If you are having vpinmame issues as well that could be related as you are using vpinmame in PinballX.
Also try changing the 'Use Pinmame in front end' setting to No in Display Settings.
Then attach the new log and ini files.
(not sure if you tried the installing the current framework version of PinballX or not, but you did try v2.06 which was probably framework only at that time so probably achieved the same thing anyway [and didn't work ])
Edit - there was one actual error in one of the log files posted previously;
HRESULT: [0x8876086C], Module: [Unknown], ApiCode: [Unknown/Unknown], Message: Unknown
Which hints at a direct x problem so please also run dxdiag and check for any problems reported on any of the tabs. It'd be a bit strange if you have the same directx problem on both a win7 and a win10 install.. but worth a check.