Yeah, the "technology" to do this has been present for some time, I just forgot about it. @Drac: Yeah, that's still something the user would have to do unfortunately, but AFAIK since the shut down of TG, they're only using default settings now. Here's what a MAME32 INI file looks like basically: [FOLDER_SETTINGS]RootFolderIcon = cust1.icoSubFolderIcon = cust2.ico[Race Track]amspdwyamspdwyabadlandscspring1csprins1csprintcsprint1csprint2csprintfcsprintgcsprintsgrudgeindy500indyheatoffroadoffroadtpitnrunpitnrunaracingbredlin2proughracsgt24hsprint1sprint2sprint2asprint4sprint4asprint8sspring1ssprintssprint1ssprint3ssprintfssprintgssprints[Race 1st P Bike]wgpwgp2wgpjwgpjoywgpjoya[Plane]landgearmlandingtopland[Race (chase view)]acedrvrwbigrunbuggyb1buggyboybuggychlbuggychtcalspedacalspeedcartfurychasehqchasehqjcischeatcontcircSub in GOTM for a category, and Hi-Score Games for another like this: [FOLDER_SETTINGS]RootFolderIcon = cust1.icoSubFolderIcon = cust2.ico[Game Of The Month]arkanoid [HiScore Games] the INI as HiScore.ini and have a logo in your theme directory called HiScore.png, point the MAME Custom Lists option at the folder it's in, and it works just like any other MAME list. Get the idea?