with them? how do you know its crashing , are you getting an error if so post screenshot of the error.
  13. Hello @vogliadicane, if you can provide the AI stills with the FX 2 layer removed, i can re-render the videos with no loss, I have a pretty good process that works. I also figured out a way to overlay the fx2 layer with and fx3 fireball. I'm not a big art guy so if someone can provide the still image I can do the rest.
  14. have you tried disabling your pacdrive fix? That might be causing the crash, make sure you test before adding party exe's and .bats
  15. Try this for Alien Isolation copy what you have in the title into the desctription Alien_Isolation copy that into you description and then see if it launches into the table. I dont have the link off hand but i posted the correct naming conventions for fx3 awhile back, copy those into the title an description. its going to the menu because your naming conventions don't match what FX3 is lookin for.
  16. Post you log and ini files, also is VPX running fine outside of PBX
  17. you have to chagne your login config file if you want it to stay offline, however if you do that your tables wont load if you disconnect from the net, thats a feature cab owners have been complaining about, not sure if they ever changed it.
  18. once here for fx2, then migration to fx3, once in each case
  19. Its fixed now update firmware on Pin2dmd. I have 3 screens so the 3rd screen shows videos in 720P, I made videos for real color dmd video folder for each table. So i have 720p video on screen 3 and and attract video playing on the DMD. so 1 dmd only.
  20. Upgraded @Tom Speirs dmd still blank, videos out of DMD VIDEOS still play fine on 3rd screen, but the videos in the REAL DMD COLOR VIDEOS are not playing on my DMD. DMD initiates fine during gmae play.
  21. Had a pretty big windows update, after, the dmd videos in the real color dmd folder stopped displaying on my dmd. DMD works during gameplay, videos just stopped displaying on the dmd during table selection.
  22. I guess ask for that in an enhancement, to have a browser to Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX3\data\steam, and have it pull in the text and not physically point to those data files. MY guess is that the other systems your pointing to and executing a specifc table hence the browser, steam is using the table name in the command line parameters. Having it point to those files in Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX3\data\steam won't work. My thoughts on it are, create a desktop shortcut to Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX3\data\steam get the game name, copy, open up game manager, and paste, done. Still no need to do it manually in the xml. So the game manager works as intended for FX3. If you can't attach you xml, just use CODE or Spoiler and copy the contents there, users can just copy and paste back into their xml.
  23. The part about not being able to add games in the games manager is not necessarily true. You can add games from the game manager, you just click add game and the new fields show up at the bottom and that's where you enter the new game. For FX3 there is nowhere to browse to, all you have to do is add the correct table name and PBFX3 will find it. It's not like VPX or FP where you browse directly to a table. Just enter in the game name and game descriptions fields and your GTG.
  24. What are you naming them..... UNIVERSAL_Jurassic_Park UNIVERSAL_Jurrassic_Theme_Park Universal_Jurassic_World Amusement_Park
  25. Mine works fine.....plays only when a table sound is not available, and when there is a table sound, startup sound shuts off, and seems to start back up right where it left off when it was stopped.
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