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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/13 in all areas

  1. Well said Han ! I'd also like to thank everybody for their kind words. And please pass the word along. Like Han said: your contributions and active participation is what makes the whole thing worth while and fun
    1 point
  2. Well it's been a long time coming. I remember years ago we tried to get a hi-score competition type thing going, but nobody wanted to stick around long enough to actually DO the work. The hard part about this is going in and updating the OP's when a new score is made. It's not really hard, but more like a sense of urgency to get the updated scores up so people know where they are. Having somebody with moderator power to go in and edit somebody else's post makes it that much easier, because you don't have to rely on the topic creator to be the only one that can update the scores. Also, I'd like to thank everybody for their kind words, and their active participation in the various game competitions. You're what makes the whole thing worth while and fun. We (GC and I) are only here to give you someplace to post what you've accomplished. Without your contributions, this would never have been as much a success as it is. We could still use more players though. We're averaging about 10 votes per month on the GOTM and about 6 score submissions per game. I KNOW we have more users out there. EVERYBODY can participate, so pass the word along!
    1 point
  3. Well the fact of the matter is apart from ProRes4444 all the videos work. So I guess there is no problem with people picking their own codec as long as it's supported in Shark Codecs. I just wanted to do a performance comparison. So perhaps u-man can download your PNG sequence and create a Lagarith version for my tests? Anyway the PNG format seems to be the lowest filesize but likely uses more CPU for decompression than Animation+. Anyway we wont know for sure until I can do some testing. In the mean time I will contact Tom and have a discussion about adding this feature now rather than having people wait for the new engine.
    1 point
  4. I like abuse... PINBALL WIZARD! <ducking now> Seriously, not sure other than that obvious answer as it will be a matter of personal taste, memory of where they first played pinball, etc. So that being said, any matter of background sounds from arcade ambience to US "honkytonk" to skate rinks come to mind. There is a site for the Arcade Ambience Project that has a slew of arcade recordings from the various decades. For short clips, I am sure that you could could probably utilize free .mp3 ring tones from various sites for your short clips or create your own with some of the freely available sound editing apps and the music from your personal collection. Just be careful as references to or providing any content that may be protected by copyright law cannot be discussed in the forums.
    1 point
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