Hey Guys, Couple ideas. After looking at the MAME.ini it looks like it is missing alot of the HLSL, Read Config, Write Config. This may be an issue or the fact it is a non mame brand version used. You can always run "Mame.exe -cc" or whatever the mame executalbe is from a command prompt and it will create a NEW mame.ini. Id do this after backing up and removing the file of course. There is a option of Readconfig 1 and WriteConfig in standard mame builds that allow Mame to write to the condifg file directly so you may be able to grab those INI values from a Real mame and set them to 0 and add them to your config. OR Just get the sound working and set the permission on the file to READONLY. That will stop it from getting overwritten. Sometimes the simple answer is the best. MAME saves per game settings in a GAMENAME.CFG file anyways.