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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/24 in all areas

  1. For GL record playfield I would prefer to use the nvidia hardware capture as gdigrab won't work correctly. I capture videos for gl and works like a charm for me Btw. Database Manager can rotate videos with a single click (per table)
    1 point
  2. i guess i could add a feature to override that flip. leave it with me.
    1 point
  3. Yeah, this is by design to be compatible with the old HyperSpin front end. Sorry, not much you can do other that filp it if you recorded it outside of PinballX. Vertical videos should be detected fine.
    1 point
  4. Neither....with the GL version of VPX, I am selecting Magneta/Green for the viewing option. I am using TriOviz glasses and they work really well, obviously not on all tables, but it keeps the colour superbly. I tried some old cardboard glasses and although looked good, there was no colour at all, so purchased the TriOviz glasses on eBay after some research. I also tried the ReShade add-on with the TriOviz option but I did not find it as good as the inbuilt option in the latest GL VPX Some are great at showing the depth of the table and some showing the 3D effects of the ramps, etc Tables I have found which really benefit are: Batman 66 Guardians of the Galaxy Jokerz Judge Dredd Simpsons Pinball Party Few others as well I can't remember, GotG is probably the standout however.
    1 point
  5. Not sure what update you expect in this post. all is working from command prompt Tables names should be defined as noted in the following post : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2545556227 The table name "aerobaticsretro" is incorrect; the correct usage is "Aerobatics Retro." If an incorrect table name is initiated, the screen will go black (loading Zaccaria) and directly closes itself, similar to the behavior when accessing a table you do not own. I have installed Zaccaria this morning on my test system, configured it swiftly, and everything was functioning properly. also from command line and from PinballX Make sure you have the latest version of Zaccaria from Steam as well and check if all The DLC's are installed To check the DLC's installed. click on the gear icon (1) in Steam and select properties(2) click on the DLC (3) tab and check if all the DLC you purchased are checked (4) Scroll (5) when needed Launching Zaccaria and you will see "Buy it now" will not do a direct launch Tables without the "buy it now" do a direct table launch I hope this help
    1 point
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