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  1. I have greatly expanded the approximate MAME Dial settings and updated the spreadsheet accordingly here: I converted the information found in the post just before this in the PDF and reversed the calculations for the items that did not have a turn count to add a turn count in my doc and the calculation based upon a divisor of 1024 instead of 1200 for the GroovyGameGear’s TurboTwist 2 and Ultimarc’s Spintrak spinners. Again, your mileage may vary but at least this helps get to the general vicinity of a truer setting than the oft-found defaults.
    1 point
  2. I created a table based upon the one posted in the Wiki noted above that includes the calculations for MAME Dial Sensitivity using the GRS TS-BSP-02 spinner turn count that I found. The MAME Dial Sensitivity values are rounded up/down to the nearest whole number. Calculation is Counts Per Revolution x 100 then / Device Counts Per Turn = Mame Dial Sensitivity. A screen capture of the spreadsheet with pertinent details (columns) showing only. Red text are numbers obtained from the details in the video previously shared. Since this TS-BSP-02 has a setup utilitythat can adjust the "mouse" resolution to three settings - 360, 720, and 1440 CPI you have the potential to throw off the settings entirely from the calcs. I have yet to play with the settings to see if one is optimal over another so would suggest starting with 360 (default) CPI setting when using these calculations Keep in mind that reported turn count is from an Amazon review and may not be accurate. So far I will say very close, but found Tempest to be a little sluggish from what I recalled so upped it a few points on the sensitivity. Other factors may affect turning, such as knob weight and if you are verifying the number of counts per revolution, if your knob is not the same diameter as the original arcade game, it may be off. I have attached the Excel spreadsheet as a reference if anyone makes this purchase and is in need of the reference. I will update as I find additional MAME Dial Sensitivity settings. Sprinner_Turn_Count_Calc_Table_TS-BSP-02.xlsx
    1 point
  3. SUCCESS! I used a 1-1/8" spade bit instead and drilled a pilot hole through the vinyl and mdf below to avoid traveling of the bit. I decided to center off of 2 of the left- most top 3 buttons on the Player 1 side. This gives me the best clearance of the buttons and enough room should I decide to add a snap on steering wheel in the future. I did not get many "build" pics of any worth. I can attest to the ease of the mod and the build of the spinner. While it may not spin for days like many of the much costlier weighted spinners, and does have at least one con (short USB cable), it hit a home run in my book! 20231021_125403.mp4
    1 point
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