Well it's been a long time coming. I remember years ago we tried to get a hi-score competition type thing going, but nobody wanted to stick around long enough to actually DO the work. The hard part about this is going in and updating the OP's when a new score is made. It's not really hard, but more like a sense of urgency to get the updated scores up so people know where they are. Having somebody with moderator power to go in and edit somebody else's post makes it that much easier, because you don't have to rely on the topic creator to be the only one that can update the scores. Also, I'd like to thank everybody for their kind words, and their active participation in the various game competitions. You're what makes the whole thing worth while and fun. We (GC and I) are only here to give you someplace to post what you've accomplished. Without your contributions, this would never have been as much a success as it is. We could still use more players though. We're averaging about 10 votes per month on the GOTM and about 6 score submissions per game. I KNOW we have more users out there. EVERYBODY can participate, so pass the word along!