I recently refurbished an X-Men Children of the Atom cabinet for a friend. We started picking random games to have friendly hi score competitions. Currently, we are attacking Mario Bros. I know there was the online gameplay deal setup through Gameex a little while back. I'm wondering if anyone has ever thought of having a friendly hi score competition. Maybe pick a different game every month and post pics of our hi scores. I find that this little friendly competition makes me enjoy my cabinet even more. I used to love it a ton mostly when friends were over.
Hi to all! I post a pair of command line (and something else) of NAOMI NullDC and NAOMI Makaron NullDC: (good for Capcom vs SNK Millenium Fight 2000 Pro and Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper) GameEx command line: nullDC_Win32_Release.exe -config Naomi:DefaultImage="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"Example of config file of nullDC.cfg nullDC.txt Makaron T12/5: (good for Marvel vs. Capcom 2) GameEx command line: Naomi.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]"And Advanced Config to close properly the emulator: Mapping Off Exit (F8, ALT+F4).ini Example of ini for keyboard users: JVS.txt Keys codes: code keys.txt Anyway if you want to change keys quickly: download makaronEX; set the keys in its GUI; move the inis in the other makaron (T12/5) folder. It works! nullDC.txt
The solution for keyboard input is.... I've downloaded makaronex; setting the keys in its GUI; moved the inis in the other makaron (T12/5) folder. It works! Command Line for GameEx: Naomi.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]"And Advanced Config to close properly the emulator: Mapping Off Exit (F8, ALT+F4).ini
Hmmmmm OK, the only other advice i can personally can give is try a different renderer or try the .cdi (dreamcast) version. Failing that you might want to try the Makaron emulator as people have had far more success running Capcom Naomi titles through that. You can then use the "Group" feature in GameEx to put MVC2 back into your Naomi list Have a little patience though as someone else may chime in - i've not used Dreamcast or Naomi for a few months so i'm a bit rusty
That is a great idea, Daz - I might have to start creating them to go with my themes. Once I get a dedicated system for GameEx and retrogaming setup, I will be tricking out the Windows boot/logon screens and desktop to coordinate with the GameEx theme. I will not shell it as it will be an HTPC setup as opposed to a cab.