Thanks for this, There used to be more game modes listed, i think all were accessible at least at the time i tried them out it and i could run all challenges but there was a typo in 2 game modes and they asked me not to disclose those 2 until they fixed it in a patch. I see they fixed the typo's now but I just tested it out and it seems they block the other game modes now so probably they are still working on it and don't allow running those until finished. Also "Pro" does not seem to work it always starts classic but Practice does work. You can see in what game mode your if you pause the game, it will list it at the top then. I'm sure the other game modes will arrive in a patch sometime soon, if takes them a while i'll ask someone from zen i talked with earlier related to these game modes (who asked me also to wait until disclosing the other names because of typo's).