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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Pah. tbh - on Mario and Starfox - they're dining out on past glories on those ones. I'm not sure of my history, but essentially Mario is just a platformer and not even sure Mario/DK was the first of these? As for Starfox - sure - great idea, but picked up and ran with/bettered in the next generation. Zelda: granted. Metroid - equally likeable, but not sure standing alone these days. Man, I never realised I disliked Nintendo so much! They just feel like corporate, money-grabbing pigs to me.
  2. Yerp - what that guy said. They're being arrogant and far too erroneously self-aggrandising for my tastes. They're not the only player int this market and actually, when it comes down to it, they target kids with their inferior hardware to their competitors. Which is a bit cheap really. I think they're over-rated.
  3. tbh, T, I'm passed giving one now. Nintendo can go and do one. I'm not gonna ruin around after them like I'm their *****. Aside from Zelda, nintendo were always overrated anyway.
  4. Just rediscovered my fave game ever. Last time I played Wipeout was PS2, coz got myself an xbox 360 after that. Wipeout Omega has just been released on the PS4 and just had an evening in "the zone" - it's still got it... Never known a game like it for total absorption. Now...again...Need..to...get..that...gold..medal....
  5. Exactly. Not a big fan of the mirrored glass idea.Also the display placement... Game looks awesome though
  6. tbh - love the look of the game, but not so hot on the cab design. The cabinet maker did a great job of the kerfed top, though...
  7. Score! But did it leave you $5 short for the oil?
  8. stigzler

    IBM P260

    You may have a point, T. I still think in terms of if you're building your own cab, you may as well have a display that fills the width of your cab. Unless you're building a cab that's 10 foot wide. Then that'd be silly. It'd hurt your eyes.
  9. New car smell... Mmmmmmm Serious props for the civic choice though! I'm on my third and love them (Type S). 18 years ain't bad out a car, huh? Was is petrol or diesel?
  10. stigzler

    IBM P260

    Hmm. It looks great quality, but a little small for a cab? Maybe good for a mini cab or bartop?
  11. @Adultery - yer kiddin!? Let me know if confirmed as will have to update an app too. Grrrr @ DaemonTools.
  12. Ouch. Had the same with dropbox recently. Grab back the means to production Terry and run your own server!! I think you got them all apart from the one showing 1942 running on that behemoth.... You remember that one, right?
  13. Aside: Phew...I thought those muppets at Daemon Tools had changed the command line syntax again.
  14. Missed this first time around. Awesome cmd line!
  15. Thanks Freq. Please find attached my log and ini log.txt GameEx.ini
  16. Try it without custom menys. Does atari 2600 work then? If not, make sure its picking up the roms. From your desc, im guessing other systems are working in custom menus?
  17. Out of stock again, 5 hours after posting. I've gotta say, Nintendo are really annoying me with this - it's a cynical manipulation of people. They need to grow up. Or maybe they never did and thus they've stayed nintendo! However, nope. I stick by it. Nintendo - grow up. (So I can buy one of you ikkle SNESs so I can take it apart and put stuff in it so I can play any game I want on it and I'll feel rich, like a king or summat, coz I'm 43 going on 9)
  18. Batocera. Has specific build for the xu4.
  19. ouch @ that controller. The 90s called - they want their aesthetic back.
  20. Yeah - these NUCs are interesting. Interesting build - especially liked the keyboard integration. However, the back looked a bit scrappy. You going for a NUC build, Draco? If so - be interested to see/hear about progress.
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