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Everything posted by GeorgeT

  1. GeorgeT

    ps3 or ps4

    there's barely a working PS2 emulator, good luck with PS3 and above
  2. I get the following: Compiling Mame... Using Parameters TARGETOS=win32 TARGET=mame OSD=windows Error Compiling Mame. CompileMame(): The system cannot find the file specified My paths look exactly like yours, skipped the GUI as well. I don't get it, I suck
  3. Ok Dazzle, I did had all that quad-core stuff selected thinking it would compile the finished result for a quad-core pc. I'll give it another go soon
  4. tried again this morning..pretty sure I followed all the steps correctly (except v153 doesnt have any update files?) and the darn thing didn't compile I.fail.
  5. Hmm, I just got a new PC, i7 - 64bit so I'm thinking about compiling my own version of MAME with hiscores. I tried Headkaze method once before with no luck, maybe this time is the charm.
  6. that's happened to me before (only 1 version installed) so I just d/l the latest version from the website and install it that way, usually corrects the problem
  7. Dang, I was planning on upgrading my MAME machine PC to something modern and was hoping to use XP 64-bit. Now it looks like at best I'll be using Win7
  8. kinda related. I have GameEX running in my cab, hadn't booted it for months, then tried it last night and it loaded the splash scrren and intro movie then went to a black screen a few times. I checked the log and didnt see anything odd. tried booting the GameEX lite exe and that worked, so re-tried and GameEX booted fine. not sure what the hang-up was but glad it's back to working
  9. I saw that modular CP years ago and always thought it was a good solution, can't wait to see you put it into action
  10. these are Amiga games/demos that have been converted to stand-alone .exe files? No emulator needed?
  11. KRC - two words: pur tee! Thanks for your nice work!
  12. Honestly, no program (including Windows) is more worth the price of admission then GameEX. I love my cab and I love this frontend!
  13. Anyone here using a BITS Smartstrip to power their cab? Recently mine has started making a terrible hum and it doesn't provide enough power to light my marquee or power my audio system. Any ideas on what might be causing this? Thanks for the help.
  14. I just wanted to say thanks for this theme. I have been using it since I installed GameEX and I love it. The only problem is my cab has a red theme (red MAME marquee, red button config on my slickstick, red coin return lights, and soon a red 'Devil MAME' sideart) and the theme is blue. I finally got off my ass and modified it to red (thank you Gimp) and really just wanted to thank the original author.
  15. nice work on the Steampunk! lol, it's kinda depressing to see the new cabs as mine is slowly dying. trackball is dead, marquee has burned out..now I'm on to repair work instead of improving
  16. GeorgeT


    Yeah, I figured first step would be to see if there is any crud on it...it seems to spin rather freely. I'm just apprehensive about taking apart my $600 baby. Thanks for the info Draco.
  17. GeorgeT


    Anyone here have/using a SlikStik controller? I've had mine about 4-5 years no and slowly the trackball has been dying. First it didn't spin left very well (made a funny noise), then last week it decided it would no longer go horizontal, only vertical. Yesterday it decided to not work at all - no mouse movement when I spin it. I've tried the controller on a couple diff computers with the same results. Everything else works, spinner, joysticks, buttons...just the trackball has died. Any ideas on what I might do to get it working again?
  18. Easiest "fix" ever
  19. Best $$ I ever spent..no lie!
  20. no doubt Adultery, from the day I first learned of emulators (before MAME even) I dreamed of having a cab, now that it's 99% complete...I enjoy it everytime I turn it on.
  21. is that a touchpad in your control panel Adultery? nice build! I have a few things to finish on my cab but I really need to post pix.
  22. Is it just the Amiga emulator, or does it crash when you run the 'next' emulator you try? Looks a little like the error I'm having.
  23. I've tried it, runs kinda slow on my cabinet and yeah...i could never figure out the controls
  24. Ditto, here auto-update loop. I tried updating manually by downloading 11.63 from the site, but when I boot GameEX after, it still wants to update..pretty annoying.
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