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Alan Ribas

GameEx Lifetime Member
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Everything posted by Alan Ribas

  1. Updating emulators automatically on Gameex: Would it be possible or feasible to add a tool between the gameex configuration tabs that would allow automatic updating of the emulator?It would work more or less like this. We opened the settings, we went to the tab that showed the installed emulators and clicking a "Check for update" button would the gameex check if for the installed emulators there are newer versions? You can choose whether you want the search done by searching for updates that are not yet stable (those most frequently released by developers). If this tool was implemented until a "check emulators update at startup" option could also be added.Please tell me? Is this a dream? Totally out of touch? Or something possible? Possible but not viable?
  2. What you said makes sense RedDog. If there was something similar to the update retroarch in gameex would already be very happy ...
  3. Would it be possible or feasible to add a tool between the gameex configuration tabs that would allow automatic updating of the emulator? It would work more or less like this. We opened the settings, we went to the tab that showed the installed emulators and clicking a "Check for update" button would the gameex check if for the installed emulators there are newer versions? You can choose whether you want the search done by searching for updates that are not yet stable (those most frequently released by developers). If this tool was implemented until a "check emulators update at startup" option could also be added. Please tell me? Is this a dream? Totally out of touch? Or something possible? Possible but not viable?
  4. sorted out: xenia.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" The problem was that the emulator XENIA would not accept if I created a shortcut to the game by filtering the extension ".lnk". I solved the problem by renaming the game file that had a bizzaro name, full of numbers for the game name itself. .................................................................................................................. Cxbx.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" Rom filter: *.xbe This emulator also did not accept to initiate the game through a shortcut. I just added to the "rom filter" field the right extension of the game. ...................................................................................................................
  5. I'm trying to run the XENIA and CXBX Reloaded emulator games through gameex, but the command lines I use do not work. I tried searching the internet but could not find it. Could someone pass me the command lines of these two emulators? already tried these lines: Cxbx.exe ""[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"" Cxbx.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" xenia.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" xenia.exe ""[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]""
  6. Thank you very much for the help simbamame. I already knew that address. One of the things I'm having difficulty is that the language is very different and the translation of my browser does not leave things in an easy way.
  7. Good night people. I researched but could not find the command line I could use in this emulator with the gameex. One thing bizzara in this emulator is that we have to load the bios before loading the game, something that should then appear on the command line. Although it is a weird emulator I liked it because from what I read about this emulator works with 100% of the games of 3DO and 95% of the games of atari Jaguar (video games that I am trying to emulate with him), among other emulators. In summary: Is anyone here who could pass me the command lines of the video games "3DO" and "Atari Jaguar" ?? Thank you very much to everyone in this forum !!
  8. I have no idea how retroarch works. And how to implement this natively in gameex. However as we see specific configurations for some emulators within the gameex, such as the mame, Daphne, etc .... It would not be easier to create a configuration within this part of settings in the gameex that already took advantage of the internet tools that are already inserted inside of the emulator itself ??? Most of the emulators we use bring you the possibility of playing your games on LINE ..So instead of creating this tool to play online gameex would simply integrate a little more to the emulator that brings in itself tools for games on LINE ?? this way would not be easier? Please answer me because I am not a programmer ... so I can only imagine ...
  9. Good night people. As the title of this post has already suggested, I wonder if there is any possibility of adding in the future a tool that gives us the possibility to play the games of our emulators online through the gameex interface? It is possible? Or is it not possible !? Would such a project have any foresight to appear? OR would not have any prediction! ?? Whatever you can tell me about it I would be very grateful.
  10. Thanks for the tip!!
  11. Good night people. As the title of this post has already suggested, I wonder if there is any possibility of adding in the future a tool that gives us the possibility to play the games of our emulators online through the gameex interface? It is possible? Or is it not possible !? Would such a project have any foresight to appear? OR would not have any prediction! ?? Whatever you can tell me about it I would be very grateful.
  12. Good morning, TOM.
    I still can not solve that problem regarding the virtual drive assembly. I had even opened a topic on the subject but did not succeed in finding an answer to the problem. At that time you suggested I make a connection using the TeamViewer program. Could we do it one day?

  13. I was able to reproduce the problem again. I think it's something to be fixed by the gameex developer. I do not think settings would solve the problem.
  14. Good thing the chair in front of my computer is comfortable ....
  15. Good evening. I wrote a post about a problem I was having with the gameex regarding unconfiguration.
    In summary, from what I noticed, when we change the initial background screen and the background screen specifies an emulator a bug happens in the background when we press "ALT + ENTER". The details are in the post. Could you take a look, please?


  16. My theme link: https://mega.nz/#!55VHCAoT Decoding key:: !qImwSyAasLBflcCWVjef7S5OJLOj_ziQNvS_W8FDLkE CustomMenu (Gameex - Config).ini CustomMenu (Gameex- config - Users - Default).ini I found these two files with the name "custommenu.ini". Each of them in a different place
  17. I downloaded a theme with 1920x1080 resolution (After Darkness). I went into this theme and I was able to replicate the problem I am experiencing. I really believe that if it's not a Bug I do not know what it is. The point is this. 1) Each of the emulators I have (master system, mega drive, super nintendo etc ...) I made a different background screen. 2) Within the themes editor, in the models part there is the model called "emulator". I added as background of this "emulator" a different image from the one I established for my systems (master system, mega drive, etc ...). 3) I enter gameex normally. Be with the screen maximized or minimized. Inside the gameex I choose the system you want. Example: Master system. There is the background screen showing the video game master system. By pressing alt + enter (when the gameex is maximized or minimized) the system screen chosen by me, in the case of the master system, changes to the screen that belongs to the emulator model. Then that's it. I was able to replicate the problem. This can only be a bug.
  18. The theme I currently use is one I created myself (1920x1080). The menus were also customized by me. I'm at work at the moment. As soon as I get home I will send the menu and the file "custommenu.ini". Many thanks for the help guys. This problem was making me very stressed.
  19. I had actually tried that. But the result was the same.
  20. Alan Ribas

    Gameex Bug

    I wanted to report a Bug that I found on Gameex. I made a video to show the problem. Gameex is started normally. I enter the emulator folder and choose any of the systems. In the video I made, I chose the "MEGA DRIVE" system. Once inside the chosen system area, if I want to maximize the screen by pressing "ALT + ENTER" the screen is maximized, but two errors appear. The first is that the background screen disappears giving way to it an image belongs to the file "emubak.png". The second error is that the navigation keys that go down and up in the game list are moved from place to place (first it was on the left / bottom part of the screen and after the error happens these keys invade the part where the list of games is, as can be seen in the video). The gameex is configured to maintain the current computer resolution. My computer is at 1920x1080 resolution. My monitor has the same resolution capacity. And I currently use a theme that also has 1920x1080 resolution. I had reported this problem a long time ago. I thought that future updates would fix them, but that has not happened to this day. I would really like the developers to take a look at this issue. It is not something that brings problems to the functionality that the gameex is intended for but really irritates me. log.txt GameEx.ini
  21. Good evening. I'm trying to run the ps3 emulator also in gameex. But I'm having the same problem reported. Using this command line:

    rpcs3.exe "[ROMPATH] \ [ROMFILE]"

    The emulator starts but displays a white screen.
    Were you able to solve this problem?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 175650




      do you have load the firmware in the firt execution of the emulator ??

    3. Alan Ribas

      Alan Ribas

      I tested two different games. Both entered normally. But after the fourth boot, one of them simply stopped working.

      In the game called Dragon's Crow the first few times I entered the game ran normally. Now a white screen appears.
      And yes I installed the firmware before starting the games.

    4. 175650


      rpcs3.exe is not very stable at this time 


      you must be patient :-)

  22. Good evening. I'm trying to run the ps3 emulator also in gameex. But I'm having the same problem you reported. Using this command line:

    rpcs3.exe "[ROMPATH] \ [ROMFILE]"

    The emulator starts but displays a white screen.
    Were you able to solve this problem?

  23. Hahahahahaha !!!! Many thanks for the words of encouragement !!! The truth is that I've been on this road for some time already. All my doubts that I post in this forum when I find the answer I try to put them at the end of the post to close the topic. If there is no answer, it is because I have not found it. Let's build together this Roman gameex empire !!! For the glory of this great empire !!!!! Hahahahaha !!!!
  24. I agree !!! Get as answer that a thing is not possible to do, at least currently and to go to other options is not a defeat! But learning!
  25. I will accept the suggestion to use retroarch !!! Many thanks to everyone who has posted info to help me !!!!
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