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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. You will find things like that sometimes and there really isn't anything wrong...just not quite done. The databases for many of the systems are pretty darn good, but most are not 100% complete. However, they are always being worked on. Every so often when a GameEx update comes down the pipe, It will be mentioned that database updates are included. I took a peek in the NES database and noted that there are many games that do not currently have a data associated with them, so they will not show up when sorted by date. Note that there are over 3500 titles in the NES database alone, so it is a lot of work to get all that data in the file...and it takes quite a bit of time.
  2. Yippie!!! Weather is back. Installing now. Thanks Tom!
  3. Thank you good sir!!!!
  4. I think by 'database', our Scruffy Little Nerf Herder really means the cache files for the emulator. cnells2000: Just to confirm, you are not using map files for your console emulators, correct?
  5. I apologize. I misread your initial post. I thought you were talking about the Game Databases that can be enabled in the Emulator Setup section of the Setup Wizard. I am not familiar with the Gamebase function, so someone else will need to field your question.
  6. It can be done. The database list is compiled from a list of filenames in a directory in the GameEx directory. Changing the names would be as simple as changing the file names, but keep in mind that the next time GameEx is updated, if the databases were part of the update, the original files would be added back to the directory. Essentially, you would end up with a double list of databases. Kind of messy. Why do you want to change the database names?
  7. Aw, can't we keep it as an option? I really LIKE the 'Cat Freak Out' feature.
  8. Sounds like a feature to me!
  9. When I was working on the map files for my emulators, I found that if the map files were not properly formatted, sometimes games displayed the wrong descriptions. Make sure every single line in your map file is formatted correctly.
  10. Psssst, Draco...I think you forgot the file... EDIT: There it is...
  11. I tested the fix before I made the post.
  12. Recently, I found naborneo's 3D logo set which lead me to several threads regarding animated logos. I get the impression that animated logos are supported by GameEx, but I have been unable to figure out how they are set up. Can anyone give me a rundown of how it works?
  13. I was curious how the underlining was done, so I took a look. There is a file in the GameEx\THEMES\Ambient Occlusion\MEDIA folder named Unselected.png. The theme displays this file for each selectable line that is not currently selected. The result is that the menu selections all look like they are underlined. You can clear the lines in the theme by opening the file in a graphics editor like photoshop or gimp and clear the graphics (be sure to retain the transparency).
  14. Perhaps you have the extensions hidden in your Windows. Try entering "EMU_9*.*cache" in the search field (no quotes). Any files that are found with this search are the files that can be deleted to clear the cache on that emulator. If nothing comes up, then I am at a bit of a loss. At that point, you may want to post your gamex.ini file and state the name of the emulator you are trying to work with.
  15. You may find this thread useful: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/11583-resolved-sega-roms-will-not-load-properly-no-sms-or-gg-files/ It has to do with choosing the right options when running Fusion.
  16. I just looked in my GameEx\MEDIA\DOWNLOADED ARTWORK\MAME folder and also found some Cabinet and Title pics for Mame and Title pics for Genesis (as well as some NOT FOUND folders). When I manually moved files were moved to their proper folders, most were duplicates, but there were a few I did not yet have. I am only throwing out a theory here, but my guess is that GameEx downloads the files to the DOWNLOADED ARTWORK folder and then transfers them to the proper directories later. If GameEx is closed (or cancelled from the task manager) prior to the download process completing, I can see some assets being left over. I noticed that after moving the files and going into GameEx, GameEx stated that it was doing another image download for Mame. After it was done, there were no new folders in GameEx\MEDIA\DOWNLOADED ARTWORK.
  17. Well, nevermind. I see that there was a recent thread opened for this very thing: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/15686-resolved-problem-with-theme-view-changing-and-esc-key-not-working/?hl=%2Bdisable+%2Bmen
  18. For a V4 theme, is there a way to disable/hide the Menu? I am able to find how to disable various functions of the menu such as Hide Change View, Hide Shutdown, Hide Restart, Hide Create Snaps, etc...but what I would like to be able to do is to disable the entire menu at the Home level and emulator/mame levels. Is there an option for this? I know that I can 'hide' the menu field by moving it off screen, but the options will still be there if you navigate to far up the List field. Thank you.
  19. Hi Charles, So, a few things to keep in mind. The image files (title, snapshot, boxart, etc will be displayed properly if the filename of the image exactly matches the filename of the rom), so it is understandable that the images are working properly.You can force GameEx to rebuild the cache files for an emulator by deleting the 'cache' files in the GameEx\Data Directory. For example, if you want to clear the cache on only one emulator, go into the setup wizard to find out which emulator number it is (such as Emulator 3). Next, in the GameEx\data directory, do a search for *cache*. In the resulting files, find the seven cache files that correspond to the emulator (such as EMU_3.xxx) and delete them. GameEx will rebuild the cache files the next time you run the program. You have three options (that I am aware of) for making a misspelled rom name show up properly in your game list. Use a Mapfile. Within the mapfile, you specify exactly what roms will be displayed and you can customize the name to be whatever you want. For example: Alien vs. Predator (U) [!].smc "Alien VS Predator" would display the Alien vs. Predator (U) [!].smc rom as Alien VS Predator. I personally use mapfiles for everything except mame so I can have complete control over what titles are displayed and how the names are displayed. It is a fair amount of extra work on the setup time, but the perfectionist part of me keeps telling me it's worth it. Use Use Database Name in the Emulator Setup, which will (of course), use the name listed in the emulator database. Of course, if this is what you are doing and the name has the misspelling, your best bet would be to create a post specifically about the spelling error so that greatflash can correct it for a future GameEx release.If you are not using the database to display gameinfo, you could just change the name of the romfile and image files...However, I am betting that you are using the databases since it is one of the best features of GameEx, so this is likely not the best choice.Anyway, I hope this is helpful.
  20. #2. OK, with your suggestions and a little additional tinkering, I have my background issue sorted out. It was a combination of several things. For a few, it was a matter of continually doing a 'Change View'. Sometimes when the view would come around to the one that should of worked, the Custom Background would not be displayed. I found that if I continually cycled through the 'Change View' list, eventually the background and format would display properly. FYI: I had already cleared my Background Paths for each of the emulators before my original posts. I just forgot to mention it. #4. Thanks for the info regarding the horizontal menus. I will just integrate it into the theme. I will go ahead an mark this thread as resolved. Thanks again to everyone who helped.
  21. Another question. #4. In this new theme (v4), the Menu list (Change View, Back, Home, Exit) is displayed horizontally. Is there an option to set it to be displayed vertically?
  22. #1. Thank you. #2. Sadly, Using the Change View option does not remove the boxart background and use the background assigned in Custom Background in the Emulator Settings. Hopefully someone else has a suggestion. #3. That is too bad, but thanks for the encouragement
  23. I have tinkered around with the theme editor enough to be able to modify an existing theme to my liking, but I have run into a few things I could use help with in trying to make Theme #2. Question#1 When starting a new theme, What is Version 2 and Version 4? Question#2 I started a new theme using the Default-Default Theme as a base. My intention was to use a different background for each of the different areas (Start, each emulator, news, etc). When I ran my first test, I found that for the emulators, the background would change to the boxart image of the currently highlighted rom and I have not been able to figure out to switch that option off. I checked the Theme Editor config and could not find an option related to this. In the GameEx Setup Wizard, Background Mode is set to 'Display Black Background'. For each emulator, the Custom Background setting is set to the custom png file I created. If it matters, I do have custom menus enabled (ie, I am using GameExMenuEditor.exe). Question#3 I assume there is a theme editing tutorial somewhere on the forums, but I have not found it yet. Can someone point me to it? Thanks to anyone that can offer some help.
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