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T. Goodchild

GameEx Founding Member
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Everything posted by T. Goodchild

  1. Somewhat unrelated but is there a way to change the pdf viewer to something else? It takes gameex around 15-30 seconds to load a 2mb pdf file. I have an ssd drive so its not a speed issue because back in windows I use pdf xchange viewer and it loads in less than a second.
  2. WOW! It worked perfectly on the first try. Thanks!
  3. I have/had nullDC working and booting with mdf, nrg, cdi files etc. but cannot get them to load GDI files. It starts up, goes to the swirl boot logo then exits back to gameex. I'm using r113 with a much older image reader plug in as the newly compiled one doesn't boot. GDI images also don't load in daemon tools. I've tried deleting the daemon tools code as well but rompath/romfile alone doesn't work either. My config for non GDI images is: ROMFilter=*.ccd;*.cdi;*.iso;*.mds;*.nrg;*.img;*.gdi; RomsInFolders=True WorkingPath=D:\Games\Dreamcast\113 MapKeys=False WaitBeforeKeys= SendKeys= ReplaceDash=False ReplaceUnder=True Capitals=False RemoveBrackets=True ShowDesktop=False Debug=False MAPFile= AlsoLaunch= Command=nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="[rompath]/[romfile]" LaunchBefore=""C:\Program Files\D-Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"[rompath]\[romfile]"" LaunchAfter=""C:\Program Files\D-Tools\daemon.exe" -unmount 0 configFile=[Mapping Off] Exit (ALT+F4) Any suggestions?
  4. When I first installed it, it worked, then as I started to tweak my theme it didn't. I then tried a clean reinstall and loaded the default theme which worked but as soon as I created another theme from the default one I got the error: 11:42:33.7 12/14/2010: Error: Parameter is not valid. 11:42:33.7 12/14/2010: at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(String filename) 11:42:33.7 12/14/2010: at x.a(String A_0, Device A_1) 11:42:33.7 12/14/2010: at x..ctor(String A_0, o A_1) 11:42:33.7 12/14/2010: at f..ctor(o A_0, Form A_1, String A_2, t A_3, Boolean A_4) 11:42:33.7 12/14/2010: at ag.c(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2) 11:42:33.7 12/14/2010: at ag.a(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3, Boolean A_4, Int32 A_5) 11:42:33.7 12/14/2010: at ag.a(Boolean A_0, String A_1, Boolean A_2) 11:42:33.7 12/14/2010: at ag..ctor(). On my first attempt I found it weird that the small music square and visualization window reappeared from behind one of my images while transitioning. I had not seen it unless I used a v3 theme. I'm using the latest 10.11 ATI drivers. Edit: If I took out the last few lines of the theme config file: [Weather]and Scroller= instances, it loads up ok. Also I've noticed that the music albumart/ambience square and visualization only shows up in the "Image 2" position if there is no video snap present but will show when a picture snap is there. When a game image/video is in fullscreen background view, it appears. As a regular thumbnail or list view, it will not appear at all.
  5. Just registered for the lifetime membership with the coupon code. I'll also be uploading some video snaps of my own as well. Who knows, they might be displayed on one of your cabs one day.... Thanks again for the referral and discount.
  6. I have been using GameEx since the 6.00 days and it has always been my favorite software. I bought another lifetime license just to support the cause and always make people I show it to register their version. If you guys like GameEx help Tom out on the holidays and buy some licenses for friends and family. It's Black Friday and what could be better than getting GameEx for the first time? It has really progressed through the years and looks like it will continue to amaze us so think of it as an investment with a guaranteed high return. Happy Holidays everyone and thanks to Tom for continuing to develop the best front-end ever.
  7. It uses the font I use for "title" at a much bigger size and distorts it slightly. It looks like it's restricted by a box with a black line going down the right side. It is also in the way of my "line 1" and "line 2" info in the bottom left. Nothing big, but I can't move them (status messages) in the theme or position it elsewhere.
  8. Is there a setting to disable the pop up text messages when the media buttons are pressed? (Next Track, Previous Track) I've searched through the ini and tried replacing "status" text with blanks but they did not disappear.
  9. I had the same problem and used this for reference. The key values are: 8 Bakspace 9 Tab 13 Enter 16 Shift 17 Control 18 Alt 20 Cap 32 Space 33 PgUp 34 PgDown 35 End 36 Home 37 Left 38 Up 39 Right 40 Down 65 A 66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E 70 F 71 G 72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y 90 Z 91 LWin 92 RWin 93 RMenu 96 Num0 97 Num1 98 Num2 99 Num3 100 Num4 101 Num5 102 Num6 103 Num7 104 Num8 105 Num9 106 Mult 107 Plus 108 Bkslash 109 Minus 110 Decimal 111 Slash 112 F1 113 F2 114 F3 115 F4 116 F5 117 F6 118 F7 119 F8 120 F9 121 F10 122 F11 123 F12 160 LSh 161 RSh 162 RCtrl 163 LCtrl 164 LAlt 165 RAlt
  10. This is my config if it helps. Enabled=True STARTPAGENAME=Dreamcast TITLETEXT=Dreamcast StartPageLogo=dreamcast ROMFilter=*.ccd;*.cdi;*.iso;*.mds;*.nrg;*.img; RomsInFolders=False RomPath=D:\Games\DC ISOS SnapPath=D:\Games\GAME EX SNAPS\DREAMCAST WorkingPath=D:\Games\DREAMCAST\New Null MapKeys=False WaitBeforeKeys= SendKeys= ReplaceDash=False ReplaceUnder=True Capitals=False RemoveBrackets=True ShowDesktop=False Debug=False MAPFile= AlsoLaunch= Command=nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="[rompath]/[romfile]" OLDatZip= TitlePath= BoxPath= LaunchBefore=""C:\Program Files\D-Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"[rompath]\[romfile]"" LaunchAfter="C:\Program Files\D-Tools\daemon.exe" -unmount 0 CartPath= configFile=[Mapping Off] Exit (ALT+F4) ExcludedFiles= and for nulldc ;; nullDC config file;; [nullDC] Dynarec.Enabled=1 Dynarec.DoConstantPropagation=1 Dynarec.UnderclockFpu=0 Dreamcast.Cable=1 Dreamcast.RTC=1543283092 Dreamcast.Region=1 Dreamcast.Broadcast=0 Emulator.AutoStart=1 Emulator.NoConsole=0 [nullDC_GUI] AutoHideMenu=1 Fullscreen=1 [imageReader] PatchRegion=0 LoadDefaultImage=1
  11. It minimizes with me too if I go to the edge for some reason. I use x-mouse in tweak ui though so I guess if I'm too far off screen it believes I want to focus on another app. I noticed it in the 11.1x revs.
  12. Great release! This fixed a windowing bug I had which wouldn't let me maximize after being windowed without crashing and also wouldn't let me diagonally resize. It's also switches back faster and I haven't got an unhandled exception yet.
  13. Forgot to add for the digital audio output go to audio options and allow s/pdif when available, and it should work.
  14. Try this I installed .8.6 myself. Just go to prefernces>video> output enable fullscreen video output. and for game ex use ""C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" """ it worked for me.
  15. Try this: "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "" --fullscreen or "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "" -f This is the site for more cmd switches: http://www.videolan.org/doc/play-howto/en/ch04.html
  16. If you use ffdshow go to audio options then look for output. If you have a receiver with a coax or optical output, output the dolby digital or dts streams and they should come up. It outputs the digital stream if your mkv is encoded with one then switches back to the wave out of windows. I don't use vlc but these are for wmp and kmplayer just switch the syntax or paths to vlc. "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" "" /fullscreen "C:\Program Files\The KMPlayer\kmplayer.exe" "" /fullscreen
  17. It only happens in the game ex interface. I use kmplayer for videos but I could try the default player if it helps. The visualization starts for a second showing the album art in the lower right corner and the viz in the top left corner for a split second then just a black screen. No big deal I'm sure it'll get resolved in future builds no rush.
  18. Sorry got held up at work. Ive replaced the 11.16 exe with the attached zip and still had the jit and visualization problems. I then upgraded to 11.20 and it fixed the jit windowing but not the visualization. Will keep you posted on newer rev's.
  19. Ok I tried a clean install of 11.17. I deleted the gameex folder and only copied over the config ini. I'm also using the default theme. The visualizations still need 2 clicks to start and then it appears for a second then just stays black. The views work perfectly and faster now and remember their respective settings. I still got another jit error when windowing and it may have been around 11.14, as I try to update it on every release. I've attached a screenshot and logs of gamex and the jit error if it helps. 1117log.txt jitlog.txt
  20. I updated from 11.14. I can try a clean install if it helps. The missing visualizations are the weird part. I've always however had to click on it twice for some reason. Another "bug" or feature that I find weird is on the start page when I mouse over all games, it only ever shows snaps for my mame games and not my other 10 emulators. I've also had problems with alpha paging on the video page, it works with games though. 18:34:41.8 8/30/2010: GameEx: Version 11.16: Starting Log 18:34:41.8 8/30/2010: Operating System Platform: Win32NT 18:34:41.8 8/30/2010: Operating System Name: Windows XP 18:34:41.8 8/30/2010: Operating System Version: 5.1.2600 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Checking for versions of .net Framework installed 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: .net Framework 1.0 Installed 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: .net Framework 1.1 Installed 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: .net Framework 2.0 Installed 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: .net Framework 3.0 Installed 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: .net Framework 3.5 Installed 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor, 3327MB 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: 4Ghz - 4 Cores or CPU's 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Running Randomize() 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Loading PlugIns 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Running Misc startup tasks 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Setting Menu types 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Opening Configuration File 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Getting Configuration Values 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Using Theme: Newest1366 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Newest1366 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Launching HideOS.exe 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Hiding Taskbar 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Is Media Center running? 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Media Center Mode 0 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Custom Game Device Input enabled: Getting custom codes 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Snap Delay set to: 7 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Get other settings 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Start work for Form 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Getting Original Screen Size 18:34:41.9 8/30/2010: Opening Database Connection 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: Initializing Component 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: Retrieving resolution setting 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: Initialising Windows Media Player Component 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: MAME Path is: D:\Games\ARCADE 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: MAME EXE file is: Mame32.exe 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: ROM Path is: D:\Games\ARCADE ROMS 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: Catver.ini is located at: C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA\catver.ini 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: History.dat is located at: C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA\history.dat 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: nplayers.ini is located at: C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA\nplayers.ini 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: command.dat is located at: C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA\command.dat 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: MAMEinfo.dat is located at: C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA\mameinfo.dat 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: Loading Controls.ini map file 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: Snap Path is: D:\Games\GAME EX SNAPS\MAME 18:34:42.0 8/30/2010: AVI Snap Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Flyer Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Cabinet Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Cabinet 3D Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Title Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: PCB Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Artwork Preview Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Panel Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Manual Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Icon Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Marquee Path: Not Found 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Custom Emulators 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 1: Gameboy 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 2: Nintendo 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 3: SNES 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 4: Genesis 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 5: 32X 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 6: Sega CD 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 7: 32XCD 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 9: Dreamcast 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 10: Playstation pSX 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 12: Nintendo 64 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 13: Playstation 2 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Loading Emulator 14: Gamecube Wii 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Using 3D Alpha Blended Animations. 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Using General Font: Verdana 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Using Title Font: White Rabbit 18:34:42.1 8/30/2010: Initialising Direct3D 18:34:42.2 8/30/2010: Setting Resolution to 1366x768 32 bit color 18:34:42.2 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces 18:34:44.2 8/30/2010: Creating Primary Surface - Full Screen Mode 18:34:44.2 8/30/2010: Creating Back Buffer 18:34:44.3 8/30/2010: Version 2 Theme being used. Loading. 18:34:44.3 8/30/2010: Loading Button Data 18:34:44.3 8/30/2010: Loading Font Data 18:34:44.3 8/30/2010: Loading Layout Data 18:34:44.3 8/30/2010: Loading Taskbar Data 18:34:44.3 8/30/2010: Loading graphic Surfaces 18:34:44.3 8/30/2010: Display is running at: 1366x768 32bit color, 60hz 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces Flags 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces Volume 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces Arrows 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces Toolbar 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo 18:34:44.4 8/30/2010: Creating Surface Unselected 18:34:44.5 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces Snaps 18:34:44.5 8/30/2010: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars 18:34:44.5 8/30/2010: Creating Fonts 18:34:44.5 8/30/2010: Creating Game Font 18:34:44.5 8/30/2010: Creating Game Font Faded 18:34:44.6 8/30/2010: Creating Title Font 18:34:44.6 8/30/2010: Restoring Title Font From Cache 18:34:44.7 8/30/2010: Creating Font Black 18:34:44.7 8/30/2010: Creating Font Black Small 18:34:44.7 8/30/2010: Fonts Created Succesfully 18:34:44.7 8/30/2010: 4MB Video Memory Used 18:34:44.7 8/30/2010: Initialising Bass Audio Library 18:34:44.7 8/30/2010: Creating instance of global keyboard hook 18:34:44.8 8/30/2010: Attempting to load game list 18:34:44.8 8/30/2010: Applying Language/Text 18:34:44.8 8/30/2010: Text/Language: English 18:34:44.8 8/30/2010: MAME CMD options: -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo 18:34:44.8 8/30/2010: Loading last used Game List 18:34:44.9 8/30/2010: Loading Start Page 18:34:44.9 8/30/2010: Creating DirectSound Device 18:34:44.9 8/30/2010: Trying: Primary Sound Driver 18:34:44.9 8/30/2010: Loading Sound Files 18:34:44.9 8/30/2010: DirectSound Device Created Successfully 18:34:44.9 8/30/2010: Initialising DirectInput for Gamepad support 18:34:44.9 8/30/2010: Using Device UnKnown?? 18:34:44.9 8/30/2010: Using Device Saitek P2900 Wireless Pad 18:34:45.0 8/30/2010: Using Device Saitek P2900 Wireless Pad 18:34:45.0 8/30/2010: Initializing MCE Remote 18:34:45.0 8/30/2010: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx! 18:34:45.0 8/30/2010: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame 18:34:45.2 8/30/2010: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully 18:35:19.6 8/30/2010: Exiting GameEx! 18:35:19.6 8/30/2010: Saving Settings 18:35:21.5 8/30/2010: Disposing Plugins 18:35:21.5 8/30/2010: Closing database connection 18:35:21.5 8/30/2010: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit
  21. The transitions are better but the views seem to be global. Is there a way to make them remember specific views to each emulator, jukebox or video page? I'm also getting jit errors when going from window to fullscreen mode and this update actually broke my visualizations in jukebox. Normally it takes two clicks to see it but now I see them faintly blink in the top left corner. Still gonna keep it though because of the speed increase in navigation.
  22. I get a black unresponsive mouse screen so I ctrl alt delete into task manager and minimize hshide and I must get stuck at the choose iso step. This happens on both loaders alt and regular. I'm using Pcsx2_Loader.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" as the command. I'm on xp sp3 mce 2005. My pcsx2 cd plugin is the Linuz iso one. I was previously using the old loader with the older revisions.
  23. It doesn't work with the loader either but new rev's are being released all the time so the functionality should come back soon.
  24. Sounds great! Downloading and testing now. edit Ok few observations. The fade in effect is nice but it would be nice to be optional. 1. The transparency works great with the menus and thumbnails. 2. The text looks a little weird and stringy with or without AA. 3. I use PowerResizer to drag windows to the edge and split them and while in window mode I got a JIT error. Other than that it's pretty smooth.
  25. Great work on the thumbnail fix. I've been stuck on 10.24 because of it and had been missing out on the ini caching speed improvements but now all is well again.
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