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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. I think that you can use GetKeyState and a timer for the navigation remapping.
  2. I knew you could do it with a plugin. I always assumed that GameEx read the ini file only at start up, and that writing to the ini on the fly wouldn't work. Is that not true?
  3. If I understand what the OP wants to accomplish, The Randomizer would not be able to help. It needs to be executed every time the file needs to be changed. Typically it is used in the launch before / after for an emulator or for GameEx itself.
  4. You might want to consider running an older version of Mame.
  5. I don't know much about AMD processors, but it seems that yours is pretty old. With a front side bus of 400Mhz and 64k cache it isn't ever going to be very fast. Also, It uses the MMX instruction set. I think that the SSE2 instruction set is about 3-5 times faster than MMX, and SSE2 is considered old technology. I would probably upgrade the GPU first, My CPU second, and Memory last. I hate to see you buy memory and have it not help the situation. Thoughts NullPointer and Draco?
  6. He wants to setup Mame as an emulator.
  7. Thank God for short work weeks!
  8. This issue is very personal for me. Have you seen this commercial? http://youtu.be/5zWB4dLYChM That lady is my Mother. Not literally, but my Mom has had her voicebox removed, has lost all of her hair, and has no teeth due to radiation. She is now facing her third round with Cancer, and the prognosis is not good. I DO NOT want any replies of sympathy, this is not about her, it is about you. Do it for yourself, do it for your kids, do it for whatever reason, but no matter what, do it. I truly am pulling for you.
  9. You should make it so it only looks good with 3D glasses.
  10. I can probably adapt the script for you, but programming is near the bottom of my list of things to do, so no promises,
  11. Nice!
  12. Tempest


    Very forward thinking of Einstein.
  13. I made a tool to choose clones based on region. IOW if you live in the U.S. and not Japan Pacman is better than PucMan. It doesn't check the status of the game though. LINK
  14. That would be cool with a plugin to switch the stick for you, otherwise you might as well do it by hand.
  15. Tempest


    The next generation won't know how to go to the library, or how to open a book.
  16. Having thought about it, I don't think that my method will work at all.
  17. It WAS called Mame Mapping Magician, but it looks like Tom renamed it to Map emu Maps.
  18. That feature is already available in GameEX, and can be accomplished using the Mame Emu Maps utility as Adultery stated above.
  19. I was looking at a girl in Walmart once and thought to myself "She's cute. Well, Walmart cute."
  20. Here is what I came up with for the loader. It's a shame that the games aren't displayed alphabetically because then there would be no need for the map file, which of course will need to be updated every time something changes. I wonder if there is a file that PinBallFX2 uses to determine the position of each game in the list? That would be the ideal solution. I changed the map file into an ini file for simplicity [Star Wars - Episode V The Empire Strikes Back]R=1C=1[Star Wars - The clone Wars]R=1C=2[Star Wars - Boba Fett]R=1C=3[The Avengers]R=1C=4[Fear Itself]R=1C=5[Infinity Gauntlet]R=1C=6[World War Hulk]R=1C=7[Blade]R=2C=1[Iron Man]R=2C=2[Spider Man]R=2C=3[Wolverine]R=2C=4[Captain America]R=2C=5[Fantastic Four]R=2C=6[Civil War]R=2C=7[Thor]R=3C=1[Moon Knight]R=3C=2[Ghost Rider]R=3C=3[X-Men]R=3C=4[Earth Defence]R=3C=5[Mars]R=3C=6[Excalibur]R=3C=7[Paranormal]R=4C=1[Epic Quest]R=4C=2[Mysteries Of The Deep]R=4C=3[Biolab]R=4C=4[Pasha]R=4C=5[Rome]R=4C=6[Shaman]R=4C=7[Tesla]R=5C=1[Eldorado]R=5C=2[V12]R=5C=3[Sorcerer`s Lair]R=5C=4PinballFX2_Loader.ahk #SingleInstance forceSetTitleMatchMode 2SetKeyDelay, 20 ;Use key delay instead of Sleep, 20DetectHiddenWindows OnIniRead, Row, %A_ScriptDir%\Map.ini, %1%, R, ErrorIniRead, Column, %A_ScriptDir%\Map.ini, %1%, C, ErrorIf (Row = "Error") or (Column = "Error") ; column or row not found ExitAppRow -- ;subtract 1 from row and columnColumn --RegRead, SteamDirPath, HKLM, Software\Valve\Steam, InstallPathIf ErrorLevel SteamDirPath := A_ScriptDir ; If Registry key not found use the script dirRun, "%SteamDirPath%\Steam.exe" -applaunch 226980,,UseErrorLevelWinWait, ahk_class PxWindowClass,, 10 ;wait for 10 secondsIf ErrorLevel = 1 ExitAppWinActivate, ahk_class PxWindowClassWinWaitActive, ahk_class PxWindowClass,, 10If ErrorLevel = 1 ExitAppSleep, 15000Send {Enter Down}, Send {Enter Up}Send {Enter Down}, Send {Enter Up}Sleep, 500Loop, %Row% Send {Down Down}, Send {Down Up}Loop, %Column% Send {Right Down}, Send {Right Up}Send {Enter Down}, Send {Enter Up}Send {Enter Down}, Send {Enter Up}Process, WaitClose, PinballFX2ACloader.exeExitAppUsage "H:\AHK\My AHK\GameEx Scripts\Loaders\PinballFX2\PinballFX2_Loader.ahk" "[ROM]"As I said, I don't have PinballFX2 installed so I can't fully test this. I still am not sure if I have the 'send keys' correctly, but you should be able to make adjustments in that section if necessary. I subtracted 1 from the column and row because it seemed like the right thing to do. PinballFX2.7z
  21. It's hard to believe that grocery shopping is a 2 cig event, while sex is only 1. Getting old are we?
  22. How is it going Mike? (Honestly, you could have the dt's and I wouldn't care, as long as you are still smoke free. ) I'm pulling for you!
  23. 3/4"
  24. Nice job Adultery!
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